Reports to: National Project Coordinator Output 1 & 2
Duty Station: Jakarta
Expected Places of Travel (if applicable): Banda Aceh, other districts as needed.
Duration of Assignment: end of Aug 2011 – end of Dec 2011 (4 months)
The project “Making Aceh Safer Through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development” (DRR-A) is a joint Government Indonesia – UNDP project, prepared to support Aceh’s Provincial & District government in their efforts of reducing disaster risk in the area. DRR – A is designed to make disaster risk reduction a normal part of the local level development process established in core functions of Aceh’s local government and their public and private partners especially in Aceh’s local communities where the most effective and direct actions can be taken to reduce physical, economic, and social vulnerability to disasters.
The project is aimed to produce four key outputs:
Output 1: Institutional arrangement and enabling environment established to facilitate participatory and concerted implementation of DRR measures
Output 2: Demonstration of gender sensitive projects implemented in selected locations to test and improve measures for reducing risk from natural disasters
Output 3: TDMRC-UNSYIAH strengthened to provide science-based information, service and knowledge assistance to the local government and other DRR proponents in implementing their DRR activities.
Output 4: DRR public awareness programmes implemented to promote a gender sensitive “Culture of Safety” among the people and institutions of Aceh
The first output from DRR-A project is to support the Aceh Government to produce and set up policy and regulation on disaster risk reduction. The objective of this output is to develop the institutional arrangement and making the enabling environment at each level of Aceh Government to support the planning and implementation on DRR measures in the province. This has to be integrated to decision making process at provincial, district and community levels with required legal basis, procedure and l regulatory framework. Under this output, the project will provide technical support on formulating the policies and regulation and developing capacity of local government agencies. Indonesia has achieved significant progress on legal reform of disaster management, by issuing Disaster Management Law Number 24/2007 and its ancillary regulations. The major challenge is to implement the Disaster Management (DM) Law at local level with risk reduction element and
integration within development process to reduce the impending risks in Aceh..
Aceh Government has also established the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) based on Qanun Number 6 Tahun 2010 which is tasked to coordinate, implement and command in disaster management in Aceh. To manage these 3 (three) functions, it requires the Aceh to plan its. Disaster Management measures as part of development planning instrument. The new BPBA requires strong support to develop its capacity especially to build strong understanding of its personnel on disaster management to facilitate the activities in Disaster
BPBA capacity, both functional and technical should be improved in order for the centre to operate and serve as mandated in BPBA strategic development plan. The respective consultant will asses current BPBA functional capacity such as organizational structure, human and financial resources and based on the assessment result, the gaps will be identified. Furthermore a capacity development plan should have assisted BPBA to improve its capacity. It is expected by having all the systems, procedures and policies in place the organization will run efficiently to implement its planned activities to achieve the set up goals.
General Objective
The capacity assessment exercise will comprehensively assess capacity assets and needs of BPBA. Based on the findings of the capacity assessment, a comprehensive capacity development strategy will be developed to strengthen the capacity of BPBA in performing its overall mandate and responsibilities.
Specific Objectives:
1. To assess the capacity of BPBA Province to lead the implementation of disaster management as well as its mandated functions to coordinate and to command the disaster management in Aceh Province;
2. To prepare the capacity development strategy of BPBA enable them to fulfil their mandate as stipulated in the DM Law No 24/2007, Qanun No. 5/2010 and its ancillary regulations.
3. To provide input to BNPB’s Strategic Plan particularly in line with the institutional strengthening.
4. To provide action plan on the capacity development project derived from the capacity development strategy
To meet the objective of the assignment, the Junior consultant is required to undertake the following scope of the works:
1. Assist the Senior Consultant in developing the assessment of the organizational arrangement, coordination mechanisms, and staffing of the Organizational system and its framework (structure, HR policies/system, M&E structures, presence of performance reviews and budget for internal capacity development, etc);
Coordination policies and mechanisms, if available, with other government ministries/agencies involved in disaster management programmes/activities;
Staffing table of the BPBA.
2. Assist the Senior Consultant in developing the Capacity assessment of the BPBA
Assessment of the institutional capacity of BPBA particularly along five key functional areas:
a) visioning and analyzing disaster management needs;
b) policy formulation and strategic planning;
c) engaging partners and other stakeholders (e.g., civil society, donor agencies, private sectors, etc.) for disaster management;
d) budgeting, management and implementation of disaster management programmes; and
e) monitoring and evaluating disaster management programmes;
Review of capacity development assistance being planned/provided by other donor agencies;
Identification of priority capacity development needs for BPBA.
1. Demonstrated experience in development projects and project management;
2. Experienced in the providing capacity assessment and capacity development;
3. Familiarize with the UNDP’s Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development Framework;
4. Experience in working with government agencies (central and local), CSOs and international organization;
5. Knowledge of disaster management issues, particularly disaster risk reduction, is desirable;
6. Excellent communication and writing skills;
7. Strong interpersonal skills;
8. Highly developed analytical skills.
Please apply online through the following link:
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