Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

March 2, 2010


Location : Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
Application Deadline :04-Mar-10
Type of Contract :FTA International
Languages Required :
Duration of Initial Contract :12 months


UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Democratic Governance, Regional Development and Poverty Reduction, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment and Climate Change. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in crosscutting initiatives such as HIV/AIDS and gender equality.

Organizational Context

UNDP is committed to support the Government of Indonesia to ensure the recovery and rehabilitation measures in Aceh and Nias address disaster risk reduction principles and needs. Since 2005 UNDP has been implementing a number of disaster risk reduction initiatives to support the Government establish a sound foundation for applying DRR practices in the recovery stage. To ensure sustainability of DRR activities during the Government of Indonesia has proposed the Disaster Risk Reduction in Aceh Province (DRR-A) Project.

DRR A is designed to promote efforts for making disaster risk reduction a normal part of the development process established in core functions of government and its public and private partners at all levels especially local communities where the most effective actions can be taken to reduce the physical, economic and social vulnerability to disasters. The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure that, over the long-term, development takes place in a way that disaster risks are considered and accounted for so that over time, a culture of safety becomes the norm in Aceh leading to sustainable development.

The project is aimed to produce four key outputs:

  • Output 1: An institutional arrangement and an enabling environment are established to facilitate the participatory and concerted implementation of DRR measures
  • Output 2: Demonstration gender -sensitive projects are implemented in selected locations to test and improve measures for reducing risk from natural disasters
  • Output 3: TDMRC-UNSYIAH is strengthened to provide science-based information, service and knowledge assistance to the local government and other DRR proponents in implementing their DRR activities.
  • Output 4: DRR public awareness programmes are implemented to promote a gender-sensitive “Culture of Safety”.
  • Output 5: Project is effectively and efficiently managed, monitored, evaluated, and audited.

This project will be implemented by the Aceh Government with the oversight of the Ministry of Home Affair (MOHA). Strategic partnerships will be established with other relevant GOI ministries and agencies and with public and private partners at different levels. To be implemented in alignment with the national programme of “Safer Communities through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development”, the project has set a target budget figure of USD $10 million for the three and a half years implementation period.

The incumbent, reporting directly to the Head of CPRU or his delegate, will be responsible for providing technical advices for implementation and achievement the DRR-A project outputs as stipulated on Project Document. He/she will support the NPM to enhance project quality and delivery and to promote risk reduction principles and measures in Aceh, including other UNDP-supported initiatives in the region. A team in the field programme office has been charged to support risk reduction activities and would amplify and intensify them with the commencement of the DRR A Project. This team will liaise and support the Project Management Unit (PMU) hosted in a designated office of the Aceh Government, under the leadership of a National Project Manager (NPM). The NPM will manage the DRR A Project under the guidance of Provincial Project Director (PPD) and direction of the Project Board.

Duties and Responsibilities

Function / Expected Results

  • Provide technical support to implementing partners on establishment of institutional arrangements and enabling environment that facilitates participatory and integrated implementation of DRR practices in Aceh’s governance and development processes
  • Provide support and coordination of community lead development projects with integrated DRR components funded by Aceh government implemented in selected high disaster risk areas to test and improve community level risk reduction practices
  • Provide technical support to TDMRC to help build its capacity to provide evidence-based DRR products, services, information and knowledge to Aceh’s local government and other DRR proponents in Aceh that support their DRR activities.
  • Provide technical support to DRR public awareness programmes implemented to promote a “Culture of Safety” that results in knowledge among Aceh’s students and citizens on what to do to reduce disaster risk in their day-to-day development related decisions
  • Provide technical support, quality assurance, deepening/expansion and/or review and identification of needed remedial actions for effective DRR-A project implementation including support for gender mainstreaming for all the above key result areas
  • Analyse and review the implementation of DRR A project and provide advice to National Project Director and the Project Board to ensure its relevance with the changing circumstances;
  • Identify and advise measures to the NPM and her/his team to operationalize the prescribed outputs and targets of the project;
  • Support the NPM in preparing substantive periodical progress reports of the project implementation;
  • Provide technical advice and support to the UNDP project assurance team and the PMU;
  • Provide technical advice to implementing partners as necessary to ensure enhancement of quality and delivery of the projects;
  • Mainstream risk reduction initiatives into relevant initiatives, particularly other UNDP supported projects in the region;
  • Promote coordination among implementing partners through information sharing, meetings and workshops towards maximizing delivery and synergy;
  • Identify and support cross-fertilization initiatives between national DRR Project (SC- DRR) and the DRR A Project;
  • Serve as a resource person for disaster risk reduction in the region;
  • Write periodic analytical reports on the disaster risk reduction issues and measures in Aceh highlighting among other things the prevailing situation and challenges as well as opportunities for UNDP supports and advice to the Government and other DRR proponent in the region; and
  • Perform other relevant duties as required by the supervisor.

Impact of Results

  • Successful implementation, substantive achievement and the overall efficiency and effectiveness of DRR-A project management. Quality and timely technical advices provision to project management in line with the objectives of the project and UNDP and Government of Indonesia rules, regulation and procedures to ensure the achievement of UNDP Country Programme outcomes and to produce positive project result and image of UNDP Aceh Nias in particular and UNDP Indonesia in general.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional Competencies:

  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Remains calm, in control and good humoured even under pressure.
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
  • Has a vision and provide clear directives to support to team members with the assigned tasks.
  • Competent in leading team and creating team spirit, stimulating team members to produce quality outputs in a timely and transparent fashion
  • Ability to engage and motivate staff in a challenging programme.
  • Establish and disseminate clear guidelines and parameters that articulate the distinct interests and roles of UNDP in mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction practice in Indonesia.

Project Implementation:

  • Highly analytical and conceptually minded in results based management and results oriented approach to project implementation.
  • Ability to lead implementation and monitoring of development projects.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and experience in working on bureaucratic reform and/or decentralization initiatives and existing networks of experts and policy makers.
  • Appreciates and have a firm grasp of the political dynamics of locality in attaining project goals and objectives.

Communications and Networking:

  • Excellent written communication skill, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize project outputs and relevant findings for the preparation of quality project reports
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high ranking members of national and international institutions, government and non-government.
  • Excellent oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to manage inter-group dynamics and mediate conflicting interests of varied actors.

Knowledge Management and Learning:

  • Encourages a work culture of continuous learning, information sharing, and professional development.
  • Shares knowledge and experience; and ability to guide the team in achieving the programme objectives.
  • Ability to develop and implement methods to gather, synthesize, and transfer knowledge, both formally and informally.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree in public administration, international development, Disaster Management or other relevant field.


  • At least 7 (seven) years professional experience in development programming, particularly on disaster risk reduction
  • Experience working in close collaboration with both Governmental and non-governmental sectors;
  • Demonstrated ability related to management of project cycles, including project formulation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation complying with UNDP and GOI standards and procedures;
  • Strong ability to draft, edit and produce quality written results-focused reports in English;
  • Proven capabilities with computers to keep records and produce reports;
  • A full understanding of and commitment to gender issues;
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and liaison skills;
  • Ability to negotiate and troubleshoot relationships with national and international stakeholders;
  • Must be a proactive team player committing to enhancing and bringing additional value to the work of the team as a whole;
  • Ability to work under-pressure and handle multi-tasking situations; and
  • Knowledge of Indonesia and the Aceh province will be an advantage;
  • Willingness and ability to travel to remote field sites;

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in both written and oral English. Working knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia and Acehnese language is desirable.

All applicants must complete a P-11 form and submit it as part of their application. Click here to down load the form P11

Female candidates are encouraged to apply

UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.



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