Jakarta Based Positions:
Procurement Officer (1):
Manage the procurement of goods, equipment, and services, subcontracts in a transparent manner that complies with USAID regulations. This person must have previous experience with USAID funded projects.
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (1):
Manage the Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) at the outputs and annual outcome levels and supports the development of M&E instruments, maintain database, and train Regional Staff. This person must have 5 years experience related to Monitoring and Evaluation.
Regional Based Positions Jayapura, Central Kalimantan, BandaAceh:
Regional Managers (3):
Regional Managers (RMs) are responsible for the overall implementation of USAID IFACS activities in their designated region. The RM will supervise a core technical team located in the region and ensure that this core team implements work plan by coordination of its activities with stakeholders and designated partners.
Spatial Planning Specialist (3):
Work with district governments to improve their capacity to do spatial planning as a means to reduce Green House Gas emissions and negative impacts on biodiversity. And facilitate other IFACS Regional conservation spatial planning initiatives in selected natural resource concessions and villages.
Landscape Conservation Specialist (3):
Provide technical assistance to local communities, government and private sector entities to increase their understanding of and capacity to develop and implement landscape conservation activities.
Governance Specialist (3):
Support Provincial, District and Local government in conservation planning, budgeting, and implementation.
Community Development/Communication Specialist (3):
Lead efforts to engage communities in a participatory process to improve their livelihoods and their capacity/commitment to conduct sustainable forest management. Build the capacity of communities to engage proactively and confidently in multi-stakeholder forest management fora.
Private Sector Development Specialist (3, Jayapura, Central Kalimantan, Banda Aceh):
Lead efforts to support low carbon economic development activities. Assist natural resource extraction firms to improve practices to lower carbon emissions and impacts on biodiversity. Assist facilitate implementation of conservation management plans in selected natural resource concessions.
At least 10 years experience in the technical area, in depth knowledge of the region, and fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. This is designated as a CCN position so only Indonesian nationals/citizens are encouraged to apply.
To Apply:
Please email full, current CV in reverse chronological format with 3 references, a brief cover letter explaining why you are qualified for the position, and a completed USAID Employee Biographycal Data Sheet or EBD to ifacs.recruitment@gmail.comreferring to the Position Title in the Subject Line
by March 5, 2011. Candidates who best meet position requirements will be contacted. No phone calls, please.
Tetra Tech ARD is committed to diversity and gender equality in all of its operations. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural groups. Tetra Tech ARD is proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
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