Save the Children is the World's leading children's rights organization,
with 17 national Save the Children offices and operational programs in
over 120 countries. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to
children's lives world wide. One of the Save ...the Children project is
Enable /Aceh Program. Enable /Aceh program is a Save the Children
program supported by US-DOL, propose to prevent child labor thru
education. This program has been started since January 2006 - May 2010
in 7 districts Sabang, Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Bireun,
Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara. Enable works with more than 60 partners of
some PKBM, SD, SMP, and SMA/K; Enable also coordinates with some
Department/Dinas in the districts (e.g Education Department, Labor
Department, Women and Children Bureau, District Development Planning
Body. Currently, the total beneficiary of Enable/Aceh Program is 10.530
children and the program has supported Pemda in forming 2 District
Action Committee to restriction and immediate action to eliminate the
worst forms of child labor.
In 2006, the program has conducted the baseline survey, which is used as a support to meet some main goals of Enable/Aceh program which are: provide education service (especially in non-formal education), awareness raising and socialize the negative effect of child labor and increase government capacity on child labor.
Currently, Enable/Aceh program under Save the Children is looking for a qualified and committed candidate to fill the following position:
Position Title : End line Survey Enable Program Consultant (ESEPC)
Duty Station : 7 Districts in Aceh (Sabang, Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Bireun, Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara)
Work Period : April 5 - 30, 2010
General Function: The consultant will develop and implement the end line survey for Save the Children ENABLE Aceh Program in 7 Districts mentioned above. In particular he/she will:
1. Collect data survey on approximately 1053 children including leaders and members of partner as a sample (10% of 10,530 the total program beneficiaries)
2. Analyze the qualitative and quantitative and qualitative data
3. prepare the final report
1. Bachelor Degree and professional experience
2. Experience in research.
3. Familiar with child rights issue, especially on child labor.
4. Excellent verbal and written English and Bahasa Indonesia
Applicants should submit a cover letter, updated CV and working paper/TOR emphasize on strategy and technical requirement of end line survey as attachment to welisca@savechildren.org
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