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August 19, 2011

Lowongan BUMN Angkasa Pura I (Persero)

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is a state owned entreprise (BUMN) specialized in airport bussiness & air traffic services. Founded on February 20, 1962 under Government Regulation No. 33 of 1962 with the name of the State Enterprise (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran which has the main tasks as the manager and exploitation Kemayoran Jakarta International airport.

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) currently manage 13 (thirteen) airports in the region of Central and Eastern Indonesia, to manage 2 (two) Cargo Warehousing and Air Traffic Control Center are:

1. Ngurah Rai Airport - Denpasar,
2. Juanda Airport - Surabaya,
3. Hasanuddin Airport - Makassar,
4. Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan,
5. Frans Kaisiepo Airport - Biak,
6. Sam Ratulangi Airport - Manado,
7. Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin,
8. Ahmad Yani Airport - Semarang,
9. Adisutjipto Airport - Yogyakarta,
10. Adisumarmo Airport - Surakarta,
11. Selaparang Airport - Mataram,
12. Pattimura Airport - Ambon,
13. Airport El Tari - Kupang,
14. Warehousing Hasanuddin Airport Makassar,
15. Warehousing Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan,
16. Air Traffic Control Center - Makassar,

PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is a state owned company that specializes in airport provides an opportunity to Indonesia's best people to join us.

General Requirements:
a. Male / Female;
b. Maximum 30-year-old (in 2011);
c. Indonesian citizen;
d. No status as a husband / wife Employee PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero);
e. Graduates :

Bachelor Degree (S1) :

* Law
* Communication Studies
* Accounting
* Management
* Industrial Enggineering
* K3 Management
* Civil Engineering
* Design Interior
* Architecture Engineering
* Informatics Engineering
* Air Transport Management
* Psychology

Diploma Degree (D3)

* Accounting
* Management
* Civil Engineering
* Architecture Engineering

f. Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4;
g. Have a minimum TOEFL score 450 (valid);
h. Good behavior (expressed in Police Notes);
i. Physically and mentally healthy, not tattooed and pierced not (for men);
j. Willing to be placed throughout the Branch Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).
Application file is made by attaching the following documents:
a. Cover letter and curriculum vitae;
b. Copy of diploma that has been legalized by the Authorities;
c. Copy of transcripts that have been legalized by the Authorities;
d. The results of the original TOEFL Score (valid);
e. The original Certificate of physically and mentally able-bodied latest from the RS Government / Hospital;
f. Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized of
Local police;
g. Copy of valid ID card;
h. 2 (two) recent color photographs size 4x6 with a red background.

Application file accepted no later than August 27, 2011 (postmark), by writing education (eg: D.III Ekonomi or S.1 Teknik Industri) top left corner of the envelope and delivered to : PO BOX 2761 JKP 10027

Selection of applicants to Escaped Administration and are called to take the test will be announced through :


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