Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

August 30, 2010

Penundaan Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi ADM PT. PIM


Sehubungan belum selesainya verifikasi berkas lamaran karena tingginya animo masyarakat/calon peserta yang mengirimkan berkas lamaran untuk mengikuti SELEKSI PENERIMAAN KARYAWAN PT. PUPUK ISKANDAR MUDA Tahun 2010, dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa :

  1. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi yang semula direncanakan pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2010, ditunda pelaksanaannya menjadi tanggal 7 September 2010.
  2. Pengumuman nama-nama calon peserta yang LULUS seleksi ADM tersebut dapat dilihat di : www.
  3. Registrasi atau pendaftaran ulang bagi calon peserta yang LULUS seleksi ADM yang semula dijadwalkan pada tanggal 31 Agustus s/d 4 September 2010, ditunda pelaksanaannya menjadi tanggal 20 s/d 24 September 2010. (tempat diumumkan kemudian)
  4. Bagi peserta yang dinyatakan LULUS seleksi ADM wajib hadir langsung (tidak dapat diwakilkan dengan alasan apapun) untuk mengambil Kartu Tanda Nomor Peserta Ujian dengan membawa dan menunjukkan dokumen ASLI : Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai, dan KTP yang sesuai dengan berkas/dokumen yang telah dikirimkan sebelumnya kepada panitia seleksi.
  5. Demikian pemberitahuan ini disampaikan untuk dapat dimaklumi.


sumber :

August 29, 2010

Lowongan TDMRC - Repository Administrator

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Repository Administrator

1. Minimum Bachelors Degree (S1) in Information Technology, computer, telecommunication or
other relevant field
2. Minimum 1 year of experience in designing information system and database development.
3. Experienced in digital repository development
4. Experienced in website development
5. Working knowledge on software and programming related to website development (HTML, ASP,
JavaScript, VBScript, SQL-Server, Photoshop, CGI, SQL, etc), operating system, and server
6. Possess Good communication and interpersonal skill, team oriented, and able to work in tight

Jobs Description:
1. Continue to develop Aceh Tsunami Digital Repository (ATDR)
2. Perform socialization of ATDR to stakeholders in Aceh
3. Evaluate and further refinement of ATDR
4. Make ATDR readily accessible through internet
5. Prepare and submit weekly and monthly report to division manager, prepare weekly and
monthly activities summary, as well as activities planning

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 30, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :
cc to:
Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

Lowongan TDMRC - Assistant Content Manager

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Assistant Content Manager/ Writer

1. Minimal Sarjana (Strata-1) dibidang jurnalistik atau yang relevan
2. Berpengalaman dibidang manajemen bencana
3. Mamapu mnengoperasikan computer termasuk internaet dan e-mail
4. Mamapu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dengan baik.
5. Bersedia dan mampu bekerja keras dalam kondisi ketat waktu
6. Memilki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis, disertai
pendekatan personal dan kerjasama yang baik.
7. Mampu menulis review dan feature secara deskriptif dan ringkas
8. Mampu memahami konsep-konsep teknis
9. Mampu melakukan perjalanan dinas ketika dibutuhkan
10. Menguasai dan mengerti topic-topik tentang kebencanaan
11. Berkomitmen tinggi, fleksibel dan bertanggung jawab.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:
1. Memastikan semua tulisan untuk knowledge sharing tersedia dengan baik lewat penulisan
2. Mempersiapkan knowledge sharing dan menuliskannya secara lengkap dan mendalam
3. Memperisapkan dokumen dan file tulisan yang akan dikembangkan
4. Mampu menghasilkan tulisan-tulisan yang baik dengan akurasi tinggi
5. Mampu berkontribusi untuk tim pada meeting-meeting yang terkait proyek-proyek baru
6. Mengorganisir materi-materi proyek, perencanaan/ outline dan menulis synopsis
7. Berkolaborasi dengan penulis-penulis lain pada pekerjaan-pekerjaan terkait.
8. Menyebarluaskan pengurangan risiko bencana dan pengetahuan melalui berbagai media
9. Mengembangkan dan menghasilkan bahan-bahan pengurangan risiko bencana
10. Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan mingguan dan bulanan kepada manajer divisi,
membuat ringkasan kegiatan mingguan dan bulanansesuai dengan perencanaan kegiatan

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 30, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :
cc to:
Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

August 28, 2010

Lowongan TDMRC - Web Developer

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Web Developer

1. Design and develop custom internet applications, content management system for internet or
intranet of PIBA.
2. Ability to develop user-friendly interface
3. Ability to implement business use cases into code.
4. Working with team members (fellow content writer, content manager and project manager) to develop projects
5. Research and source for (disaster management) materials online

Your skillsets and requirements:
1. Min. Diploma with in a relevant course.
2. Candidates who possess Bachelor Degree in similar discipline will have added advantage
3. Should have an excellent portfolio on web applications
4. Working Experience with MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, Drupal, and HTML/CSS.
5. Possess strong skills in application design, implementation, testing and troubleshooting.
6. Able to graphic design will have an advantage.
7. Working experience with Linux servers
8. Candidate should be resourceful and independent
9. Responsible and able to meet tight deadlines
10. Brilliant interpersonal & verbal communication skills will have an advantage
11. Able to start work immediately
12. Living in Banda Aceh is a MUST

Send your CV, sample coding, and relevant portfolio before August 30, 2010 to:
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :
cc to:
Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

Lowongan TDMRC - Web GIS Programmer

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Web GIS Programmer


* Minimum sarjana (S1) dalam bidang Geoinformatics, komputer, telekomunikasi atau bidang yang relevan.
* Pengalaman dalam menggunakan ArcGIS, MapServer, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, Geodatabase.
* Pengalaman dalam pembangunan aplikasi-aplikasi Web GIS.
* Pengalaman dalam membuat laporan teknis dan manual user.
* Bersedia dan mampu bekerja keras dalam kondisi ketat waktu.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

* Membantu disaster risk management information system (DRMIS) advisor untuk membangun DRMIS.
* Membuat program aplikasi DRMIS berbasis Web GIS.
* Membangun Prototipe DRMIS sesuai dengan kebutuhan stakeholder.
* Mempersiapkan FGD, workshop dan sosialisasi DRMIS.
* Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan mingguan dan bulanan kepada manager divisi dan DRMIS advisor, membuat ringkasan kegiatan selama seminggu/sebulan dan menyiapkan rencana kegiatan untuk minggu/bulan depan.

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 30, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail : (cc to:
Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

Vacancy at UMCOR - M&E/Survey Consultant Team

The United Methodist Committee on Relief, Non-Governmental Organization (UMCOR-NGO) ( is a not-for-profit organization that provides transitional development and relief assistance to communities in need around the world. UMCOR-NGO’s Indonesia Mission (UMCOR-Indonesia) is seeking a:

M&E/Survey Consultant Team

for Community-Driven Development Project
Qualifications of M&E Consultants:

· Graduate or Masters degree in a relevant field

· 5 years M&E and project management experience, with at least 2
solid years experience designing and implementing monitoring and project
evaluations – both quantitative and qualitative - including baseline surveys
and sampling methodologies, preferably in Indonesia

· International work experience in the development/NGO sector is an

· Fluency in English and Bahasa, excellent writing and editing
skills in English

· Experience in training individuals to carry out quantitative and
qualitative evaluation methods;

· Experience with logistical software such as Excel, Access,
EpiInfo, SPSS, etc.

Desired qualifications and skills:

· Experience in community development,, construction Infrastructure
and/or evaluation of similar programs;

· Experience in participatory evaluation;

· Ability to work independently with minimum supervision

· Willing to work at tight deadlines and under pressure
Roles and Responsibilities of the M&E/Survey Consultants

Data Quality and Tools

- Review/redefine indicators in order to support verification, ensuring
baseline data can be realistically verified at midline and endline stage
- Review and build on existing UMCOR M&E tools

Training and Survey Management

- Conduct desk review and primary research ensuring rigor and research
- Train the project team/enumerator on the survey approach including
random sampling, community mapping, interview skills, etc.
- Demonstrate/Train relevant team how to apply M&E Plans and data
gathering tools
- Help conduct the baseline and endline as a team member, ensuring gender
sensitive analysis

- One Consultant act as Team Leader for quality assurance and adherence
to specified deadlines/budget
- Write baseline and endline reports as per UMCOR reporting outline
- Present baseline and endline results in a power point presentation


If interest, please send an email requesting for the complete ToR and submit the following document before 3rd September 2010:

· Curriculum Vitae of all consultants

· One-page cover letter which provides a summary of how your
experience matches the task;

· 2 Professional references relevant to the position

· Earliest possible starting date;

· Budget breakdown of fees and expenses

To : HR Officer, UMCOR Indonesia Mission Office, Jl. Fatahillah No. 29 Geucu Iniem, Banda Aceh 23239, Indonesia, Email:

Please write the position that you apply in the upper left corner of the envelope or as a subject of your e-mail. No telephone inquiries please. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Thanks for your interest in UMCOR.

August 23, 2010



I. Youth & Adolescent Development Specialist, P-4, Banda Aceh

Purpose of the Position

- You will lead the Education Section and accountable for designing,
planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of Education programme in
Banda Aceh Field office.
- You will develop, implement and monitor models at District and
Provincial levels for further replication by governments.
- You will provide technical assistance to the provincial and district
education departments in Aceh to improve the quality of and access to
education, promote the implementation of existing global and national
- You will promote the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the
programme management, delivery and accomplishment of programme goals and

Key Expected Results
1. Timely sectoral analysis, input, support and collaboration to the Situation Analysis and its periodic update made for effective programme planning, development and management.
2. Knowledge management effectively promoted through drafting/finalizing key
Education sectoral programme documents and reports, sharing good practice,
lessons learned, and knowledge/information exchange.
3. Rights-based Education programming effectively promoted, and coherence, synergy and value added to programme management process through results-based management.
4. Sectoral work plan and activities formulated, implemented and monitored,
ensuring alignment with the defined programme strategies and approaches.
5. Programme delivery, evaluation and reporting carried out efficiently and transparently in compliance with the established guidelines and procedures.
6. UNICEF’s global goals effectively promoted through advocacy and policy dialogue in the Education sector.
7. Proper and timely UNICEF and Government accountability ensured regarding
supply and non-supply assistance as well as disbursement of programme funds
for the Education sector.
8. Effective communication and networking achieved through partnership and

Qualifications of Successful Candidate

- Advanced university degree in one or more of the disciplines relevant
to the following areas: Education, Primary Education, or a Social Sciences
fields relevant to international development assistance.
- Five years of progressively professional work experience at national
and international levels in field programmes relevant to Education
programmes. Experience working in the UN or other international development
organization an asset.
- Experience in national level development assistance is an asset.
- Background/familiarity with Emergency.
- Advanced knowledge of one or more of the technical areas of UNICEF
Education programmes.
- Advanced Technical Knowledge of the theories, principles and methods in
one of the following areas:
- Education; Primary Education, Economics, Social Sciences, and/or
related fields.
- Fluency in English and another UN language.

Competencies of Successful Candidate

- Communicates effectively to varied audiences, including during formal
public speaking.
- Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
- Sets high standards for quality of work and consistently achieves
project goals.
- Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group
activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear.
- Translates strategic direction into plans and objectives.
- Analyzes and integrates diverse and complex quantitative and
qualitative data from a wide range of sources.
- Quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups; maintains an
effective network of individuals across organizational departments.
- Identifies urgent and potentially difficult decisions and acts on them
promptly; initiates and generates team- and department-wide activities.
- Demonstrates, applies and shares expert technical knowledge across the

Remarks Post effective 1 January 2011.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and gender equality in its workplace. Women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged to apply. If you want a challenging career while improving the lives of children around the world UNICEF, the leading children’s rights organization, would like to hear from you.

Visit us at to register in our new e-Recruitment system and apply to this and other vacancies, quoting E-VN-2010-001775.
Applications must be received by 27 August 2010. Please note that only candidates who are under serious consideration will be contacted. In the selection of its staff, UNICEF is committed to gender balance and diversity without distinction as to race, sex or religion, and without discrimination of persons with disabilities: well qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

II. Nutrition Specialist (Child Survival), P-4, Banda Aceh

Purpose of the Position

- Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Chief of the
Field Office, in close coordination with the Country Office team, lead the
formulation, design, planning, establishment of strategic partnership,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of an Integrated Nutrition and
Child Survival strategy (WASH, Health and Nutrition), particularly for the
implementation of models aiming in reducing the malnutrition (especially
stunting) in targeted locations, in close partnership with the Provincial
authorities for further Evidence based advocacy.
- Ensure overall efficiency and effectiveness of the project management,
delivery of the overall Nutrition, Health and/or Young Child Survival and
Development (YCSD) in the province Aceh, focussed on achievement of UNICEF’s
Organizational priorities.
- As head of the Unit, lead and supervise a group of professional and
support staff to develop and administer the sectoral and/or inter-sectoral

Key Expected Results
1. Timely, regular sectoral data-driven analysis, input, support and collaboration to the Situation Analysis and its periodic update made for effective project planning, development and management.
2. Integrated area base programme models developed, aiming in the significant reduction of the malnutrition in targeted locations. Models well documented and ready for evidence based advocacy and possible replication & dissemination
3. Technical leadership, guidance and coordination provided to key government and non-government partners on national policies, strategies, processes and programs related to Health, including emergency preparedness and response, with a particular focus on relevant maternal, neonatal and child survival interventions (upstream activities).
4. Technical and operational leadership, guidance and coordination provided to key government and non-government partners on scaling-up tailored packages of maternal, neonatal and child survival interventions including the elaboration and implementation of detailed sectoral work-plans and budgets (downstream activities).
5. Government and non-government recipients accountable for UNICEF supply, non-supply and financial assistance.
6. Programme monitoring and Project delivery, evaluation and reporting carried out in a timely manner, efficiently, rigorously and transparently in compliance with the established guidelines and procedures.
7. Effective knowledge management through drafting/finalizing key Nutrition sectoral programme documents and reports, sharing good practice, lessons learned, and ensuring knowledge/information exchange. a) documentation and dissemination of lessons learned, b) development and implementation of appropriate capacity building strategies, c) technical leadership, guidance and coordination of operational research.
8. Integration of rights-based approaches and humanitarian principles in Nutrition programmes implementation and program management.
9. UNICEF’s global goals and Nutrition and Health-related MDGs effectively promoted through advocacy and policy dialogue in the Health sector.
10. Effective communication, networking and leveraging achieved through partnership and collaboration with government, UN and non-government partners.

Qualifications of Successful Candidate

- Advanced university degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the
following areas: Public Health & Nutrition, Health Sciences, International
Health & Nutrition, Public Health & Nutrition Policy and Management, Family
Health & Nutrition, Nutritional Epidemiology, Health & Nutrition Education,
Health & Nutrition Promotion and Disease Prevention, Public Health, Health
Emergency Preparedness, or other relevant discipline(s).
- Eight years of relevant professional work experience.
- Developing country work experience.
- Background/familiarity with Emergency.
- • Advanced knowledge of one or more of the technical areas of UNICEF
- • Advanced Technical Knowledge of theories, principles and methods in
one of the following areas: Public Health? & Nutrition, International Health
& Nutrition, Public Health & Nutrition Policy and Management, Population and
Family Health & Nutrition, Public Health Preparedness, Health Emergency
Preparedness Nutritional Epidemiology,? Nutrition Research, Biostatistics,
Biochemistry, Socio-medical Sciences, ? Health & Nutrition Education, Health
& Nutrition Promotion and Disease Prevention, Educational Interventions in
Health & Nutritional Care
- Fluency in English and another UN language

Competencies of Successful Candidate

- Communicates effectively to varied audiences, including during formal
public speaking.
- Able to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
- Sets high standards for quality of work and consistently achieves
project goals.
- Has good leadership and supervisory skills; co-ordinates group
activities, ensuring that roles within the team are clear. Translates
strategic direction into plans and objectives.
- Analyzes and integrates diverse and complex quantitative and
qualitative data from a wide range of sources.
- Quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups; maintains an
effective network of individuals across organizational departments.
- Identifies urgent and potentially difficult decisions and acts on them
promptly; initiates and generates team- and department-wide activities.
- Demonstrates, applies and shares expert technical knowledge across the

UNICEF is committed to diversity and gender equality in its workplace. Women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged to apply. If you want a challenging career while improving the lives of children around the world UNICEF, the leading children’s rights organization, would like to hear from you.

Visit us at to register in our new e-Recruitment system and apply to this and other vacancies, quoting E-VN-2010-001767.

Applications must be received by 27 August 2010.

Please note that only candidates who are under serious consideration will be
contacted. In the selection of its staff, UNICEF is committed to gender balance and diversity without distinction as to race, sex or religion, and without discrimination of persons with disabilities: well qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

August 21, 2010

Lowongan TDMRC - Project Officer (3 Persons)

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Project Officer (3 Persons)

1. Sarjana S1
2. Minimal satu tahun pengalaman PRB atau pemberdayaan masyarakat.
3. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi. dengan baik.
4. Pengalaman dalam penggunaan komputer dan paket perangkat lunak Microsoft Office dan Internet.
5. Motivasi tinggi dan berkemauan kuat.
6. Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
7. Mampu bekerjasama dalam teamwork
8. Mampu bekerja menyelesaikan target yang sudah ditentukan (deadline)

Deskripsi Kerja:
1. Menyiapkan draf TOR kegiatan dan Peralatan yang dibutuhkan, alat tulis dan bahan-bahan untuk kegiatan
2. Melakukan kegiatan pelatihan
3. Menyiapkan draft laporan kegiatan.
4. Membantu setiap pelatihan dan workshop dilakukan oleh divisi Pendidikan.
5. Mengerjakan setiap tugas lain yang diberikan oleh divisi Advokasi, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 22, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :

Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

Lowongan TDMRC - DRR Trainer Assistant

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

DRR Trainer Assistant


1. Minimum (S1).
2. Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman PRB
3. Mampu berbahasa Inggris
4. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
5. Berpengalaman dalam analisis kebutuhan stakeholder
6. Bersedia dan mampu bekerja keras dalam batas waktu yang ketat
7. Motivasi tinggi dan berkemauan kuat.
8. Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
9. Mampu bekerjasama dalam teamwork
10. Mampu bekerja mengejar target yang sudah ditentukan (deadline)

Deskripsi Kerja:

1. Membantu proses untuk membangun hubungan strategis dengan departemen pemerintah terkait
2. Membantu pelaksanaan pelatihan untuk program DRR-A
3. Siapkan TOR kegiatan pelatihan
4. Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan kegiatan pelatihan.

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 22, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :

Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

August 20, 2010

Lowongan TDMRC - Disaster Risk Education Specialist Assistant

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Disaster Risk Education Specialist Assistant

1. Minimum Bachelors Degree (S1) semua jurusan
2. Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman PRB
3. Mampu berbahasa Inggris
4. Berpengalaman dalam analisis kebutuhan stakeholder
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dan melobby dengan semua pihak.
6. Bersedia dan mampu bekerja keras dalam batas waktu yang ketat
7. Motivasi tinggi dan berkemauan kuat.
8. Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
9. Mampu bekerjasama dalam teamwork
10. Mampu bekerja menyelesaikan target yang sudah ditentukan (deadline)

Deskripsi Kerja:
1. Membanntu membangun hubungan strategis dengan departemen pemerintah terkait
2. Membantu memfasilitasi memperkuat hubungan dengan mitra nasional dan internasional tentang pendidikan kebencana
3. Mengembangkan kurikuler dan pembukaan Program Magester Kebencanaan
4. Membantu pelaksanakan pengintegrasian pengetahuan kebencanaan kedalam system pendidikan
5. Membantu menyiapkan TOR kegiatan di bawah divisi pendidikan
6. Membantu mengembangkan jaringan antara Divisi untuk merumuskan penelitian terpadu dan lintas disiplin dan keberlanjutan
7. Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan bulanan.

Please send your complete application CV and Photo to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :

Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

Lowongan TDMRC - Disaster Risk Education Specialist

TDMRC – Syiah Kuala University under DRR-A project is seeking young talented professionals to fill in the positions below :

Disaster Risk Education Specialist

Kualifikasi :

* Master (S2) di bidang latar belakang terkait dengan PRB
* Minimum dua sampai lima tahun pengalaman yang relevan di bidang pendidikan risiko bencana
* Memiliki motivasi yang kuat dengan pengalaman pada proyek pendidikan
* Pengetahuan mengenai kebijakan pengurangan risiko bencana, lembaga, badan-badan yang terlibat, akan di-inisiatif di dalam propinsi, nasional dan internasional.
* Excellent bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis
* Excellent inter-personal komunikasi, negosiasi dan keterampilan diplomatik.
* Kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam batasan anggaran dan waktu tekana.
* Kemampuan untuk memenuhi tenggat waktu, bekerja secara independen dan sebagai bagian dari sebuah tim untuk mencapai target

Deskripsi Kerja

* Membangun hubungan strategis dengan departemen pemerintah terkait.
* Memfasilitasi memperkuat hubungan dengan mitra nasional dan internasional tentang pendidikan bencana
* Mengembangkan kurikulum/modul pelatihan
* Pengembangan dan sosialisasi pengintegrasian pengetahuan kebencanaan kedalam system pendidikan
* Pembukaan program Magester Kebencanaan
* Mengembangkan kurikulem program magester Kebencanaan
* Melaksanakan pendidikan kebencanaan
* Siapkan TOR kegiatan di bawah divisi pendidikan
* Mengembangkan jaringan antara Divisi untuk merumuskan penelitian terpadu dan lintas disiplin dan keberlanjutan
* Menyiapkan dan menyerahkan laporan bulanan.

Please send your complete application CV and Photo before August 22, 2010 to :
Syiah Kuala University
Ground Zero TDMRC Building
Jl. Tgk. Abdul Rahman, Gampong Pie Meuraxa, Banda Aceh – 23233
or e-mail :

Only Short listed Candidates will be Notified

August 18, 2010

Lowongan kerja bagi Magister Administrasi Pendidikan

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :
1. Pembantu Ketua II STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh

Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi :
Pembatu Ketua II Bidang Administrasi dan Keuangan, mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam perencanaan administrasi dan keuangan untuk operasional pendidikan serta pengembangan organisasi, meliputi:
a. Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Ketua STKIP.
b. Mempelajari dan memahami berbagai perundang-undangan, peraturan-peraturan, qanun dan statuta yang mengatur tentang penyelenggaran pendidikan tinggi serta lingkup lain yang relevan dengan bidang administrasi umum dan keuangan.
c. Membuat pokok-pokok kebijakan dalam pengelolaan keuangan, manajemen administrasi akademik, administrasi umum dan kesekretariatan
d. Melakukan koordinasi vertikal dengan Ketua STKIP, dan para Ketua Program Studi dan koordinasi horizontal dengan Pembantu Ketua I dan III.
e. Membina staf dan karyawan melalui arahan, pengawasan, kesejahteraan termasuk pengembangan mutu.
f. Memeriksa rancangan petunjuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan keuangan akademi, layanan ketatausahaan, kerumahtanggaan dan kepegawaian serta perlengkapan agar pelaksanaannya efektif dan efisien.
g. Memeriksa penyusunan anggaran berbagai kegiatan dari masing-masing unit kerja STKIP, baik yang bersumber dari biaya pendidikan/kuliah, biaya pengembangan institusi dan sumber lainnya yang akan dilaksanakan atas dana penerimaan yang dapat digunakan langsung.
h. Melakukan rapat secara periodik terkait dengan perkembangan, masalah atau hambatan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan bidang administrasi umum dengan unsur pelaksana akademik pada STKIP.
i. Membuat program pengadaan dan upaya perawatan sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas pendidikan/umum yang siap digunakan dalam rangka pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar.
j. Menerima pendelegasian tugas lain dari Ketua STKIP sesuai dengan bidang dan kepentingan yang berlaku.
k. Membuat laporan secara berkala kepada Ketua STKIP menyangkut pelaksanaan kegiatan administrasi umum dan keuangan

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 (Magister Administrasi Pendidikan) dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Pembatu Ketua Sekolah Tinggi
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 23 Agustus 2010

August 17, 2010

Lowongan Posisi Manager Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh dengan posisi :
1. Manager Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita
2. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S1
3. Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam pembuatan SOP
4. Mencantumkan nama Project SOP yang pernah dibuat
5. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
6. Penempatan di Banda Aceh

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114

Atau via email :

Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 23 Agustus 2010

August 16, 2010

Lowongan STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh - S2 Matematika, Biologi dan PGSD

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :
1. Ketua Prodi Matematika
2. Ketua Prodi Biologi
3. Ketua Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD)

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 yang linier dengan prodi dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Sekretaris Prodi.
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 23 Agustus 2010

August 13, 2010


Location : Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
Application Deadline :15-Aug-10
Type of Contract :UNV
Post Level :UNV
Languages Required :
Duration of Initial Contract :Initially 12 months, extendable depending on satisfactory performance and availability of funds



The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.
In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded in long-established, ancient traditions of sharing and support within the communities. In this context, UNV volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism and play a role in development and peace together with co-workers, host agencies and local communities.
In all assignments, UNV volunteers promote volunteerism through their action and conduct. Engaging in volunteer activity can effectively and positively enrich their understanding of local and social realities, as well as create a bridge between themselves and the people in their host community. This will make the time they spend as UNV volunteers even more rewarding and productive.

Brief Project Description: UNIFEM in collaboration with Partners for Prevention (P4P) and Center of Women’s Studies (PSW) of the Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (IAIN) in Banda Aceh is conducting qualitative research on masculinities in post-conflict Aceh. The research will elaborate how the conditions of living under conflict contribute to constructing various forms of masculinity and their impacts to violence against women. Information and knowledge from this research will be key resources for creating a more strategic approach of GBV prevention in the area. The qualitative research will be combined with a policy review which is to analyze how local laws and policies rule women’s issues and influence to developing or strengthening certain aspects of masculinities within Aceh society. The combination of qualitative research and policy review will provide foundational knowledge in policy revisions on GBV prevention.

With P4P and the New Men’s Alliance, UNIFEM is now preparing a qualitative research on masculinities in post-conflict Aceh and capacity improvement program of new men’s movements to support gender equality and GBV prevention. The programme will also be implemented in Aceh through Aceh Men’s Forum. This programme will be derived into several activities including provincial coordination and strategic planning meeting, training on gender, masculinity and human rights for male activists, periodical discussion forum, media publication, and public campaign to raise society’s awareness on new men’s movements to support gender equality and GBV prevention. The programme is planned to start in early August 2010.

Host Agency/Host Institute: UNIFEM and Partners for Prevention (P4P)

Organizational Context:

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is a source of innovative programming and policy approaches to achieve gender equality. UNIFEM has been working in Aceh to deliver various programmes on women’s rights and gender issues. UNIFEM has achieved important results of strengthening solid networks of organizations and individuals both from government and non government institutions working on women’s rights and gender issues in the area. UNIFEM has showed a lot of influential contributions in policy making processes to enhance gender equality and women’s rights. UNIFEM has significantly supplied women’s organizations in Aceh capacity improvement programs both on the substantive and managerial aspects in implementing gender and women’s rights programs. UNIFEM has been taking a key leadership in creating various innovative programs to strengthen gender equality and women’s rights in the area. Recently, UNIFEM’s initiative of launching men’s forum to support gender equality and masculinities research programme as a foundational basis in making more strategic approaches of GBV prevention in the area has been acknowledged by several women’s rights elements in the area as an important strategy of enhancing gender equality and women’s rights as well as preventing and eliminating GBV and VAW.

The Regional Joint Programme for Gender Based Violence Prevention in Asia-Pacific, “Partners for Prevention: Working with Boys and Men to Prevent Gender Based Violence” is an interagency initiative of UNDP, UNFPA, UNIFEM and UNV. The programme seeks to address the challenges of gender inequality and reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence in the region. The P4P Team, representing the participating UN organizations and located in Bangkok, provides consolidated responses and support for gender-based violence prevention. The P4P Team also provides technical and substantive support to key partners including UN country offices and teams.

10. Type of Assignment Place: without family

Duties and Responsibilities

Description of tasks:

Under the direct supervision of UNIFEM and P4P the UNV volunteer will undertake the following tasks:

  • Documenting process of implementing activities of masculinity research and strengthening Aceh Men’s Forum;
  • Supporting all activities of Aceh Men’s Forum;
  • Supporting training and other activities of masculinity research;
  • Conduct monthly media analyses related on cases of violence and gender inequality that bring issues of men’s involvement as actor or victim;
  • Mapping and building alliances with potential individuals, media and organizations to disseminate research findings and other relevant communications and/or to be involved in new men’s movements otherwise;
  • Identifying and documenting the contributions of volunteerism in GBV/VAW prevention.

Results/Expected Output:

  • Written process report of masculinity research and Aceh Men’s Forum activities;
  • Written reports of monthly media analyses on cases of violence and gender inequality that bring issues of men’s involvement as actor or victim;
  • Written report on assessment of possible collaboration with media and other partners for strategic communications;
  • Written matrix of potential individuals and organizations to be involved in Aceh Men’s Forum;
  • Written document of the role and involvement of volunteerism in the implementation of GBV/VAW prevention and concept note for follow-up activities/projects;
  • A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.


Furthermore, UNV volunteers are encouraged to:

  • Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark IVD);
  • Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;
  • Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities;
  • Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;
  • Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UNV volunteers;
  • Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

Required Skills and Experience


  • University degree;
  • Minimum 25 years old;
  • Knowledge and understanding on basic gender and women’s rights issues;
  • Experience of working on gender and women’s rights issues;
  • Capacity of critical analysis;
  • Capacity of writing report in English and Bahasa Indonesia;
  • Computer literate (standard Microsoft Office tools, familiar with internet);
  • Active engagement in community.


  • English, Bahasa Indonesia and Acehnese;

Living Conditions:

  • Means of local transport: Public transport is available, and UNIFEM provides a vehicle for programme transport within Banda Aceh;
  • Other facilities will be offered: DSA for overnight activities and activities outside Banda Aceh.

Conditions of Service

  • A 12-month contract which is extendable depending on satisfactory performance and availability of funds; monthly volunteer living allowance (VLA) intended to cover housing, basic needs and utilities, equivalent to IDR4,000,000; settling-in-grant (if applicable); life, health, and permanent disability insurance; return airfares (if applicable); resettlement allowance for satisfactory service.



Nomor/: SEK.2.KP.02.01-104

Panitia Pengadaan CPNS Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia Tahun 2010 menerima pendaftaran CPNS Taruna Akademi Pemasyarakatan (AKIP), Taruna Akademi Imigrasi (AIM) dan Taruna Teknis (Umum) di Lingkungan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, yang akan dilaksanakan pelaksanaan pendaftaran dengan Ketentuan Sebagai Berikut:

Keterangan lebih lengkap silakan download dokumen-dokumen di bawah ini:

  1. Pengumuman Lengkap 1
  2. Pengumuman Lengkap 2
  3. PERSYARATAN PELAMAR CPNS TAHUN 2010 lihat pengumuman

August 12, 2010

Penerimaan Karyawan PT. PIM 2010



Lembaga Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Syiah Kuala melakukan seleksi penerimaan calon karyawan tingkat Sarjana (S1) dan Diploma (D3) untuk ditempatkan pada PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, dengan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut:

Diploma (D3)

Sarjana (S1)

- D3 Akuntansi

- S1 Akuntansi

- D3 Perpajakan - S1 Ekonomi/Marketing
- D3 Analis Kesehatan - S1 Kesehatan/Hyperkes
- D3 Farmasi - S1 Komunikasi
- D3 Fisioterapi - S1 Teknik Industri
- D3 Hyperkes - S1 Teknik Kimia
- D3 Keperawatan Umum - S1 Teknik Mesin
- D3 Keperawatan Gigi - S1 Teknik Sipil/Struktur
- D3 Radiologi - S1 Teknik Fisika/Instrumen
- D3 Teknik Elektro/Instrumentasi/Listrik - S1 Teknik Informatika
- D3 Teknik Kimia - S1 Teknik Metalurgi
- D3 Teknik Listrik
- D3 Teknik Mesin
- D3 Teknik Sipil
- D3 Teknik Informatika
- D3 Teknik Metalurgi
- D3 Analis Kimia

1. Persyaratan Umum:

a. Batas Usia maksimal:

o Diploma (D3) : 23 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1987 keatas).

o Sarjana (S1) : 27 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1983 keatas).

o Pelamar yang memiliki pengalaman kerja lebih diutamakan, dengan usia maksimum 30 tahun (melampirkan surat keterangan pernah bekerja yang setara dan sepadan).

b. Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi (PT) dengan Program Studi yang ter-Akreditasi, dengan IPK minimal:

o Diploma (D3) : 2,90

o Sarjana (S1) PT Negeri : 2,75

o Sarjana (S1) PT Swasta : 3,01

(khusus bagi lulusan World Class University, besaran nilai IPK tidak dipersyaratkan)

c. Sehat jasmani dan rohani, tidak buta warna, serta memiliki mental kerja dan disiplin yang baik (khusus untuk Diploma/D3 tinggi badan minimal 160 cm).

d. Untuk Diploma (D3) dengan penempatan sebagai operator pabrik dan teknisi tidak boleh berkacamata (kecuali D3 Akuntansi dan D3 Perpajakan)

e. Calon Pelamar yang memiliki nilai TOEFL >= 450 sangat diharapkan (melampirkan bukti dimaksud).

f. Dapat bekerja dalam kondisi apapun serta mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan (by target).

g. Bersedia menandatangani kontrak kerja dengan perusahaan, minimal selama 5 tahun.

h. Bersedia menyerahkan ijazah asli bagi peserta yang dinyatakan lulus tes kesehatan.

2. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas dapat mengirimkan berkas lamaran dengan persyaratan, sebagai berikut:

a. Surat lamaran (ditulis tangan) yang ditujukan kepada Lembaga Manajemen FE Unsyiah.

b. Daftar riwayat hidup atau Curriculum Vitae (CV).

c. Pas Photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar.

d. Photocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir, masing-masing 1 (satu) lembar.

e. Photocopy KTP sesuai domisili dan masih berlaku sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar.

f. Photocopy Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja (AK1) dari DEPNAKER 1 (satu) lembar.

g. Photocopy Surat Keterangan Akreditasi Program Studi yang telah dilegalisir 1 (satu) lembar.

h. Surat pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja atau dimanapun sesuai penempatan dari perusahaan bersangkutan.

3. Semua persyaratan di atas dimasukkan dalam Amplop tertutup, kirimkan ke PO.Box 44 Banda Aceh, paling lambat tanggal 24 Agustus 2010 (cap pos). Panitia tidak akan melayani berkas lamaran yang diantar langsung maupun segala bentuk komunikasi apapun dengan pelamar.

4. Hanya pelamar/berkas lamaran yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi serta memenuhi persyaratan di atas yang dinyatakan LULUS seleksi administrasi dan berhak untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya.

5. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dapat dilihat di media cetak dan web: pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2010.

6. Peserta yang lulus seleksi ADM diminta hadir langsung (tidak dapat diwakilkan) untuk mengambil Kartu Nomor Peserta Tes pada tanggal 31 Agustus s/d 4 September 2010 (tempat diumumkan kemudian), dengan membawa dan memperlihatkan bukti Asli dari persyaratan point 2d dan 2e di atas (wajib).

7. Panitia berhak untuk menolak lamaran yang dianggap tidak memenuhi persyaratan/ketentuan di atas tanpa penjelasan/alasan apapun.

8. Jika terbukti ada dokumen berkas lamaran yang dipalsukan, maka yang bersangkutan dinyatakan gugur meskipun sudah dinyatakan lulus.

9. Pelaksanaan setiap tahapan seleksi akan dilakukan pada setiap hari kerja (Senin - Jumat).

10. Setiap keputusan panitia seleksi adalah bersifat mutlak serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

11. Persyaratan tambahan:

o Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana.

o Tidak pernah terlibat dalam suatu gerakan yang menentang Pancasila, UUD-45, Kedaulatan Negara dan pemerintah yang sah.

o Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat atau bukan atas permintaan sendiri sebagai pegawai suatu instansi baik Pemerintah maupun Swasta.

o Berkelakuan baik serta sehat jasmani dan rohani, Tidak buta warna, Tidak takut pada ketinggian, Terampil, Teliti, Ulet, Gesit dan Tenang menghadapi hal-hal yang bersifat emergensi.

o Tidak pernah terlibat dalam transaksi jual/beli, pengedaran dan/atau pemakaian Narkoba.

o Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam atau di negara lain yang ditentukan oleh Perusahaan.


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