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February 13, 2016

Lowongan Kerja Asuransi Astra

Asuransi Astra telah hadir melayani pelanggan sejak 12 September 1956. Komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan terus kami jaga dengan memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan dukungan sumber daya dan sistem yang berkualitas selama lebih dari setengah abad.

Dengan izin usaha bernomor S.6364/LK/1995 dari Department Keuangan Republik Indonesia Direktorat Jenderal Lembaga Keuangan, Asuransi Astra bertumbuh menjadi asuransi umum yang memiliki posisi keuangan yang kuat. Asuransi Astra juga senantiasa melayani pelanggan korporasi dan retail dengan profesional dan penuh dedikasi melalui kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Sederet hal tersebut merupakan bagian dari peningkatan inovasi yang tak pernah berhenti kami lakukan.

Lowongan Kerja Asuransi Astra

Kinerja Asuransi Astra telah diakui oleh masyarakat dengan berbagai penghargaan yang diterima, diantaranya Top Brand Award (2007-2014), Indonesia Brand Champion Award (2011-2013), InfoBank Insurance Award (2005-2006,2008-2014), Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) (2002-2014), Indonesian Most Admired Company Award (IMAC Award) (2007-2014), Digital Marketing Award (DM Award) (2011-2013), Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (2006-2010, 2012-2014), Contact Center Award for Service Excellence (2005-2007, 2009-2014), Excellent Service Experience Award (ESEA) (2014), Best Syariah (2014), WOW Brand (2014), dan Asuransi Terbaik versi Majalah Investor (2014).

Sampai saat ini kami terus berusaha melakukan inovasi untuk selalu bisa memuaskan pelanggan. Di tahun 2014 kami telah meluncurkan produk baru yaitu Garda Center yang berlokasi di mall –mall yang ada di wilayah Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, sampai saat ini kami telah memiliki 12 garda center. Inovasi ini kami lakukan sebagai usaha untuk membuat customer Asuransi Astra merasakan peace of mind.


General Summary
In our pursuit of excellence, we value visionary individuals with leadership potential and a passion to always think out of the box. We challenge such individuals to join our team to develop mobile application for each platform (iOS or Android Application).

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from Computer Science, Information System or equivalent
  • Minimum GPA 3.0 of 4.0
  • Dynamic and exhibits strong leadership potential in organizational activities
  • Passionate in creating improvements in a dynamic and fast-paced working environment
  • Passionate and self-motivated with strong interpersonal and analytical skills
  • Excellent command in English
  • Placement in our Head Quarter Office


General Summary
In our pursuit of excellence, we value visionary individuals with leadership potential and a passion to always think out of the box. We challenge such individuals to join our Management Trainee Program, in which through a series of first class comprehensive learning program, will be developed to our future leaders. Graduates of the program will be further challenged to develop our business in the Head Quarter Jakarta.

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's or Master’s Degree from a reputable overseas or local university
  • Maximum age 25 years old for Bachelor’s Degree and 27 years old for Master’s Degree.
  • Dynamic and exhibits strong leadership potential in organizational activities
  • Passionate in creating improvements in a dynamic and fast-paced working environment
  • A visionary with strong interpersonal and analytical skills
  • Eager to be developed in all lines of business in Astra Insurance (Marketing and Operations)
  • Willing to be placed in our Head Quarter Jakarta.


General Summary

We are an established General Insurance company under Astra Group and we are continuously growing to give the best service to our clients. Our dynamic Marketing Team in Commercial Insurance Business are currently seeking for individuals who can answer to the challenge of finding new promising Corporate Accounts, assisting them to identify their custom made insurance needs and ensure the rapid growth of our business.


  • Candidate holds at least a Bachelor Degree of any major from a reputable university.
  • Possess minimum 1 (one) year working experience in Business to Business Marketing .
  • Sound understanding of marketing principles.
  • Proven exceptional communication skills, with strong interpersonal and presentation skills.
  • Dynamic, adaptable, self-motivated and pleasant personality.
  • Result driven - strives to make a difference; enjoys a challenge to achieve the objectives.

Lamaran dapat dikirim melalui website
Location: Indonesia


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