Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

March 31, 2014

Lowongan Kerja NGO Save the Children
Save the Children has worked in Indonesia since 1976. Our team of more than 150 professionals is committed to a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.  Our Mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treat children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

Save the Children involves Indonesian children as active participants in programs, seeking to maximize their potential by tailoring programs to the cultural context and their developmental stages. We work closely with communities, local organizations and the Government of Indonesia to transform the lives of Indonesian children and their families. We support this by providing practical assistance to local authorities and organisations, supporting them in development planning and service delivery.

Security Guard

1 position, based in Bener Meriah

Code : SC-BM

The post holder will protect Save the Children premises and from unwarranted entry, theft or acts of destruction or violence / Untuk melindungi kantor Save the Children dari pihak yang tidak berwenang, pencurian atau tindak kekerasan atau pengrusakan.

Reports to: Admin Assistant

Dimensions: -


1. Providing protection at Save the Children offices / Menyediakan perlindungan bagi kantor Save the Children.
2. Confirming the bona fides of persons entering Save the Children premises / Memastikan kejujuran dari orang-orang yang memasuki kawasan kantor Save the Children.
3. Building and maintaining good relationships with people in the local area / Membina dan memelihara hubungan yang baik dengan penduduk setempat di wilayah tersebut.
4. Keep office premises clean/ Menjaga kebersihan lingkungan kantor.
5. Monitor all visitors to Save the Children offices and record them in the daily security record book / 6. Memonitor semua pengunjung di kantor Save the Children dan mencatatnya di dalam buku catatan keamanan.
6. Monitor and record the names of all staff attending the office outside normal business hours / Memonitor dan mencatat semua kehadiran karyawan di luar jam kerja normal
7. Prevent anyone who wants to create problems from entering Save the Children premises / Mencegah siapapun yang ingin membuat masalah dengan memasuki wilayah kantor Save the Children.
8. Regularly patrol surrounding areas of premises / Melakukan patroli disekitar wilayah kantor
9. Immediately take appropriate actions (curative or preventive) in every case where troubles or problems may harm/influence the safety and security of Save the Children staff / Segera mengambil tindakan yang tepat/diperlukan apabila mendapat kesulitan atau masalah yang mungkin membahayakan keselamatan dan keamanan karyawan Save the Children.
10. Take turns patrolling the surroundings to ensure / Secara bergantian berpatroli untuk memastikan bahwa:
  • all doors/windows of the office and garage are properly closed and locked / / semua pintu/jendela kantor, garasi telah tertutup dan terkunci dengan benar.
  • all lights placed in strategic locations are properly working / semua penerangan yang dipasang di tempat strategis berfungsi dengan baik.
  1. Do a hand-over of the job and guarding equipment (torch, umbrella, radio, raincoat, etc.) to the guard working the next shift before leaving the premises / Melakukan serah terima tugas dan peralatan jaga (senter, payung, radio, jas hujan, dll) kepada Petugas Jaga pada giliran berikutnya.
  2. Immediately report to the manager or police all matters which may harm the safety and security of the office and staff / Segera melapor ke Atasan atau Polisi setempat semua hal yang dapat mengancam keselamatan dan keamanan karyawan dan kantor.

  • Other duties may be assigned from time to time and which are commensurate with the position / Melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang mungkin diberikan dari waktu ke waktu yang berhubungan dengan jabatan


  • Minimum high school education / Sekolah Menengah Atas
  • Have skill as security guard/ Memiliki ketrampilan sebagai security guard.
  • Display positive attitude and honest / Bersikap jujur dan berkelakuan baik
  • Able to work independently / Dapat diandalkan

Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s aims, values and principles;

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format:

Closing date for application is up to 4 April 2014

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse


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