Third ex State-Owned Enterprises Commerce was originally derived from the Company's "The Big Five" The Dutch government in Indonesia's Dutch colonial era and then became state-owned enterprises in the years 50 'an.
Implementation of the three ex-state Commerce merger is intended to improve management efficiency, maximize profits, business integration and increasing ownership of assets.
PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia require 1 person to labor PHARMACIST (APT).
1. Curiculum Vitae
2. Copy of degree certificate
3. Copy of Identity Card
4. Pas Photo 3 x 4 colors 2 Sheet.
Send the application letter together with the above required documents to this addresse:
PT. PPI (Persero)
Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia,
Jl. T. Daud Beureueh No. 181 A
Depan RSUZA Lampriet Banda Aceh
For further information please download here.
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