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April 2, 2012

Vacancy at IOM - Consultant, Final Project Evaluation

The Indonesia Country Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is looking for a Consultant according to the Terms of Reference below.
Reference No : SVN/ID10/2012/014
Position Title : Consultant, Final Project Evaluation
Duty station : Indonesia
Classification : Consultant
Project : Support to the Consolidation of Police Reform in Aceh

Since the separation of the Indonesian National Police (INP) from the Indonesian National Army, the INP has made genuine efforts to reform, in accordance with the norms and expectations of a rapidly democratizing and modernizing Indonesian society. INP leadership has shown a continuous and resolute commitment towards reform, while several donors and other international actors have played an important role in supporting and facilitating INP’s reform through the provision of capacity building support and technical assistance. IOM has been a key partner working with the INP to facilitate and accelerate security sector reform, with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the European Union. Since 2003 IOM’s cooperation with the INP focused on capacity building and training on community policing and human rights for law enforcement officers and communities throughout Indonesia. The European Commission funded and IOM implemented Support for National Police Reform in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2006 - 2009) in the framework of the EC Aceh Peace Process Support (APPS) programme supported the implementation of the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The current project - Support to the Consolidation of Police Reform in Aceh (January 2011 - June 2012) - aims to contribute to sustaining and consolidating peace and stability through support for democratic policing in Aceh. The project improves the overall professionalism of the Provincial Police in Aceh, advances their skills and capacity to effectively implement community policing and human rights principles throughout the province, and strengthens police - community relations through community-based policing.
IOM is commissioning a final external evaluation to assess the overall performance, immediate impact and overall achievements of the Support to the Consolidation of Police Reform in Aceh project, as well as to assess and put forward recommendations relating to sustainability considerations and the effectiveness of the project exit strategy.

The overall objective of the Support to the Consolidation of Police Reform in Aceh project is to contribute to sustaining and consolidating peace and stability through support for democratic policing in Aceh. The specific purpose of the project is to consolidate community policing implementation to ensure its sustainability. Expected results include: • The Aceh Provincial Police Office is able to “roll out” and sustain community policing implementation across the province and promote the institutionalization of human rights based on the INP national strategy. • Community policing and human rights are institutionalized within the five main INP functions. • The role and participation of the civil society and pertinent local authorities in sustainable community policing is strengthened. • Responsiveness to the Aceh Provincial Police reform needs in the context of broader police reform (managing change facility).
Activities to produce the above results include:
  • Support the INP in the delivery of customized training for police officers on community policing, human rights and gender mainstreaming;
  • Develop a strategy with District Police Chiefs across Aceh to roll-out community policing in their respective districts and support its implementation based on local customs and traditions;
  • Produce IEC materials on community policing, human rights and gender awareness;
  • Mainstream community policing and human rights principles into the five main police functions;
  • Strengthen the role and participation of key stakeholders for sustainable community policing implementation
  • Respond to Polda Aceh’s needs in the context of broader police reform.
The general objective of the end-of-project evaluation is to assess the overall performance, immediate impact and overall achievements of the project, vis-à-vis the stated overall project objective, purpose and expected results (outcomes and outputs). In particular, the evaluation will consider the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability as well as identify lessons learned and best practices. 1. Relevance: The degree to which the project’s expected outcomes and outputs, activities and implementation strategy were justified and remain valid and pertinent in relation to assessed needs and the national strategy. The Consultant(s) will evaluate the relevance of overall project strategy and activities, in relation with the immediate and expected impact on target beneficiaries, within donor defined parameters. 2. Effectiveness: The extent to which the project's expected results (outputs and outcomes) have been achieved. The effectiveness of the project should be assessed against the purpose and results and based on the indicators in the logical framework enclosed with the project document. Factors contributing to and detracting from the achievement of the project desired results should also be included in the analysis. 3. Efficiency: The analysis and assessment of the overall project performance, outputs in relation to inputs, the utilization of project (and organizational) resources, and implementation timetable. The Consultant(s) will evaluate IOM’s performance in implementing the various project components and determine proportionality of costs to the results actually achieved, to assess the efficiency (the degree to which project resources have been optimally used in the implementation of the project) and timeliness of implementation. 4. Impact: The assessment of immediate impact achieved or likely to be achieved, analyzing both positive and negative, foreseen and unforeseen changes generated and effects on the target beneficiary institutions and the communities they serve, directly attributable to the project. The Consultant(s) will assess immediate project impact, especially as perceived by the beneficiary institutions and other key stakeholders, as well as assess any assistance gaps. 5. Sustainability: The extent to which the project benefits are likely to continue after the end of IOM’s intervention. Along with the durability of the project’s results, the Consultant(s) will also assess the effectiveness of the exit strategy. If gaps remain, the evaluation will make recommendations on the design of specific follow-up interventions to bring about visible and permanent results.
More specifically, the final project evaluation will:
- Consider the extent to which the project’s results have contributed to the achievement of the projects objectives, and their relevance taking into account the project’s complementarity with other relevant initiatives; - Assess the implementation of the project activities within the agreed timeframes and budget; - Consider the quality, range and effectiveness of the interventions and methodology pursued; - Consider technical support and project management, including but not limited to administrative support, financial management, and technical expertise made available to the beneficiary institution; - Consider the relevance and appropriateness of project inputs, including but not limited to master trainers, facilitators, training modules, resource materials, monitoring and evaluation tools; - Consider the operational arrangements for project implementation; - Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project monitoring system and tools; - Consider the gender dimension of the project and make recommendations for improved gender mainstreaming.

The Consultant(s) will conduct a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the project implementation through desk review of the relevant documentation, interviews with key stakeholders, and visits to selected project sites. Exact tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant(s) will be determined in close consultation with IOM and the European Commission as project donor. Tasks will include, but may not be limited to, the following: a) Review project documents and publications, including the contract documents and annexes; working documents; progress updates and reports; meeting minutes; training curricula and reports; previous internal and external evaluations conducted at the national and provincial levels; and other relevant external documentation; b) Conduct interviews and/or focus group discussions with INP interlocutors, IOM staff, donor representatives and other key stakeholders directly and indirectly involved in project activity implementation and/or monitoring (e.g. community/cultural leaders, CSOs) and other pertinent entities (e.g. local government, provincial and district parliament members, civil society, UN agencies, media etc); c) Conduct field visits to meet with beneficiaries and stakeholders in one or more districts throughout Aceh.

The output of the evaluation will be a comprehensive evaluation report in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (including an executive summary) - that outlines the methodology employed and main findings, clearly identifies achievements relating to project performance, immediate impact, and expected sustainability as well as lessons learned and best practices. The draft report will be submitted to IOM for review and feedback. Based on IOM and/or donor feedback, the evaluator(s) will integrate the inputs into the report and submit the final evaluation report. The evaluation findings and recommendation will be presented to the project steering committee, an established forum of key project stakeholders. IOM retains the right to require the Consultant(s) to conduct consultative and/or feedback meetings with IOM staff and other key stakeholders during the course of the assignment, as well as a present principal findings and recommendations when preparing and submitting the evaluation report.

The evaluation will be undertaken by one or several external experts selected by IOM in consultation with the project donor. IOM will facilitate the selection process and provide administrative and logistical support to the Consultant(s). The ideal candidate(s) will have significant experience in monitoring and evaluation, a background in social sciences or a related technical field, demonstrated gender competence and a good command of data collection and interviewing techniques. Project management experience, in particular in capacity building projects and/or post-conflict environments is highly desirable. Experience working with the Indonesian law enforcement sector, media, and/or civil society, as well as Bahasa Indonesia proficiency will be assets.

The envisaged timeframe for execution of the assignment is 16 April to 15 May 2012 period, with all deliverables completed and made available to IOM no later than by 31 May 2012. A detailed work plan shall be prepared by the Consultant(s) within the first 5 working days of appointment, for IOM’s review and approval.
A draft evaluation report in accordance with the evaluation objectives and criteria shall be provided to IOM no later than by 22 May 2012, so that IOM and donor feedback may be taken into consideration when submitting the final version of the report.

How to apply:
Interested applicants (i.e. individuals or teams of consultants) must submit the following documents:
(a) Letter of interest - not exceeding three pages – containing a brief overview of the proposed methodology and work plan relating to the assignment, clearly stating suitability and availability for the assignment. The consultancy fees requested to conduct the evaluation must also be clearly stated in the letter.
(b) Detailed curriculum vitae.
Please submit the application by e-mail to , indicating the reference code above in the subject field.
The deadline for applications is 8 April 2012.
Due to the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positive consideration will be notified.

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