Please find in the attach two draft vacancies for the upcoming coffee project funded by MDF in Takengon. The vacancies are for Jembatan Masa Depan, a local NGO that will carry out a part of the programme.
The positions will start around November December 2010 and last for 15 to 18
months. If you have any questions let me know. We need arond 10 agricultural
extions coordinators and one project manager, so please forward this to anyone who could be interested,
Please note, that the scope if this project is not yet definitive, so actual duties and availability is subject to change.
Thanks & regards,
position specification Project Manager Coffee.pdf
Guido van Hofwegen
Cell : +6281360446295
Jembatan Masa Depan Office: +6265144284
Nazava Water Filter Office :+6281360862522
Skype: guido.vanhofwgen
| position specification Project Manager Coffee.pdf |
| position specification Agricultural Extension Coordinator.pdf |
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