Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

November 7, 2015

Lowongan Kerja Islamic Relief November 2015


To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.


Islamic Relief is a UK based charity that seeks to alleviate the sufferings of the world’s poorest people. The Indonesia programme was established in 2003 to deliver emergency relief and developmental activity in disaster prone and impoverished areas. Since then the agency implemented multi - sectoral programme in Banda Aceh, Banten, West Java, Jogjakarta, NTB and West Sumatera.

Presently IR is implementing a child welfare programme in Aceh and rolling out an integrated sustainable development programme in NTB. The main sectors for Indonesia Programme include Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), WASH, Sustainable Livelihoods and Orphans’ Support. The Indonesia programme is managed by Jakarta based country office that provides administrative, programmatic and financial oversight to the field offices.

JOB PURPOSE : To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.

LOCATION : Banda Aceh with frequent travel to project locations in Aceh Besar district

DURATION : 12 months with possibility of extension based on performance and availability of funds (Local Hire)


In the anticipation of a potential intervention in Aceh Besar - Aceh province, Islamic Relief Indonesia has to recruit a ‘competent personnel to demonstrate competencies in business development and training and capacity building of beneficiaries in agriculture, aquaculture, and entrepreneurship. The assignment is expected to commence towards November 2015, for a period of 12 months. The position will be based in Banda Aceh with frequent visit to the field to support agriculture/aquaculture activities project in Aceh Besar District.

Following the successful implementation of phase 1 under which 11 Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) were provided income generating opportunities in Aceh Besar, a follow up project (phase 2) is proposed to extend the benefits to 12 other Pesantren within the greater Aceh Besar district of Aceh Province. The proposed project seeks to a) promote agriculture and aquaculture as an income generating activity for 12 Pesantren schools; b) provide the students agriculture/aquaculture vocational skills and being ready for start business or for the workforce, and; c) create and strengthen marketing linkages and enterprise building capacities amongst supported institutions in order to achieve sustainable impact.

Under the overall objective of improving the quality of services provided by Pesantren and traditional Islamic boarding schools and within the specific objective of enhancing their income generating capacities, the project will focus on indigenous traits with established demand in the local markets including vegetable farming and aquaculture. Sustainability will be ensured by creating market linkages and strengthening business management capacities of beneficiary Pesantren.

The upcoming intervention seeks to identify high value of agriculture/aquaculture cultivation, enhance profitability of supported groups through training, capacity building and provision of inputs for the formulation and implementation of business expansion plans. With this background, IR seeks an innovative, motivate, dynamic and experienced individual for the delivery of project activities and for achieving the objective of enhanced profitability for supporting youth in Pesantren.

1. Livelihood Officer (1 person)


Post holder :Directly report to the Area Coordinator in Banda Aceh under the overall guidance and supervision of the Country Director/Head of Program.


• Guiding the formulation and implementation of business plans, assume a lead role in conducting market research and assessment studies, designing and imparting project trainings business and enterprise development and marketing;

• Explore opportunities for linking supported beneficiary groups with key market players on the demand side (i.e. chain of hotels, medium and large restaurant, retailers, etc.);

• the post holder will guide beneficiaries in obtaining necessary certifications (i.e. Halal and Health Certificates, etc) while assisting beneficiary groups with product registration and packaging;

• Supervise Livelihood assistant in designing and disseminating technical trainings in agriculture/aquaculture production, product development, marketing in addition to other capacity building initiatives as foreseen in the project;

• Ensure that support women groups develop and maintain recommended standards at all stages of production i.e.seeding, planting, harvesting, post-harvest management, value addition and marketing;

• Provide on-going management and technical assistance to beneficiaries in agriculture/aquaculture cultivation through structured trainings and follow up monitoring and on-farm extension;

• Frequently monitoring project activities and target women groups and collect quantitative and qualitative data on beneficiaries, market trends and project impact;

• Build and manage meaningful relations with local stakeholders, such as the heads of villages, religious leaders, women’s groups, local NGOs and specialized government agencies, to ensure their active participation and contribution in the project;

• Implementation of compliant and response mechanism;

• Any other tasks as assigned by the line manager


• A university degree or other suitable qualification in a related field (Agriculture graduate is preferred)

• At least 4 years’ experience coupled with demonstrated knowledge of sustainable livelihoods, women economic empowerment, community development and project development.

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;

• Demonstrated competencies in designing and imparting trainings in business development and marketing;

• Excellent report writing skills, and advanced computer skills with proficiencies in MS Office, Windows, Internet and Email

• Ability to provide leadership as well as the spirit to work as a member of a team

• High degree of adaptability to varied working environments and good interpersonal skills

• Able to maintain good relationship with government agencies/institutions at all levels, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

• Demonstrated experience in monitoring, data gathering and report generation

• Fluent spoken and written Indonesian is a must while proficiency in English language is highly desired;

• Sincere commitment to engaging women and involving gender considerations into project planning required

• Islamic Relief is an equal opportunity employer and all recruitments are processed without any prejudice due to color, race, religion or gender. However, the successful candidate must understand and respect the Organization’s core values and adopt follow necessary guidelines for interaction with beneficiaries; particularly women and children

• Eligible local candidates will be highly preferred.

2. Livelihood Assistant (1 person)


Post holder reports to: Livelihood Officer


· Work in collaboration with livelihoods officer to conduct project socialization, community meeting and focus group discussion in each targeted intervention sites

· Assist in community outreach activities and recruit direct beneficiaries for enrollment in program in consultation with project team members and relevant goverment agencies/institutions

· Assist livelihoods officer in designing and disseminating technical trainings in mushroom cultivationas well as other capacity building initiatives foreseen in the project

· Ensure that support women groups develop and maintain recommended standards at all stages i.e.seeding, planting, harvesting, post harvest management, value addition and marketing;

· Provide on-going technical assistanceto beneficiaries in mushroom cultivationthrough structured trainings and follow up monitoring and farm-level extension;

· Conduct frequent monitoring of project activities and target farmer groups for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data for the purpose of reporting and impact assessment;

· Assist the livelihood officer to build and manage meaningful relations with local project participants in the village, such as heads of villages, religious leaders, women’s groups, local NGOs and specialized government agencies, to ensure their active participation and contribution to the project.

· Assist in the oversight of IRIndonesia complaints handling mechanism at the field.

· Field reporting.

· Other tasks as directed by line manager


· A university degree or other suitable qualification in a related field (extensive experience in the production and marketing of mushroom products can be considered in lieu of educational requirement)

· 1 – 3 years experience in women economic empowerment, community development and project development

· Good communication skills for advocacy, training, and facilitation

· Good report writing skills, and good computer skills, including internet and email

· Ability to provide leadership as well as work as a member of a team

· High degree of adaptability to varied working environtments and good interpersonal skills

· Able to maintain good relationship with government agencies/institutions at all levels, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

· Experience in program monitoring

· Good spoken and written Indonesian is a must while proficiency in English language and local language as an advantage;

· Sincere commitment to engaging women and involving gender consideration into project planning required

· Islamic Relief is an equal opportunity employer and all recruitments are processed without any prejudice due to color, race, religion or gender. However, the successful candidate must understand and respect the Organization’s core values and adopt follow necessary guidelines for interaction with beneficiaries; particularly women and children.

· Eligible local candidates will be highly preferred


All Islamic Relief team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field project

If you meet the above requirements kindly send ONLY your Application letter and detailed CV including recommendations from 3 referees (one of them your immediate former employer) to: Please put the job title and your name in subject of your email.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Closing date: 08 November 2015
Location: Aceh, Indonesia


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