1. Introduction
Handicap International Federation is a non-governmental organization, specialized in the field of international solidarity. It was formed in 1982, with its headquarters in Lyon (France). Handicap International federation is working in over than 55 countries worldwide and a co-winner of 1997 Nobel Prize for Campaign against Land Mines. Handicap International is made up of a Federation and eight sections (national associations) which work together on mobilizing resources, co-managing projects and promoting the movements’ principles and activities. Handicap International federation is neither exclusively a development NGO nor exclusively an emergency relief NGO. Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making, Handicap International federation works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant.
Handicap International Federation has been working in Indonesia since 2005 to support health and social initiatives related to disability issue. In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Handicap International Indonesia implements activities that will allow people with disabilities in Indonesia to have greater opportunities to exercise their rights to enhance their dignity.
Handicap International Federation Indonesia formulated a strategy which stated that the specific objectives of the activities are to increase the capacity of institutions and services working in disability field, confirming to general public and decision makers are aware that disability is a human rights and development issue, and empowering people with disabilities and their organization to become active actors in their communities.
2. Project Presentation
The HI Federation Rehabilitation project is currently working in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah, and starts its activities in Bireuen, Pidie Jaya, Lhoksemawe and Aceh Utara to strengthen the rehabilitation services provided in Aceh Province, Indonesia, pursuing the following specific objectives: “To facilitate access to rehabilitation care for PwDs, reducing environmental barriers, and to improve provision of rehabilitation care for PwDs”. This activity is supported by MAE Luxembourg.
It aims to improve the quality of care and access to rehabilitation for people with disabilities through:
• strengthening the identification and referral system,
• strengthening the skills of public services (midwives in charge of identification and referral and rehabilitation staff at the sub district, district and province levels) through training and technical support to health authorities
• Integration of physical rehabilitation in the social insurance system of the province
• establishment of mechanisms for incurred costs management at Community level
3. Rationale
In 2011 / 2012 HI will conduct a survey on to assess the satisfaction of Physical Rehabilitation clients in 8 districts Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah, Bireuen, Pidie Jaya, Lhoksemawe and Aceh Utara.
This survey is the third of a serie aiming to improve the understanding of the situation of persons with disabilities in Aceh province, and the impact of the project on this group:
• A general disability prevalence study was implemented in 2009
• A survey on the access to rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities was implemented in 2010
• The current survey on the satisfaction of persons with disabilities regarding rehabilitation services to be implemented in 2011-2012
More specifically, the current survey is aiming to assess client satisfaction in terms of :
• the quality of services (accessible, efficient and impactful)
• the appropriateness of services considering the needs of persons with disabilities
4. Methodology
Target group
• The target groups of the survey are the persons with disabilities receiving physical rehabilitation services (Physical therapy, Prosthetic Orthotic, Assistive devices)
• The respondents have received services in the structures covered by HI project (puskesmas, district and provincial hospital in 8 districts and provincial level of Aceh)
• The respondents have received physical rehabilitation services in the period January 2010 to December 2011
• The survey will be carried out in 8 Districts of NAD province( Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah, Bireuen, Pidie Jaya, Lhoksemawe and Aceh Utara) where HI implements its current rehabilitation project
• The survey will be implemented between December 2011 to April 2012.
Survey methodology
• Purposive sampling will be used for the definition of the sample.
• The survey uses quantitative survey research methodology, collecting data by interviewing respondents face-to-face and recording their responses on questionnaire sheets.
• A questionnaire with a series of questions ranging from general information, status of client, causes of impairment, service delivery, satisfaction level and recommendations to improve the quality of services is proposed as a template.
• This will be discussed and completed with the service provider
• The questionnaires will be translated to Bahasa Indonesia
• The questionnaires will be tested with a small group of clients before
the actual implementation.
• Enumerators will be selected by the service provider and CVs made available upon request
• Prior to actual survey all the enumerators will be trained on:
o usage of questionnaires,
o ethics of survey,
o disability etiquette. ,
Sample selection
• The staff of HI and consultants agree to randomly select PwDs households using purposive sampling method guided by data owned by Handicap International, Puskesmas and Hospital
• Sample should be covering evenly the 8 districts of implementation.
• The overall propose sample size is 200 with an average of 25 persons with disabilities per district
• To have a good comparative study, emphasis is laid to ensure that the sample provides a sizable representation of genders and children. (Children refers to individuals with age range 0 - <18 years old.)
5. Expected Results
• A training of enumerators is implemented according to ToR validated by HI
• The satisfaction of client of rehabilitations services delivered in 8 districts of HI project is measured on the basis of the following criteria:
o the quality of services (accessible, efficient and impactful)
o the appropriateness of services for PWDs needs
• A report is drafted by the service provider and validated by Handicap International
• A restitution session of the survey is organized between the service provider and HI to present and discuss the methodology implemented, constraints and challenges met, findings and recommendations
• CVs of enumerators
• Training supports and training evaluation for enumerators
• Timetable of activities for survey implementation, December 2011- April 2012
• Survey report
• Restitution session documentation
- Physical rehabilitation "Client satisfaction survey"
- Location: 8 districts ie. Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah, Bireuen, Pidie Jaya, Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara.
- Period: December 2011 - April 2012
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A full proposal written in English is required at the application phase.
Included in the proposal:
- Expected Fee / Price Quotation
- Resume/CV (for individuals)
- Company Profile (for companies/institution)
- References
- Brief Description of the survey methodology which will be conducted
Please refer to the details below for more information.
Applications without complete proposal will not be considered. Deadline for the submission of the Technical & Financial Offer: 17 December 2011
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