Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

April 28, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Ka. Prodi STKIP Bina Bangsa

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan beberapa tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh dan STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :
1. Ka. Program Studi Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah
2. Ka. Program Studi PG-PAUD
3. Ka. Program Studi PGSD

Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi :
a. Menyusun rencana dan program kerja program studi sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan kerja bidang pendidikan tahap pendidikan akademik, pendidikan profesi, bidang keilmuan dan kelompok dosen, administrasi dan keuangan.
b. Melaksanakan garis perintah organisasi secara vertikal dengan Ketua dan Pembantu Ketua STKIP, garis koordinasi dengan pengelola sumber daya dan administrasi.
c. Menyusun kebijakan teknis bidang pendidikan akademik, bidang keilmuan, administrasi dan keuangan.
d. Melaksanakan pembinaan tenaga akademik dan non akademik pada lingkup Program Studi.
e. Melaksanakan saran alternatif bidang akademik, administrasi dan keuangan.
f. Melaksanakan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan STKIP, terkait dengan pengembangan dan masalah-masalah pada program studi.
g. Melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan akademik, administrasi dan keuangan.
h. Mengevaluasi pelaksanaan tugas bidang akademik, administrasi dan keuangan.
i. Menyusun perencanaan dan membuat pelaporan semester dan tahunan untuk disampaikan kepada STKIP, terkait dengan perkembangan pendidikan akademik, administrasi dan keuangan beserta kendala yang di hadapi.
j. Menerima laporan dan pertanggung jawaban hasil kerja bawahan, untuk ditelaah dan selanjutnya di sampaikan kepada Pembantu Ketua I STKIP.

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 (M.Pd) dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Ka. Prodi.
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Banda Aceh dan Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 1 Mei 2010

Lowongan Kerja Pembantu Ketua II STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan beberapa tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :

1. Pembantu Ketua II STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh

Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi :
Pembatu Ketua II Bidang Administrasi dan Keuangan, mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam perencanaan administrasi dan keuangan untuk operasional pendidikan serta pengembangan organisasi, meliputi:
a. Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Ketua STKIP.
b. Mempelajari dan memahami berbagai perundang-undangan, peraturan-peraturan, qanun dan statuta yang mengatur tentang penyelenggaran pendidikan tinggi serta lingkup lain yang relevan dengan bidang administrasi umum dan keuangan.
c. Membuat pokok-pokok kebijakan dalam pengelolaan keuangan, manajemen administrasi akademik, administrasi umum dan kesekretariatan
d. Melakukan koordinasi vertikal dengan Ketua STKIP, dan para Ketua Program Studi dan koordinasi horizontal dengan Pembantu Ketua I dan III.
e. Membina staf dan karyawan melalui arahan, pengawasan, kesejahteraan termasuk pengembangan mutu.
f. Memeriksa rancangan petunjuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan keuangan akademi, layanan ketatausahaan, kerumahtanggaan dan kepegawaian serta perlengkapan agar pelaksanaannya efektif dan efisien.
g. Memeriksa penyusunan anggaran berbagai kegiatan dari masing-masing unit kerja STKIP, baik yang bersumber dari biaya pendidikan/kuliah, biaya pengembangan institusi dan sumber lainnya yang akan dilaksanakan atas dana penerimaan yang dapat digunakan langsung.
h. Melakukan rapat secara periodik terkait dengan perkembangan, masalah atau hambatan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan bidang administrasi umum dengan unsur pelaksana akademik pada STKIP.
i. Membuat program pengadaan dan upaya perawatan sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas pendidikan/umum yang siap digunakan dalam rangka pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar.
j. Menerima pendelegasian tugas lain dari Ketua STKIP sesuai dengan bidang dan kepentingan yang berlaku.
k. Membuat laporan secara berkala kepada Ketua STKIP menyangkut pelaksanaan kegiatan administrasi umum dan keuangan

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Pembatu Ketua Sekolah Tinggi
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 1 Mei 2010

Lowongan PUKET I STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh

Human Resources Department (HRD) Getsempena Banda Aceh membutuhkan beberapa tenaga staf yang akan ditempatkan di STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh dengan posisi :

1. Pembantu Ketua I STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh

Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi :
Pembantu Ketua I bidang akademik, mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam memimpin pelaksanaan program pendidikan, pembelajaran dan penelitian, meliputi :
a. Bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Ketua STKIP.
b. Mempelajari dan memahami berbagai perundang-undangan, peraturan-peraturan, qanun dan statuta yang mengatur tentang penyelenggaran pendidikan tinggi yang relevan dengan bidang akademik, kemahasiswaan dan kerjasama.
c. Menyusun pengelolaan sumber daya, rencana kegiatan akademik meliputi kurikulum, kalender akademik, proses pembelajaran, evaluasi hasil belajar, praktek (laboratorium dan lapangan), perpustakaan, laboratorium, pengaturan dosen dan kerja sama.
d. Menyusun program-program pokok operasional dan pengembangan dalam rangka peningkatan dan penjaminan mutu proses belajar mengajar, lulusan dan kerja sama.
e. Melakukan koordinasi vertikal dengan Ketua STKIP dan para Ketua Program Studi dan koordinasi horizontal dengan Pembantu Ketua II dan III.
f. Melakukan rapat secara periodik terkait dengan perkembangan, masalah atau hambatan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan bidang akademik, kemahasiswaan, kerja sama dengan unsur terkait pada lingkungan STKIP.
g. Merencanakan dan melaksanakan program kerja sama dengan pihak luar dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan pendidikan baik berupa kerja sama dalam bentuk pemanfaatan sarana dan prasarana, manajemen, sumber daya dan donasi anggaran.
h. Menyusun program pembinaan mahasiswa dan alumni serta mengawasi kegiatan – kegiatan ekstra kurikuler mahasiswa.
i. Memberi advokasi dan pengarahan kepada bagian kemahasiswaan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada setiap program studi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dialami mahasiswa.
j. Menerima pendelegasian tugas lain dari Ketua STKIP sesuai dengan bidang dan kepentingan yang berlaku.
k. Membuat laporan secara berkala kepada Ketua STKIP menyangkut kegiatan Akademik.

Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pendidikan Terakhir Minimal S2 dan diutamakan S3.
2. Bagi S2 bersedia melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S3 dengan ikatan dinas.
3. Lebih disukai bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Pembatu Ketua Sekolah Tinggi
4. Membuat surat pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak kerja dengan instansi atau lembaga lain.
5. Memiliki visi dan misi untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Meulaboh (Aceh Barat).

Persyaratan Lamaran :
• Surat Lamaran Kerja
• CV
• Pasfoto Warna 4 x 6 (1 lembar).
• Foto Copy Ijazah Legalisir (S1, Akta IV dan S2)
• Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai Legalisir
• Foto Copy KTP (1 lembar)
• Surat Pernyataan Bermaterai 6000 (1 lembar)

Dikirimkan kepada :
HRD Director Yayasan Pendidikan Getsempena Banda Aceh
Jln. Tentara Pelajar Lr. Dahlia No.5 Merduati Banda Aceh
Telp. / Fax : (0651) 32114


Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 1 Mei 2010

April 27, 2010

Vacancy at World Vision Indonesia - Program Officer, Banda Aceh

World Vision Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender

World Vision Indonesia is re-opening the following position :

Program Officer (code : PO)
Location : Banda Aceh - Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Major Roles :

To support WV Indonesia’s strategic mandate to "grow resources and influence to increase our impact with children, communities and supporters," and "build the organization and its sustainability" as a key liaison between WV Indonesia donors and project/program implementers.

Qualifications :

* Min. S1 degree in relevant field
* Min. TOEFL Score 550
* Min 2 years experience in humanitarian works
* Competent in Log frame designs
* Strong experience in project management (design) and proposal writing
* Excellent communication skill

Submit your application with updated CV not later than 30 April 2010 to:

As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

April 26, 2010

Lowongan Kerja di Gerakan Anti Korupsi (GeRAK) Aceh

Gerakan Anti Korupsi (GeRAK) Aceh sebagai salah satu lembaga swadaya masyarakat
yang concern terhadap isu pemberantasan korupsi di Aceh dengan ini mengajak Anda untuk bergabung, MENGABDI bersama kami.


A. Posisi yang Dibutuhkan
1. Sekretaris Kantor 1 orang

1. Memiliki kesadaran dan komitmen anti korupsi yang kuat.
2. Bersedia bekerja dalam situasi penuh tekanan dan tantangan.
3. Enerjik, penuh kegigihan, punya inisiatif, dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim.
4. Perempuan, dengan batas usia maksimal 24 tahun per 30 April 2010.
5. Pendidikan minimal Diploma III (diutamakan Strata 1).
6. Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan staf GeRAK Aceh yang aktif saat ini.
7. Bersedia menjalankan masa uji-coba selama 3 (tiga) bulan apabila terpilih dalam seleksi ini.
8. Berkomitmen untuk tidak keluar dari lembaga minimal 1 (satu) tahun setelah masa uji coba.
9. Tidak terlibat dalam politik praktis (partai politik).

1. Diutamakan punya pengalaman sebagai Sekretaris Kantor minimal setahun kerja.
2. Mampu mengoperasionalkan Microsoft Office : Word dan Excel dengan baik.
3. Mampu menggunakan fasilitas yang ada pada jaringan internet.
4. Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
5. Mamahami prinsip dasar peran dan tanggungjawab kesektariatan dengan baik.

1. Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Koordinator GeRAK Aceh.
2. Fotocopy Ijazah dan atau transkrip nilai terakhir, masing-masing 1 lembar.
3. Curriculum Vitae terbaru dan Pas Photo ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
4. Dokumen lain yang dianggap relevan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan sesuai dengan Kriteria Khusus di atas.
5. Lamaran diantar langsung atau via pos ke Sekretariat GeRAK Aceh dengan alamat: Jln. T. Lamgugob Lr. Durian No. 7 Banda Aceh (Belakang Kantor Camat Syiah Kuala).
6. Lamaran paling lambat sudah diterima tanggal 28 April 2010 pukul 16.30 WIB.

Hanya lamaran yang dianggap memenuhi kriteria yang akan dihubungi via telepon untuk mengikuti interview.
Informasi selanjutnya Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui No: 0651-7412967 atau via e-mail :

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Aceh Media Grafika/Serambi Group - Tenaga Lay Out

PT. Aceh Media Grafika/Serambi Group membutuhkan Tenaga Lay Out dengan kualifikasi :

1. Laki-laki
2. Usia maksimal 27 tahun
3. Pendidikan minimal SMU/Sederajat semua jurusan, diutamakan SMK grafika.
4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai tenaga lay out.
5. Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna, tekun, detil, komunikatif, percaya diri, dan memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.
6. Belum menikah
7. Bisa bekerja dengan tim.

Bagi yang berminat dan merasa sesuai dengan kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran ke Kantor Harian Serambi Indonesia, Jalan Raya Lambaro KM. 4,5 Meunasah Manyang Pagar Air, Aceh Besar. Dengan melampirkan syarat-syarat :
1. Curiculum Vitae
2. Fotocopy ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir sebanyak 2 lembar
3. Fotocopy KTP sebanyak 2 lembar
4. Pas foto warna ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 3 lembar
5. Referensi kerja bagi yang memiliki pengalaman kerja

Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 30 April 2010. Hanya yang memenuhi syarat dan kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil.

April 25, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri - Closing Date: 30-4-10

As the largest Bank in Indonesia, with assets that have grown to more than 300 trillion today, and about 22.000 employees spread among 1045 domestic branches and 6 overseas branches and representative offices, Bank Mandiri has committed to delivering excellence in banking services and to provide wide-ranging financial solutions in investment banking and sharia’ products as well as bancassurance for our private and state-owned corporate, commercial, small business and micro customers in addition to our customer clients. Bank Mandiri’s consistent efforts have garnered recognition from both domestic and international institutions. Many has appraised Bank Mandiri as a “Highly Trusted” company and as the best publicity-listed company in the financial sector.

Bank Mandiri has vacancies for qualified talent to join for the following positions:

Relationship Manager (RM) Commercial Banking

(Aceh, Bali, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Aviation/Aeronautics/Astronautics), Engineering (Mining/Mineral), Engineering (Bioengineering/Biomedical), Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Metal Fabrication/Tool & Die/Welding), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Others), Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Marine), Economics, Law, Agriculture with min. GPA 2,75
* Maximum age: 35 years old
* Having good communication skill
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in marketing/credit/account officer/RM in Banking esp. in small, Commercial and Large Commercial segment.
* Have knowledge about trade service/finance transaction is prefferable.
* Able to work independently as well as part of a team
* Willing to be placed in all over Commercial Banking business unit.

Informasi lamaran yang dituju silakan lihat disini

April 24, 2010

Vacancy at Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is an international NGO implementing programs in Aceh, Sumatra, Jakarta and Maluku. Mercy Corps is looking for a strong individual that will provide leadership and direction to the program teams in BANDA ACEH, LANGSA and LHOKSEUMAWE.

Project Summary:
The Strengthening Aceh Maize Production (STAMP) Project that aims to increase maize production to increase incomes, particularly areas of Bener Meriah, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur and Aceh Tamiang funded by Economic Development Financing Facility (EDFF).

Market Information Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe
S/he will be responsible for ensuring that current price data is constantly updated for feed maize of different quality levels, sweet maize, seed, fertilizers and other inputs, for the different market centers covered by the Project. S/he will also be responsible for the operation of the media campaign, including television, radio, SMS texting, print media, and any other forms of price information dissemination. S/he will submit monthly activity reports. S/he will have S1 in business or economics field; understanding of business development services, markets, market development approach and entrepreneurship.

Agribusiness Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe

In charge of defining farmer business training program and overseeing technical field staff in these activities, business-related activities of field staff; prepare curricula for farmer training; oversee training sessions and lead them as time allows; liaise with private input dealers and grain buyer; lead farmer group organization efforts, particularly relating to coordinated sales; submit quarterly activity reports including data required for Monitoring & Evaluation. S/he will have S1 in agribusiness or agriculture field.

Agronomist Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe

S/he will be in charge or production-related activities of field staff, defining maize production program and overseeing technical field staff in these activities; prepare curricula for farmer and field agent training; oversee training sessions and participate as time allows; plan demonstration fields; liaise with the research institutions; submit quarterly activity reports including data required for Monitoring & Evaluation. S/he will have S1 in agribusiness or agriculture field.

Office Administrators (2)
Based in Lhokseumawe and Langsa

Their responsibilities will consist of logistical support for field staff, field activities, and central staff travelling in their regions. They will be responsible for project materials, communication, and petty cash within their regions, and will submit quarterly financial and administrative reports to the Project Director and Accountant.

Agribusiness Assistant Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe

S/he will assist the Agribusiness Specialist with the organization of training sessions, oversight of Field Technicians, and other duties delegated by the Agribusiness Specialist. S/he will have diploma in agribusiness or agriculture field.

Agronomist Assistant Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe

S/he will assist the Chief Agronomist with the organization of traning sessions, oversight of Field Technicians, and other duties delegated by the Chief Agronomist. S/he will have diploma in agribusiness or agriculture field.

Market Information Assistant Project Officer
Based in Langsa or Lhokseumawe

S/he will assist the Market Information Specialist with the collection and publication of data, and other duties delegated by the Market Information Specialist. S/he will have diploma in business or economics field.

Field Technicians (16)
Based in Langsa, Lhokseumawe, Bener Meriah

The Field Technicians will have diplomas from polytechnic or other agricultural institutions and at least two years of experience working directly with farmers. They will be stationed four per district covered by the project, and will ideally have a history of residency and work in those areas. They will work closely with their Dinas Pertanian counterparts, participating in farmer training sessions and demonstration fields, connecting farmers with input suppliers and grain buyers, and assisting farmer organizational efforts. The majority of their time will be spent visiting farmers for monitoring, troubleshooting, and gathering data. They will submit monthly activity and data reports to the Chief Agronomist and Agribusiness Supervisor.

Logistic Officer
Based in Banda Aceh

S/he is responsible for overseeing general aspects of Mercy Corps’ logistics operations including procurement, asset management, vehicle management and security.

General Requirements :
1. Have experience with the same field minimum 2 years;
2. Have experience working in INGO minimum 2 years;
3. Basic understanding of English and fluency in all local languages and knowledge of culture is required.

Please send the Application, CV, salary requirements and references to:
Operational Manager, Mercy Corps
Jl. Krueng Wayla No. 1 Geuceu Komplek, Banda Aceh. E-mail :

We encourage you all to apply immediately. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.

April 23, 2010

Vacancy at American Red Cross - Deadline 25 April 2010

The American Red Cross helps vulnerable people around the world to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters, complex humanitarian emergencies and life-threatening health conditions. As a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and one of more than 20 National Societies working with PMI in Indonesia, the American Red Cross is currently implementing its development programs in Banda Aceh, Aceh Utara, Lamno and Calang with a liaision office in Jakarta.
American Red Cross Indonesia seeks to conduct an evaluation of its integrated Community-based Risk Reduction Project (ICBRR). The American Red Cross (ARC) supports the Indonesian National Red Cross (PMI) by community-focused programs to enhance the capacities of PMI, communities and schools in target areas to prepare for and respond to disaster and raise awareness of disaster preparedness strategies. Findings of evaluation will guide decision making about additional future programming for post-disaster programs.
ARC is seeking a national consultant to work together with the international consultant to undertake the evaluation and produce the final report. The evaluation is expected to commence in mid – May 2010.

Task and Duties
• Under the guidance of national consultant, participate in the planning meetings and contribute to develop and finalize evaluation instruments and field plan
• Conduct focus group discussions in the villages of ICBRR program together with int. consultants or independently to the assigned field
• Conduct Key informant interviews of ICBRR stakeholders
• Analyze data and prepare Focus Group discussion notes and reports under the guidance of International consultant
• Work together with International consultant to prepare presentation of preliminary findings and present at the completion of field
• Hand over the all the reports and notes produced from field to the International consultant for final report as the field work completes.

• Bachelor or Master degree in the relevant field
• Minimum 5 years of experiences in monitoring and evaluation of similar programs
• Experienced with the program activities and issues of disaster risk and reduction in the context of Indonesia
• Ability to work in team or independently and in field environment
• Prevous experience working in Aceh Province is preferable
• Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and knowledge of local language of Aceh is preferable.

Please submit your application and curriculum vitae in English to and please also cc to, placing the job title in the subject line and label your CV with your name (CV max. 500KB size). Only short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after April 25, 2010 will be not considered. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Lowongan Kerja Hermes Palace Hotel Banda Aceh

Hermes Palace Hotel Banda Aceh is the first International four – star hotel in Banda Aceh. The hotel in conveniently located in the city centre, near the Governor office,5 minutes to The Grand Mosque of Baiturahman and 20 minutes to Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport.

The hotel comprises of 6 floors and 159 rooms, consisting of 129 Deluxe Room, 20 Junior Suite, 8 Executive Suite and 2 Presidential Suite.

Hermes Palace Mall – Banda Aceh
Now we have a challenge for the people who are highly motivated professionals to join our team as:

Manager Level :

1. Food Mall Manager
2. HR Manager
3. Wonderland Manager
4. Super Market Manager
5. Chief Accountant
6. Chief Engineer
7. Sales & Marketing Manager
8. Income Auditor
9. Engineering Spv
10. Secretary

Asst & Supervisor Level:

1. Asst. Rest. Manager
2. Asst. Wonderland Manager
3. Wonderland Spv
4. Food Mall Spv
5. Super Market Spv
6. Cost Control
7. Purchasing

Rank & File

1. Waiter/ss
2. Cashier
3. Steward
4. Storeman
5. Greeter
6. Bar Man
7. Cook

Following requirements are an advantage:

* Good English both oral and written (Manager Level)
* Computer skill such as; MS Words, Excel
* Strong leadership and mature (Manager Level)
* Preferably minimum D3/S1 (Manager Level , Asst & SPV Level )
* Preferably experience minimum 2 year (Manager Level)
* Preferably experience minimum 1 year (Asst. & Supervisor Level)
* Good communication skills
* Creative, innovative and guest service oriented
* Outgoing personality

The positions are available immediately.
Please spread out the news and for those who are interested latest on April 30th 2010, may submit the Application letter and CV (including scanned photo – 4 x 4 on the CV) to:

Contact details:

Human Resources Manager
Hermes Palace Hotel

April 22, 2010

Vacancy at LOGICA 2 project based in Banda Aceh

Coffey International Development bekerjasama dengan Forum Bangun Aceh (FBA) dengan pendanaan dari AusAID dan merupakan inisiatif dari Kemitraan Australia-Indonesia, mengelola Proyek Local Governance Innovations for Communities in Aceh (LOGICA 2) yang berkontribusi kepada kestabilan dan kedamaian di Aceh dengan memberi dukungan kepada pemerintah daerah yang efektif dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dan peningkatan standar hidup masyarakat.

Untuk memperlancar pencapaian ini, kami mencari kandidat yang akan bertugas di Banda Aceh dengan kontrak kerja selama 18 bulan (dengan kemungkinan diperpanjang) untuk posisi:

1. SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER Government Gender and Equity Mainstreaming Development (kode: SPM-GGEMD) : 1 posisi.

Tanggung Jawab :

1. Membangun kerjasama yang efektif dengan mitra di pemerintahan, parlemen, organisasi-organisasi non pemerintah dan lembaga donor.

2. Merancang dan melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan terkait, guna: (i) mendorong kebijakan pemerintah kabupaten dalam pelayanan/penanganan kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak; (ii), Advokasi penganggaran untuk peningkatan kapasitas dan perlindungan perempuan dan anak; (iii) Mengembangkan sistem rujukan dan penanganan kasus kekerasan berbasis gender; (iv) meningkatkan pemahaman dan
keterampilan aparatur pemerintah dalam menangani korban; (v) Membuat qanun kota
ramah gender, dan (vi) pelibatan masyarakat dalam pemantauan kinerja pelayanan

2. SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER Community Strengthening Gender and Equity Mainstreaming (kode: SPM-CSGEM) : 1 posisi.

Tanggung Jawab :

1. Membangun kerjasama yang efektif dengan mitra di pemerintahan, parlemen, organisasi-organisasi non pemerintah dan lembaga donor.

2. Merancang dan melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan terkait dengan: (i) membentuk forum/support
group untuk korban di tingkat komunitas (gampong); (ii), peningkatan partisipasi perempuan dalam pengambilan keputusan di tingkat desa; (iii) Membangun mekanisme penanganan kasus kekerasan berbasis gender di tingkat desa(iv) meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam menangani korban; (v) Mendokumentasikan dan mempublikasikan pengalaman pengembangan mekanisme Perlindungan keamanan bagi Perempuan dan anak (vi) pelibatan masyarakat dalam pemantauan
kinerja pelayanan korban.

Kualifikasi Umum:

a. Minimum S1 Sosiologi/Hukum/Gender, Sospol atau pengalaman kerja terkait dengan isu gender .

b. Memiliki pengalaman mendalam bekerja pada isu-isu gender, terutama terkait dengan pengembangan mekanisme perlindungan dan pemberdayaan hak perempuan dan anak;

c. Memiliki jaringan dengan lembaga donor, pemerintah dan organisasi-organisasi non

d. Memahami substansi peraturan perundangan baru yang berkaitan dengan isu gender dan perlindungan kelompok rentan lainnya.

e. Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.

Proyek LOGICA 2 berkomitmen terhadap kesetaraan kesempatan, maka perempuan dan masyarakat Aceh dihimbau untuk mengajukan lamaran.

Kirimkan lamaran anda ke dan dalam format Word atau Pdf (Max 500 Kb) dengan menyebutkan kode jabatan pada subjek email paling lambat tanggal 24 April 2010 pukul 17:00 WIB.

Vacancy at Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan - Marketing and Sales Officer, Aceh

Marketing and Sales Officer

Job Description:

An exciting opportunity has arisen for an innovative and enthusiastic Marketing and Sales Officer with experience in product marketing and development, marketing techniques, with an Acehnese foundation based in Banda Aceh working in partnership with a farmer’s co-operative in Aceh Jaya.

This is a new role designed to augment expansion of the farmers co-operative and will focus on the marketing and sale of milk and development of milk products. This will involve working closely with the farmers’ co-operative, Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD) Farm and Dairy team and Associate Director to develop a specific marketing and sales plan, with the clear objective of exceeding monthly sales targets.

The product

The product is pasturised fresh goats milk, produced by a farmer's co-operative in Lamno, Aceh Jaya.
Yayasan JMD established and currently support the farmers co-operative and farm and dairy unit. The goats are reared using sustainable farming methods and non-chemical farm inputs. It is the first commercial goats milk dairy and the only commercial dairy producing pasturised fresh milk in Aceh, with already established customers in Aceh Jaya and Banda Aceh.

The foundation

JMD is a not-for-profit foundation registered in Indonesia, which provides support for men, women and youth in Aceh striving to build a new future after 2004's devastating tsunami and over 30 years of conflict. JMD’s goal is to leave the villages served with small enterprises firmly established, an educated and skilled workforce, strong adult role models and confident men and women planning futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. For more information please go to the JMD website at:

Position and duties:

The position of Marketing and Sales Officer is part-time, 3 days a week, and will be based at JMD’s Banda Aceh office, with regular travel to Aceh Jaya and elsewhere. The Marketing and Sales Officer will report directly to the JMD Associate Director.

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

* developing and implement a marketing and sales strategy for a new product
* meeting agreed sales targets
* securing new customers as well as manage existing customers
* identifying customer needs and developing suitable packaging
* developing and carrying out customer surveys
* product development and placement

Qualifications and experience

The following qualification and experience is required:

* strong experience in marketing and selling a new product
* be able to meet demanding sales targets
* develop and implement an advertising strategy
* secure new customers as well as manage existing customers
* the candidate must also have very good presentation skills and be able to captivate an audience
* have experience in product development
* willingness to travel frequently throughout Aceh, including to remote rural areas.
* A S1 (Bachelor’s) university degree in a relevant subject.
* At least four years of relevant professional experience.
* Excellent oral and written skills in English, Bahasa Indonesian and Acehnese.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, highlighting their record of achievement, a CV and contact information to:

Lisbet Eferiska

Office Address:
Jln. Tgk Menara VII No.22
Dusun Melati, Garut,Banda Aceh. NAD 23239

(0651-41648 & 0651-44284)

April 21, 2010

Lowongan Kerja PT. Jaya Trade Indonesia - Manager Marketing

PT. Jaya Trade Indonesia adalah salah satu anak perusahaan dari PT. Pembangunan Jaya, sebuah grup perusahaan swasta nasional yang didirikan pada tahun 1971, kerjasama antara pemerintah DKI Jakarta dengan pengusaha swasta nasional yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat fasilitas umum dan bangunan konstruksi di ibukota, Jakarta khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya.

Manager Marketing
(Aceh - Banda Aceh)


* Pria / Wanita
* Maksimal usia 27 tahun
* Pendidikan S1(Manajemen,Teknik, Marketing dll)
* Dengan IPK min 2.75
* Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman 1 -2 tahun di bidang penjualan alat alat berat
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer min. MS Office
* Dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan
* Jujur & sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan
* Bersedia untuk di tempatkan di Aceh dan tahu lokasi di Aceh
* Diutamakan berdomisili di Aceh

Closing Date: 20-04-10. Informasi lengkap surat lamaran yang dituju dapat dilihat disini

" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

April 20, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Biro Psikologi Psikodinamika - Closing Date 25 April 2010

Kami Biro Psikologi Psikodinamika yang concern terhadap pendidikan, pengembangan Psikologis dan Sumber Daya Manusia, membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung pada posisi :

1) Kualifikasi Kepala Cabang, Kode Lamaran (KAC)
Dengan Kualifikasi Sebagai Berikut :
a) Pendidikan Minimal S1 semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan yang memiliki ijazah S2 dibidang yang relevan
b) Usia Maksimal 35tahun
c) Sehat jasmani dan rohani
d) Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (khususnya MS Office)
e) Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tulisan)
f) Berpengalaman dalam bidang yang sama minimal selama 2 (dua) tahun
g) Memiliki integritas dan komitmen yang tinggi
h) Bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan dan tantangan
i) Energik dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
j) Mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas
k) Memiliki inisiatif, dorongan prestasi dan dedikasi yang tinggi
l) Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detil terutama untuk kelompok pekerja fungsional
m) Tekun serta memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi

2) Divisi SDM, Kode Lamaran (SDM)
Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
a) Pendidikan min S-1 Psikologi/Hukum/Ekonomi Manajemen, IPK 2,75
b) Pria/wanita
c) Usia max 30 tahun
d) Paham tentang rekrutmen, training dan administrasi SDM
e) Pengalaman min. 1 tahun
f) Mampu bekerja dengan orientasi target individu dan team
g) Komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
h) Jujur, cekatan dan ulet

3) Divisi Finance, Kode Lamaran (FIN)
Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
a) Pendidikan min D-III akuntansi IPK 2,75
b) Wanita (belum menikah)
c) Berpengalaman bekerja di NGO pada Bidang yang sama
d) Usia max 28 tahun
e) Mengusai laporan keuangan
f) Berpenampilan menarik
g) Menguasai komputer (Ms. Office)
h) Tanggung Jawab, jujur dan cekatan

4) Divisi Marketing, Kode Lamaran (MAR)
Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
a) Pria/Wanita
b) Umur maksimal 28 tahun
c) Lulusan S1 dari segala jurusan dengan ipk 2, 75
d) Berminat terhadap bidang marketing
e) Mempunyai jaringan yang luas
f) Komunikatif dan persuasif
g) Dapat bekerja dengan target
h) Mampu presentasi di hadapan klien
i) Mampu menggunakan komputer terutama power point
j) Teliti, kreatif dan terorganisir dalam bekerja
k) Adaptif dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
l) Memiliki SIM C/A

Persyaratan Umum Pelamar :
1. Surat Lamaran & CV (Curiculum Vitae)
2. Foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 ( 1 Lembar)
3. Fotokopi ijasah dan Transkrip nilai
4. Fotokopi KTP
5. Fotokopi sertifikat /piagam seminar, kursus,dll
6. Bersedia di tempatkan di Kota Lhokseumawe atau Medan.
7. Tulis Kode Posisi dan Lokasi Penempatan disisi Kanan Amplop.

Semua Dokumen Persyaratan dikirimkan ke (Paling Lambat 25 April 2010):

Biro Psikologi Psikodinamika
Jl. Singgah Mata no. 57 Blower, Banda Aceh.
Email :
Via Email :
Via Email (format Word atau Pdf (Max 1MB) Harap mencantumkan kode posisi dan lokasi penempatan yang dilamar pada subyek email anda.
website :

April 19, 2010

Vacancy at UMCOR - Income Generation Program Manager (Banda Aceh)

UMCOR Indonesia

The United Methodist Committee on Relief, Non-Governmental Organization
(UMCOR-NGO) ( is a not-for-profit organization that
provides transitional development and relief assistance to communities in
need around the world. UMCOR-NGO’s Indonesia Mission (UMCOR-Indonesia) is
looking for the following positions

Position : Income Generation Program Manager
Location :Based in Banda Aceh with frequent travel to Bireun

*General Position Summary:*

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) seeks an Income Generation
Program Manager (IGPM) to oversee all Income Generation programs in
Indonesia. The Mission HQ is located in Banda Aceh and the IGPM will report
directly to the Program Coordinator. The IGPM will be responsible for
leading and implementing the collective Income Generation strategy for
Indonesia, which focuses on complimenting UMCOR’s integrated approach to
Community Development in the areas of small business development and the
formation of cooperatives. The IGPM will directly manage all IG program
staff and be responsible for the coordination and execution of all UMCOR
Income Generation projects in Indonesia

Qualifications :

The position requires an advanced degree in economics, community income
generation, cooperative development, rural development, agriculture, or
related field. Proven skills in managing and coordinating complex income
generation or livelihood programs in a developing country will be required
with strong communication skills and additional experience in
administration, budget management, leadership and staff management.

*Essential Job Functions:*

· Direct supervision of all UMCOR Income Generation staff. Assist
and support IG staff with the general management duties associated with the
program and in developing and maintaining a close working relationship with
other staff in the field office, consulting and liaising with them at all
times on project development, implementation and evaluation.**

· Develop monthly and annual work plans, ensure the successful and
timely completion of all income generation project objectives and outputs.**

· Supervise and liaise with consultants for income generation
projects. Coordinate with monitoring and evaluation consultants, supervise
the collection of evaluation data.**

· Contribute to integrated strategic and implementation plans for
all UMCOR activities and coordinate IG planning with other departments to
ensure strong cohesion between all UMCOR programs. Coordinate directly with
engineering, logistics, and procurement departments for the successful
implementation of projects.**

· Management, coordination, organization and strategic planning for
all IG programmatic areas**

· Provide technical leadership for Income Generation projects and,
as a member of the senior leadership team, coordinate work plans and develop
new initiatives in collaboration with other departments**

· Actively contribute and provide full input into the development of
new projects and proposals in the Livelihood and Economic Development
Sector, including the development of logical frameworks and SMART

· Establish and strengthen relations with national and local
Government officials where they relate to the work and objectives of UMCOR

· Monitor and evaluate staff performance against clearly defined
objectives; provide feedback to staff on performance on a regular basis**

· Provide monthly and quarterly reports to the Program Coordinator
as required by donors and partners**

· Initiate and develop staff training opportunities and capacity
building activities**

· Travel on a regular basis throughout UMCOR’s area of operations to
maintain personal understanding of local issues and opportunities, to
monitor activities and to interact with IG program staff

Applications :
If Interest, please send your CV and applications letter before 21 April
to :
Human Resources Officer
UMCOR Indonesia Missions Office
Jl.Fatahillah No.29, Geucu Iniem, Banda Aceh, 23239

Please mentioned the position that you apply on the left corner of the
envelope or as a subject of your E-Mail.
Only applicants selected for interview will be contacted

Thank you for your interest in UMCOR Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja di PT. OTO MULTIARTHA

Kami perusahaan pembiayaan mobil, yang merupakan anak perusahaan SUMITOMO ORPORATION JAPAN, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang akan ditempatkan di cabang ACEH untuk posisi:

Tugas utama : melakukan survey kelayakan customer dan membina hubungan dengan dealer. Kualifikasi : Pria. Usia maks. 30 th. Pend. Min. D3, Berminat di bidang Marketing. Dinamis dan komuikatif. Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C, menyukai pekerjaan lapangan.

Tugas utama : melakukan penagihan angsuran dan menjaga hubungan dengan customer. Kualifikasi : Pria, usia maks. 27 th, Pend. Min. D3, Dinamis & komunikatif, Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C, Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan.

Pria/Wanita, usia maks. 27th, pend. Min. D3, IPK min 2,75, menyukai pekerjaan administratif, dapat mengoperasikan MS Office.

Benefit yang didapat :
Kesempatan berkarir yang luas dengan fasilitas gaji pokok, insentif, asuransi kesehatan, JAMSOSTEK.

Kirimkan lamaran, CV, Fc KTP (wajib), foto 4x6 & lampiran pendukung ke :
PT. OTO Multiartha Cabang Banda Aceh
Jl. Tgk. Daud Beureueh No. 67 Banda Aceh

Atau via e-mail ke: (CV, FLK*)

Cantumkan kode jabatan dan wilayah penempatan pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran atau pada subjek e-mail. Hanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.

*Formulir Lamaran Kerja dapat didownload di

Vacancy at Islamic Relief


Islamic Relief Worldwide, a British NGO, is urgently looking for suitable individuals for the following positions to implement a longer term sustainable development programme in Indonesia.
Islamic Relief (IR) through World Bank funded aims to develop an integrated marine fisheries project that will provide better sustained livelihoods and can be replicated in line with the objectives of Economic
Development Financing Facility (EDFF).
This project will be done in line with multidimensional studies to integrate economic fishing activities with social, cultural, and environmental considerations. The main goal of this sub-project is improving coastal community prosperity through integrated marine fisheries management and better market access. This project will be implemented with Partnership of Aceh Ocean Coral (AOC), a local NGO.

All positions will be based in Simeulue and/or Aceh Singkil in Aceh Province.
1. Fisheries Specialist: 1 position (salary 8-9 million IDR per month).
Qualifications: minimum graduation degree from a reputable university in fishery,
strong managerial skills, minimum 5-7 years experience with INGO’s in related

2. Construction Engineer:
1 positions (salary 7-8 million IDR per month). Qualifications: minimum
graduation degree from a reputable university in Civil Engineering, 3-4 years
experience relevant field in INGO’s or Private Sector.

3. Senior Livelihood Officer:
1 position (salary 7-8 million IDR per month). Qualifications: graduated from a
reputable university in agriculture, fishery or other related field, 3 – 5
years experience with international INGO’s in related field.

4. Economic Development Officer:
1 positions (salary 5-6 million IDR per month).
Qualifications: graduated from a reputable university in business administration or economy background, 2–3 years experience INGO’s in economic development.

Please submit the application letter with CV to the following address not later than April 22, 2010:
Send email to:
or by post to:
Islamic Relief Aceh,
HR and Admin Department,
Jalan Pemancar No 6,
Lamteumen Timur, Banda Aceh 23236

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April 17, 2010

Vacancy at PT SAI - Power Plant Manager

PT Semen Andalas Indonesia (PT SAI) a subsidiary of world leader in cement manufacturing and building material (Lafarge), invites you to join our team to be based in Lhok Nga-Plant, AcehIndonesia as:

Power Plant - Manager (Code: PPM) (Aceh)


* Presently PT SAI has installed Captive Thermal Power Plant having capacity of 2x16 MW with CFBB technology and the Operation Maintenance (O&M) Contractor has been appointed. The selected candidate shall be a interface between the O& M contractor and Cement Plant of Lafarge. Reports to Plant Manager, the incumbent is responsible to:
o Manage and monitor performance of a coal based power plant using CFBB technology;
o Manage and monitor the O & M contract conditions;
o Analyse and record performance report; Record keeping and data management;
o Weekly, monthly review meeting with the Operator on operation and maintenance
o Coordinate with the contractor and cement plant manager for synchronized operations;
o Manage and co-ordinate procurement / inventory of materials such as coal, lime stone, diesel, Chemicals, Lube oil etc., which are owner inputs.
o Ensure a safe working condition in the respective working location to support the company’s safety policy.


* General Requirements:
o Should be an Engineering graduate, preferably (Mechanical / Electrical) Graduate, additional of Management Degree or diploma in management with special emphasis on contract administration and supply management shall be preferable.
o At least 10 years working experience in the power plant with similar or higher capacities with coal as main fuel;
o Well conversant with all applicable Indonesian standards and regulation pertaining to power plant including environmental standards.
o Should have managed and monitored contracts;
o Should have basic technical understanding of process plants
o Should be computer literate with proficiency in MS Office, power point presentations and data management;
o Should be proficient in English and Local Language is more advantage
o Good knowledge of safety rules and regulations.

* Competencies:
o Core Competencies : Technical Skills, Integrity and Values, Teamwork and Cooperation, Driving for results, Customer focus,
o Managerial Competencies : Leading people, Leading change, Vision and Purpose, Organizational awareness, Development others, Conceptual thinking, Analytical thinking.

Qualified candidates are invited to forward your application with full resume, recent photograph, not later than 14 days to bellows email address:


Note: Please put the job code in the subject of your application



Location : Aceh Barat (Meulaboh), INDONESIA
Application Deadline :21-Apr-10
Type of Contract :Service Contract
Languages Required :
Duration of Initial Contract :6 months (initial)


UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.

I. Organizational Context

Under the direct supervision of the Project Associate (PAsc) in Meulaboh, the Project Assistants (PA) are responsible for the efficient and proper management of UNDP’s Tsunami Recovery Waste Management Project (TRWMP) activities in respect to Project planning, needs assessment, implementation, monitoring and reporting.

The Project Assistants of the TRWMP provide support and assistance to the Waste Management Project Coordinator / Officer and Advisor in ensuring project outputs, outcome and targets are delivered satisfactorily. He/she is also required to liaise with operations, Project and other project staff as and when required.

Duties and Responsibilities

II. Functions / Key Results Expected

1. Supports the formulation of Project Strategies and Action Plan focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Assist in the communicating and delivering the overall TRWMP strategies, objectives and activities.
* Assist with collaborative activities with partners to identifying priority areas of work.

2. Provides effective support to the management of the Field Office focusing on the achievement of the following results:

* Responsible for the efficient and proper management of UNDP’s Tsunami Recovery Waste Management Project (TRWMP) activities in respect to Project planning, needs assessment, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
Support and assist Waste Management Project Associate in ensuring project outputs and targets are delivered satisfactorily.
* Required to liaise with operations, Project and other project staff as when required.
* Develop productive working relationship with government within the context of the TRWMP.
* To liaise and work with Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) and other project partner.
* Make necessary arrangements for provision of technical assistance to implementing partners and contractors.
To prepare report on activities supported by the Project, including Project undertaken by implementing partner.

3. Provides administrative support to the Project Unit focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Conduct daily monitoring for TRWMP activities and ensure for any projects expenditures done by government implementing partners and contractors.
* Prepare all documents related and submit request for payments to UNDP Jakarta.
* Monitor budgets for the TRWMP and advices supervisor of any critical variations in the budget.

4. Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the Field Office particularly for programs’ implementing partners focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Liaise and work with Government & Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other project partners.
* Knowledge sharing for environmental and waste management guideline and systems to implementing partners/contractors.
* Participation in the trainings for the operations/ projects staff.
* Contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

III. Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the execution of the TRWMP Project activities in terms of quality and accuracy of work completed which implemented by TRWMP government implementing partners and contractors. Accurate data entry of the Project implementation based on targeted work plan, Key Performance Indicator and Monitoring & Evaluation work plan; and particularly in enhancing transparency and capacity of TRWMP implementing partners.

Through close assistance, Project Assistant will also enhance government capacity in managing and supervising Sanitation activities within districts level.

Project Assistant with Duty Station in Meulaboh will be covering Aceh Barat district and Nagan Raya district or depend on Projects’ need.


IV. Competencies

Corporate Compentencies:

* Serves and promotes the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of UNDP
* Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
* Plans, prioritizes, and delivers tasks on time

Serves and promotes the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of UNDP

Functional Compentences:

Knowledge Management and Learning:

* Shares knowledge and experience
* Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills
* Promotes a learning environment; facilitates the development of individual and team competencies
* Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside UNDP

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

* Ability to perform a variety of standard tasks related to Results Management, including screening and collecting programme documentation, data entering, review of budget and expenditure, filinf, provision of information.
* Good knowledge of administrative rules and regulations
* Ability to liaise and work with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other project partners
* Ability to provide input to business processes, implementation of new systems, SOPs etc.

Leadership and Self-Management:

* Determines clients' needs & adapts UNDP products & services to meet them, and responds positively to feedback.
* Contributes creative, practical ideas and approaches to deal with challenging situations
* Pursues own personal and professional development
* Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
* Demonstrates effective written and oral communication skills
* Executes day-to-day tasks systematically & efficiently
* Uses Information Technology effectively as a tool and resource

Required Skills and Experience

* V. Recruitment Qualifications


* Minimum university degree or equivalent in Engineering, Environmental or Scientific discipline;


* Minimum 3 years of relevant engineering experience is required at the national or international level.
* Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, Auto Cad etc).
* Experience with public International Organization, and particularly with UN agencies or UNDP, particularly on environmental activities and/or development would be a considerable advantage
* Experience in assisting and coordinating projects with government.
* Experiences in working with community.

Language Requirements:

* Fluency in the UN and national language of the duty station


Female candidates are encouraged to apply

UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.? We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

April 15, 2010

Job Vacancy at PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Closing Date: 22-4-10

PT Hanjaya Mandala SAMPOERNA Tbk., one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia, produces brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the leading international tobacco company.

Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business.

Area Sales Administrator

(Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara)


* To maintain good administration of database, reports, documentation in an accurate and timely manner in order to support other unit to monitor selling activities, outlet and market data, and operational cost in his/her area.


* The incumbents must hold Bachelor Degree from all education background, preferably Computer Science, Informatic Engineering or Information System majors
* Minimum GPA 2.75.
* Having good analytical thinking and communication skill.
* Computer literate (prefer who has Macro Excel Knowledge)
* Willing to work in field and challenging situation
* Willing to be relocated to all around Indonesia

Untuk informasi lamaran yang dituju, dapat dilihat selengkapnya disini

April 14, 2010

About Us

LOWONGAN KERJA ACEH adalah situs informasi lowongan kerja di Indonesia, dengan fokus target informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di Aceh. Kami memuat informasi lowongan kerja dari berbagai sektor, diantaranya; lowongan kerja di instansi pemerintah, lowongan kerja di Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Lowongan Kerja Bank atau Perbankan, lowongan kerja LSM/NGO, lowongan di dunia migas (oil & gas), perusahaan swasta, dan lain-lain.

Seluruh info lowongan kerja tersebut dapat diakses melalui situs kami di secara gratis. Jika ingin menghubungi Team Redaksi LOWONGAN KERJA ACEH atau mengirimkan informasi lowongan kerja silahkan kirimkan ke email


Untuk memperoleh update informasi lowongan kerja, silakan add dan follow kami di Fanpage Facebook dengan nama Profil LOWONGAN KERJA ACEH, Twitter dengan nama Profil InfoKerjaAceh, dan Google Plus dengan nama Profil LOWONGAN KERJA ACEH.


Vacancy at ADRA Indonesia - Field Officer, Aceh Jaya

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Indonesia is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 by the seventh-day Adventist Church for the specific purpose of individual and community development and disaster relief in Indonesia. The basis for its existence, its reason for being, is to show God's love and example by living for, helping and working with those in need in community development and disaster relief programs

Position: Field Officer
Employer: ADRA Indonesia
Duty Station: Teunom, Aceh Jaya
Contract: 7 months with possible extension
Reporting to: Project Coordinator

Qualifications Required:
• D-3 or Sarjana Strata 1 (Sarjana S-1) degree in Economics, Agriculture and Animal Science.
• 2 (two) years work in agriculture and livestock is preferable.
• Possess adult-teaching method and knowledge transfer skills
• Professional attitude and able to work in a team
• Accurate, reliable, wise and open minded
• Responsible on his/her job description
• Good in time management
• Willing to improve his/her knowledge by reading and attending trainings
• Capable in organizing, planning and problem solving
• Understand and able to write basic English
• Computer literate
• Honest

Job Summary
• Liaise with the government, agriculture department, and expertise in related field to facilitate the project implementation activities
• Identify existing community based organizations and other groups
• Introduce the project to the community through socialization and awareness program
• Identify groups with at least 5 to 8 members
• Facilitate formation of cow bank and chicken pass system
• Conduct a baseline survey among the new members
• Facilitate group meetings at least once a week
• Monitor beneficiaries' business progress regularly
• Encourage each members to practice the better ways of farming and livestock raising
• Write impact stories and collect candid photos using the given format and guidelines
• Coordinate trainers to conduct capacity building seminars at least once a month
• Evaluate members' income against the baseline survey
• Control spending based on the agreed project budget
• Write quality and timely reports in English as required
• To perform other responsibilities related as requested by Project Coordinator
• Compliance with ADRA standards and principles

Application Instruction:
Please submit your application letter, CV and supportive documents before April 18th, 2010 by email to job_applications@ adraindonesia. org
Subject of the email: Field Officer
Note: email not more than 200kb
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

ADRA Indonesia gives an equal opportunity employment regardless of race, gender or religion.

For more information please check our website at

April 12, 2010

Lowongan Kerja PT TASPEN (PERSERO) TAHUN 2010, Closing date : 25 April 2010


PT TASPEN (PERSERO) adalah sebuah BUMN yang bergerak dibidang Asuransi dan Pensiun membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan Diploma 3 (D3) untuk ditempatkan di luar Pulau Jawa.

A. Persyaratan Umum
Warga Negara Republik Indonesia (WNI)
Diutamakan yang bertempat tinggal dan memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) di wilayah kerja Kantor Cabang Banda Aceh, Pematangsiantar, Pekanbaru, Pangkal Pinang, Tanjung Pinang, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari, Manado, Gorontalo, Ternate, Jayapura, Mamuju, dan Manokwari.
Usia maksimal pelamar adalah 24 tahun untuk D3, dan 30 tahun untuk S1 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2010.
Indeks Prestasi 2,75 untuk PTN dan 3,00 untuk PTS
Program Studi yang diterima adalah lulusan :
Sarjana (Kode: S1) Jurusan : Hukum Perdata (KUM), Manajemen (MAN), Studi Pembangunan (STP), Matematika (MAT), Administrasi Negara/Niaga (ADM) dan Teknologi Informasi (TIN).
Diploma 3 (Kode: D3) Jurusan : Asuransi (ASR), Aktuaria (AKT), Akuntansi (AKU), Sekretaris (SEK), Desain Interior (DIN), Manajemen Informatika (MIN), Teknik Komputer (TKO), Perpajakan (PJK), Manajemen Pemasaran (MPM) dan Statistik ( STA).
Memiliki score TOEFL prediction min. 450 (khusus S1)
Belum menikah dan sanggup untuk tidak menikah selama 2 tahun sejak diangkat sebagai Pegawai
Sehat Jasmani, Rohani, Bebas dari Penggunaan Narkoba dan Obat Psikotropika

B. Persyaratan Administratif
Membuat surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Manajer Utama Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia PT TASPEN (PERSERO), disertai lampiran sebagai berikut :
Daftar Riwayat Hidup (dilengkapi dengan no telp/HP);
Pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 sebanyak 4 lembar;
Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku sebanyak 1 lembar;
Foto copy Akte Kelahiran / Surat Keterangan Lahir;
Foto copy Ijasah /Surat Keterangan Lulus, transkrip nilai dan sertifikat TOEFL prediction yang dilegalisir oleh lembaga yang berwenang.
Asli Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah (minimal dari Kelurahan setempat)
Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKB) / Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari kepolisian
Asli Surat Keterangan sehat jasmani (mencantumkan tinggi dan berat badan), sehat rohani, bebas narkoba dan obat psikotropika, bebas buta warna dari dokter/institusi yang berwenang
Membuat surat pernyataan bermaterai Rp.6.000,- dilampirkan pada berkas lamaran, yang menyatakan :
a. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pegawai di Instansi Pemerintah/Swasta;
b. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan keputusan Pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana;
c. Bersedia tidak menikah selama 2 tahun sejak diangkat sebagai Pegawai
d. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh prosedur dan tahapan seleksi;
e. Bersedia menanggung segala biaya alat tulis (pensil HB, 2B, peraut, penghapus dan papan alas tulis), transportasi dan akomodasi selama proses seleksi dari tempat tinggal (domisili) pelamar ke lokasi seleksi;
f. Bersedia mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan selama proses seleksi apabila pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap akhir dan mengundurkan diri secara sepihak;
g. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Fotokopi surat keterangan pengalaman kerja (bila ada).

C. Tata Cara Melamar
1. Berkas lamaran lengkap dengan lampiran persyaratan administratif dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat tertutup. Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke : PO BOX 2952 JKP 10029
2. Pelamar wajib mencantumkan kode S1 atau D3, kode jurusan dan kode asal pelamar pada sudut kiri atas di sampul depan amplop lamaran dan di dalam surat lamaran halaman pertama. Kode asal pelamar sebagai berikut :
Pelamar dari Pulau Sumatra dan sekitarnya (Kode SUM),
Pelamar dari Pulau Jawa, Bali, dan sekitarnya (Kode JAW),
Pelamar dari Pulau Kalimantan dan sekitarnya (Kode KAL),
Pelamar dari Pulau Sulawesi dan sekitarnya (Kode SUL),
Pelamar dari Papua dan Sekitarnya (Kode JAP),
Contoh : S1/KUM/SUM artinya pelamar lulusan S1 jurusan Hukum Perdata berasal dari Sumatera dan sekitarnya

3. Seluruh berkas lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT.TASPEN (PERSERO) dan tidak dapat ditarik/diambil kembali dengan alasan apapun;
4. Seleksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan SISTEM GUGUR.

D. Tahapan proses seleksi penting untuk diperhatikan oleh para pelamar :
a) Pengumuman lowongan dapat dilihat di situs ; ;
b) Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 24 April 2010 (Cap Pos)
Masa Berlaku : 9 April 2010 - 25 April 2010

Lowongan Kerja di PT Bank Danamon

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. melalui segmen Danamon Simpan Pinjam telah memajukan perekonomian mikro di Indonesia. Puluhan ribu karyawan telah bergabung dan sukses bersama kami. Bagi anda yang memiliki kepedulian yang sama, kami mengajak Anda untuk mengembangkan karir bersama salah satu tim perbankan terbaik di Indonesia sebagai Pegawai Tetap PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. dengan jabatan:


1. Untuk lulusan minimal D3: IPK min. 2,75, usia maks. 35 tahun, dan mempunyai pengalaman di bidang sales selama min. 1 tahun; atau usia maks. 26 tahun untuk fresh graduate
2. Untuk lulusan SLTA / sederajat: rata-rata nilai ijazah 7, usia maks. 23 tahun dengan pengalaman kerja min. 2 tahun
3. Mampu mengoperasikan computer, min. MS. Office
4. Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan bermotor roda dua
5. Menyukai tantangan
6. Mampu berkomunikasi secara baik
7. Menguasai bahasa daerah dan mengenal komunitas setempat

Remunerasi yang ditawarkan:
- Gaji tetap
- Insentif yang sangat menarik
- Asuransi jiwa dan kesehatan
- THR dua kali per tahun
- Program training yang lengkap, berkesinambungan dan terstruktur
- Jenjang karir yang cepat dan jelas
- Suasana kerja yang dinamis dan menantang

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan riwayat hidup lengkap dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar di sudut kiri atas, disertai copy transkrip / daftar nilai, ijazah terakhir, serta dua lembar pasfoto terbaru ukuran 3x4 ke alamat:

Danamon Simpan Pinjam Cluster NAD
Jl. Hasan Saleh No. 1 Neusu Jaya Banda Aceh
U/P: Rachmad Kurniawan
Atau kirim ke alamat e-mail:

Lamaran paling lama diterima tanggal 15 April 2010

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