DRR-A project is aimed to produce four key outputs:
* Output 1: Institutional arrangement and enabling environment established to facilitate participatory and concerted implementation of DRR measures
* Output 2: Demonstration of gender sensitive projects implemented in selected locations to test and improve measures for reducing risk from natural disasters
* Output 3: TDMRC-UNSYIAH strengthened to provide science-based information, service and knowledge assistance to the local government and other DRR proponents in implementing their DRR activities.
* Output 4: DRR public awareness programmes implemented to promote a gender sensitive “Culture of Safety” among the people and institutions of Aceh Meanwhile SC-DRR is intended to attain these four key outputs:
· Establishment of a disaster risk reduction policy, legal and regulatory framework,
· Establishment and strengthening of institutional systems that support decentralized disaster risk reduction integrated with local level development,
· Education and awareness programs established and strengthened to make development/disaster linkages understood and
· The demonstration of disaster risk reduction initiatives that make communities safer.
The incumbent will be responsible to support both DRR-A and SC-DRR projects in MOHA DRR Secretariat. The incumbent will work closely with MOHA DRR Secretariat team to assist in the administrative arrangement and implementation of the projects.
While DRR-A project has been in partnership with Aceh Government and SCDRR Project with 9 (nine) local governments and under direct supervision from Project Associate, the consultant is responsible in ensuring coordination and institutional strengthening are in place.The consultant will work closely with the Operation and Admin sections of UNDP as well as SC-DRR Project staffs at MOHA and DRR-A Project Management Units (PMU) in 10 Provinces.
For those who are interested, please apply online through
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