PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) currently manage 13 (thirteen) airports in the region of Central and Eastern Indonesia, to manage 2 (two) Cargo Warehousing and Air Traffic Control Center are:
1. Ngurah Rai Airport - Denpasar,
2. Juanda Airport - Surabaya,
3. Hasanuddin Airport - Makassar,
4. Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan,
5. Frans Kaisiepo Airport - Biak,
6. Sam Ratulangi Airport - Manado,
7. Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin,
8. Ahmad Yani Airport - Semarang,
9. Adisutjipto Airport - Yogyakarta,
10. Adisumarmo Airport - Surakarta,
11. Selaparang Airport - Mataram,
12. Pattimura Airport - Ambon,
13. Airport El Tari - Kupang,
14. Warehousing Hasanuddin Airport Makassar,
15. Warehousing Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan,
16. Air Traffic Control Center - Makassar,
PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is a state owned company that specializes in airport provides an opportunity to Indonesia's best people to join us.
General Requirements:
a. Male / Female;
b. Maximum 30-year-old (in 2011);
c. Indonesian citizen;
d. No status as a husband / wife Employee PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero);
e. Graduates :
Bachelor Degree (S1) :
* Law
* Communication Studies
* Accounting
* Management
* Industrial Enggineering
* K3 Management
* Civil Engineering
* Design Interior
* Architecture Engineering
* Informatics Engineering
* Air Transport Management
* Psychology
Diploma Degree (D3)
* Accounting
* Management
* Civil Engineering
* Architecture Engineering
f. Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4;
g. Have a minimum TOEFL score 450 (valid);
h. Good behavior (expressed in Police Notes);
i. Physically and mentally healthy, not tattooed and pierced not (for men);
j. Willing to be placed throughout the Branch Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).
Application file is made by attaching the following documents:
a. Cover letter and curriculum vitae;
b. Copy of diploma that has been legalized by the Authorities;
c. Copy of transcripts that have been legalized by the Authorities;
d. The results of the original TOEFL Score (valid);
e. The original Certificate of physically and mentally able-bodied latest from the RS Government / Hospital;
f. Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized of
Local police;
g. Copy of valid ID card;
h. 2 (two) recent color photographs size 4x6 with a red background.
Application file accepted no later than August 27, 2011 (postmark), by writing education (eg: D.III Ekonomi or S.1 Teknik Industri) top left corner of the envelope and delivered to : PO BOX 2761 JKP 10027
Selection of applicants to Escaped Administration and are called to take the test will be announced through : http://www.dayamakaraui.com/
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