Following positions are now open in the framework of this project:
DEADLINE TILL 2 November 2010
- Admin/IT Assistant
- Communication officer
- Field Officer for Agriculture
- Field Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance Unit
- Finance/ Admin Assistant
- Finance Assistant
- Finance Officer
- Internal Auditor
- Logistic and Procurement Assistant
- Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
- Cooperative and Microfinance Advisor
Caritas Czech Republic
The Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Office (CCR) has been implementing rural livelihood development activities in Aceh Jaya since 2005, following the emergency response to the Tsunami. For more than five years CCR has been providing long term support for the victims of the Tsunami and the conflict in Aceh in the fields of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquaculture.CCR has strong experience working with cooperatives of growers and fishermen and will bring this Aceh-specific knowledge to the AEDFF project.
How to apply:
Application should be sent via email and must include a cover letter in English and current Curriculum Vitae with the position code as the subject of the email.
The CV should include a 2-3 page professional resume with education, and work experience (English only) and 3 professional references (not related to/ or family member with the candidate) complete with names, job position and working phone number for the reference.
Resumes must have full contact detail of the candidate and qualified candidates should send the application to caritas.ceko@gmail.com
Note to applicants:
No transportation costs related to relocation will be provided.
Admin/IT Assistant
I. Position Information
- Code: AIT – BA
- Supervisor: Office Manager
- Duty station: Banda Aceh
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
The Administrative Assistant will be in responsible for basic administrative functions and IT matters.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Pay office monthly bills
- Manage office supply inventory
- Prepare the purchase request of office supplies
- Occasionally assist with inventory and the photo documentation process
- Undertaking routine tasks for the preparation team including photocopying, printing, and making travel arrangements
- Preparing MoM (Minutes of Meeting) in every meeting
- Responsible for IT management and Internet Connection of the Banda Aceh office
- Maintain all computers used by CCR staff in Banda Aceh and non-EDFF projects in Aceh Jaya
- Travel to Aceh Jaya to monitor Internet connections from time to time
- Update and maintain all anti-virus and operating systems
- Perform other related duties as required
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: University degree, preferably in IT or Computer Science, familiar with LAN.
- Experience:
3 (three) years minimum experience working with international organization(s)
Familiar with Mikrotik, Linux & network management system
Have a good understanding with Microsoft software troubleshooting
Have a good understanding with Local Area Connection Management - Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and spoken)
Communication Officer
I. Position Information
- Code: CO - BA
- Supervisor: Head of Mission
- Duty station: Banda Aceh
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
The Communication Officer will be supported by the Project Manager, Marketing Consultant and the District Coordinators in each of the four participating districts. Project staff on District level will work to disseminate project information and visibility on the village and grower level. Communication work on the grass-roots level will be carried out by the Field Assistance with the supervision of the Communication Officer
III. Description of Responsibilities
- S/He is the technical lead for cooperative strengthening and is responsible for accountability and quality in this area as well as for building partners and staff capacity
- Implementing the CCR Communication Strategy
- Designing newsletters and brochures in cooperation with Project Staff; responsible for graphic design and final product
- Designing and daily updating the project web page (development to be done by outside web designer).
- Responsible for the monitoring and upkeep of all community and communication boards
- Contributing to monthly reports submitted to EDFF that cover all aspects of the project.
- Ensuring that all EDFF/ MDF logos are properly used on all publications
- Creating a FAQ documents and ensuring that all staff are ready to use the answers
- Supporting PM in developing strategy and background documents to address concerns of stakeholders
- Supporting the HOM in running the communication module of the staff induction
- Constant communication with local media to inform them about the project and encourage local coverage
- Drafting press releases and delivering them to all local media outlets in line with project milestones
- Acting as press speaker for all requests for information, developing and enacting emergency communication plans
- Providing PR materials on the project to HQ in Prague in cooperation with CCR PR Manager
- Collecting success stories and personal testimony from beneficiaries and stakeholders
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: University degree, preferably in Communications, Public Relations or Journalism
- Experience:
3-5 years project management experience; must demonstrate experience in all levels of the project management cycle
Ability to travel up to ten days per month across Aceh
Ability to work independently and efficiently
Ability to meet strict deadlines and work well under pressure
Experience with daily webpage updating
Experience working with graphic designers to produce professional publications: portfolio required
Experience writing press releases, project backgrounders and newsletters: portfolio required
Ability to shoot and edit photographs for PR purposes: portfolio required
Strong writer, journalism or other relevant experience appreciated - Language Requirements:
Professional Indonesian Bahasa (spoken and written); Excellent English (spoken and written)
Field Officer for Agriculture
I. Position Information
- Code: FOA - Field
- Supervisor: Project Officer for Agriculture
- Duty station: Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Under the supervision of Project Officer for Agriculture the Field Officer for Agriculture will have the responsible for overseeing the planning, management and implementation of EDFF sub project from the Project Officer working through the sub-districts to support the Agriculture sector in identifying, planning and monitoring project activities at the field level.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Supporting 5 Field Assistants in other aspects of project implementation, developing initiatives under the ongoing projects. This will entail relating with local community structures, cooperatives, local government officials, and international organizations/ local organizations
- Supervises and supports Field Assistants in achieving the program objectives, including development and coordination of training activities and one-to-one supervision session of the local Field Assistants
- Conducts timely performance appraisals of those supervised and ensures timely completion of sector’s activities’ in designated sub district and communities
- Under guidance of Project Officer Agriculture, formulates direction and develops activity plan in coordination with the support staff in ranks
- Coordination of project activities, with the field assistants, program counterparts and key stakeholders
- Supervises the day-to-day work of the Field Assistants and partners to strengthen their capacity to organize and mobilize community members in support of income generation initiatives
- Works to guides agriculture Field officers in developing and initiating action plan on agricultural activities
- Ensures that programming is adhering to EDFF sub project’s Main and Specific objectives and outputs
- Applies Project Cycle Management and regularly prepares activity planning document and expenditures forecasts as required
- Helps to prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly statistical, narrative reports as required by Project Officer
- Travels throughout the project areas as required
- Ensures storing and saving data related to the project in both electronic and printed version
- Follows closely internal CCR Aceh Mission regulations, specifically “CCR Aceh Mission goods and services regulation “ and “ CCR Aceh Mission accounting and budgeting flowchart “
- Ensures the consistent application of CCR Policies and regulations
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor Degree in agriculture
- Experience:
At least five (5) years professional/ practical experience working on similar project (desirable)
Relevant and proven knowledge and skills in agriculture project preferable in Aceh region.
Training skills especially in Farmer Field School methods and experience in giving technical assistance to rural farming communities (desirable)
Willing to be based in CCR project areas during the project implementation
Demonstrates qualities of oral and written communication skills, cultural sensitivity, ability to work in team and under stress
Experience and creativity using computers, word, excel, power point - Language Requirements:
Basic understanding of English and Good command of Indonesian language (Aceh language desirable)
Field Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance Unit
I. Position Information
- Code: FOC - Field
- Supervisor: Project Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance Unit
- Duty station: Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Under the supervision of Project Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance Unit the Field Officer for Cooperative and Microfinance Unit will have the responsible for overseeing the planning, management and implementation of EDFF sub project from Project Officer working through the sub-districts to support the Cooperative & Microfinance Unit in identifying, planning and executing detailed action plan for the project.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Supporting 5 Field Assistants in other aspects of project implementation, developing initiatives under the ongoing projects. This will entail relating with local community structures, cooperatives, local government officials, and international organizations/ local organizations
- Supervises and supports Field Assistants in achieving the program objectives, including development and coordination of training activities and one-to-one supervision session of the local Field Assistants
- Conducts timely performance appraisals of those supervised and ensures timely completion of sector’s activities’ in designated sub district and communities
- Under guidance of Project Officer for Cooperatives and Microfinance, formulates direction and develops activity plan in coordination with the support staff in ranks
- Coordination of project activities, with the field assistants, program counterparts and key stakeholders
- Supervises the day-to-day work of the Field Assistants and partners to strengthen their capacity to organize and mobilize community members in support of income generation initiatives
- Works to guides agriculture Field officers in developing and initiating action plan on agricultural activities
- Ensures that programming is adhering to EDFF sub project’s Main and Specific objectives and outputs
- Applies Project Cycle Management and regularly prepares activity planning document and expenditures forecasts as required
- Helps to prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly statistical, narrative reports as required by Project Officer
- Travels throughout the project areas as required
- Ensures storing and saving data related to the project in both electronic and printed version
- Follows closely internal CCR Aceh Mission regulations, specifically “CCR Aceh Mission goods and services regulation “ and “ CCR Aceh Mission accounting and budgeting flowchart “
- Ensures the consistent application of CCR Policies and regulations
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor Degree in cooperative, business management, marketting, economic or related disciplines
- Experience:
At least five (5) years professional/ practical experience working on similar project (desirable)
Relevant and proven knowledge and skills in cooperatives or income generating projects
Practical experience working in Aceh on community based socio-economic projects
Training skills especially in basic accounting, business planning, marketing and experience in giving technical assistance in (desirable)
Willing to be based in CCR project areas during the project implementation - Language Requirements:
Demonstrates qualities of oral and written communication skills, cultural sensitivity, ability to work in team and under stress
Basic understanding of English and Good command of Indonesian language (Aceh language desirable)
Finance/ Admin Assistant
I. Position Information
- Code: FAA - Field
- Supervisor: Finance Manager and District Coordinator
- Duty station: Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Finance Assistant reports to Finance Manager, works closely with Finance Officer, supports service team, other managers and the admin coordinator in the field office. Develop and maintain all filling systems for all accounting documents and financial report. Maintain document for office purchases, asset register and other task assigned by Finance Manager
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Maintain daily petty cash, payment and replenishment in field
- Maintain recapitulation of petty cash, and prepare petty cash report for cash count
- Receive bills verify the documents, preparing payments request to vendors and suppliers
- Assist all staff to prepare and liquidate the travel allowances
- Prepare cheque payments, get approval and coordinate with the bank in term of payments
- Assist Finance Officer to make quarter draw down request for Administration support funds
- Coordinate with bank for opening accounts, cheque balance, and activate cheque books;
- Input daily transaction to cashbook monthly report
- Produce weekly, monthly, and annual financial report.
- Maintain financial records and reports for the field office in consulting with Banda Aceh Finance Department
- Assist the Banda Aceh ‘Finance department make and control an Administration budget
- Oversee daily operations of the office such welcoming of visitors, receiving of incoming mail, answering of phones
- Filling all documents into proper folders
- Maintain procedures to keep the office running smoothly. Development of new procedures and forms as necessary, in consultation with other staff
- Oversee office maintenance, ensuring that office is kept clean and in good working order
- Ensure that the office and its equipment are in good condition and kept secure, arrange for maintenance and repair as necessary
- Handle administrative requirements for major purchases and rental by obtaining bids from vendors and submitting the necessary paperwork
- Perform other function-related duties as needed by the office and
- Handle all courier documents to Banda Aceh Office and receiving of package from Banda Aceh Office
2. Administration:
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor/ Diploma degree for accounting, business, or economic.
- Experience:
Minimum 3 years experience in non profit setting or auditing firm
Computer literate (MS Office and Internet)
Honest, hard working, responsible, dedicated and self-motivated person
Able to work in team, flexible, and have the ability to cope with stressful situations and frustrations - Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and spoken)
Finance Assistant
I. Position Information
- Code: Fin A - BA
- Supervisor: Finance Manager
- Duty station: Banda Aceh
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Finance Assistant reports to Finance Manager, works closely with Finance Officer, supports service team, other managers and the admin coordinator in each field office. Develop and maintain all filling systems for all accounting documents and financial report. Maintain document for office purchases, asset register and other task assigned by Finance Manager.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Maintain daily petty cash, payment and replenishment in field
- Maintain daily petty cash, payment and replenishment
- Maintain recapitulation of petty cash, and prepare petty cash report for cash count
- Receive bills; verify the documents, preparing payments request to vendors and suppliers
- Assist all staff to prepare and liquidate the travel allowances
- Prepare cheque payments, get approval and coordinate with the bank in term of payments
- Assist Finance Officer to make quarter draw down request for project funds
- Documenting finance files from all field office and Banda Aceh
- Other relevant duties as assigned by the supervisor
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor/Diploma Degree for Accounting, business or economic
- Experience:
Minimum 3 years experience in non-profit setting or auditing firm - Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and spoken)
Finance Officer
- Code: FO - Field
- Supervisor: Finance Manager and Project Manager
- Duty station: Aceh Barat
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Finance officer is responsible for maintaining financial, accounting, administrative and personnel services in order to meet the requirements and support organization operations.
He/she reports to Finance Manager Banda Aceh and Project Manager Aceh Barat and is responsible for preparing financial statements, maintaining cash controls, preparing the payroll and personnel administration, purchasing, maintaining accounts payable and managing office operations.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- • Maintain daily petty cash, payment and replenishment in field
- • Maintain recapitulation of petty cash, and prepare petty cash report for cash count
- • Responsible for ensuring that all finance procedure & policies and internal control system are implemented and taking action. Internal control for cash disbursement, advances, etc.
- • Receive bills; verify the documents, preparing payments request to vendors and suppliers
- Assist all staff to prepare and liquidate the travel allowances
- Prepare cheque payments, get approval and coordinate with the bank in term of payments
- Assist Finance Officer Banda Aceh
- Coordinate with bank for opening accounts, cheque balance, and activate cheque books
- Input daily transaction to cashbook monthly report
- Produce weekly, monthly, and annual financial report
- Maintain financial records and reports for the field office in consulting with Banda Aceh Finance Department
- Cash and bank management in consultation with the Finance Manager
- To maintain the float and advise supervisor as necessary
- To prepare daily transactions that includes both cash and bank balances
- Other relevant duties as assigned by the supervisor
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor’s degree for accounting, business, or economic
- Experience:
Minimum five (5) years experience in finance in non-profit organizations
Extensive knowledge of computerized accounting systems, standard spreadsheets and database programmes, including the ability to operate and tailor programmes to particular needs.
Knowledge of fund accounting, procurement, control and financial management of donor funded projects
Interest in programme issues as well as finance issues
High level of reliability, objectivity and honesty
Ability to work under pressure and within changing structures.
Ability to work as part of a team
Ability to plan and think strategically and proactively - Language Requirements:
Excellent Bahasa Indonesia and upper-intermediate level of English (written and spoken)
Internal Auditor
- Code: IA - BA
- Supervisor: Head of Mission
- Duty station: Banda Aceh
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
III. Description of Responsibilities
- To work with trustees and management to ensure a financial and administration system in a place which ensures that all major risks of the grant are identified and analyzed, on an monthly and annual basis
- To report to both the audit committee and management on the policies, programmes and activities of the organization
- To review and report on the accuracy, timeliness and relevance of the financial and other information that is provided for management
- To plan, organize and carry out the internal audit function including the preparation of an audit plan which fulfils the responsibility of the organization, scheduling and assigning work and estimating resource needs
- To coordinate coverage with the external auditors and ensure that each party is not only aware of the other’s work but also well briefed on areas of concern
- To ensure that all the finance and admin procedures follow the internal control system
- To give technical assistance as needed to finance and admin staff to comply with CCR and donor regulations for main office and field offices
- To give technical assistance to CCR’s partners in order to understand basic knowledge of good practice of book keeping
- To conduct training as needed to CCR’s staff and CCR’s partners in term of finance and administration regulations
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor degree for accounting, business, or economic
- Experience:
Minimum five years experience in finance in non-profit organizations or three years of experience in finance in an international commercial organization
Minimum three years in auditing
Extensive knowledge of computerized accounting systems, standard spreadsheets and database programmes, including the ability to operate and tailor programmes to particular needs
Knowledge of fund accounting, procurement, control and financial management of donor funded projects - Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (written and spoken)
Logistic and Procurement Assistant
- Code: LPA - BA
- Supervisor: Logistics & Procurement Manager
- Duty station: Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
In coordination with Logistics and Procurement Manager and in line with Caritas Czech Republic established guidelines, develop, implement and maintain the logistics setup for the All of Caritas Czech Republic office, such as procurement materials for Project, transport, warehousing.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Procurement and Logistic Assistant working under Supervision Logistic and Procurement Manager
- Ensure all procurement activities are fully and transparently documented through PRs, POs, Comparative Statements, Bid Analysis, Invoices and Delivery Reports
- Control and manage all goods and supplies that are used by the Field Office to enable the effective, timely and cost-effective implementation of the projects
- Initiate Invitations to Bid and collect quotations from suppliers as necessary in the field
- Manage the Caritas Czech Republic assets management database/logs on daily basis and prepare documentation for field office and reports for the Logistic and Procurement Manager
- Manage all of quality control and receive for goods and work from contractor
- Ensure accuracy of the Caritas Czech Republic Field inventory database on daily basis and prepare documentation/ reports for internal use and submission to and Logistic Procurement Manager
- Updating data list supplier
- Reporting to Supervisor on Goods lost or lack of material in the warehouse or during distribution
- Ensuring all purchase transaction documents and procurement and lease contracts are copied and filled up before hand it to finance
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: A minimum D-III degree
- Experience:
Basic computer and typing skills, Email, Excel and Word Skill are a plus
Knowledge of security protocols.
Flexible in term of working hours.
Flexible working under Pressure
Flexible working in the field for long time
Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
Demonstrated ability to maintain accuracy and confidentiality in performing responsibilities
Experience tracking assets
Ability to travel in the district as needed to oversee delivery
Ability to work overtime and weekends as needed to oversee delivery in the field - Language Requirements:
Excellent Bahasa Indonesia and upper-intermediate level of English (written and spoken)
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
- Code: M&E - Field
- Supervisor: Project Manager
- Duty station: Aceh Barat
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Under the supervision of Project Manager, the Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (M&E) will have the responsible for providing the Programme management with timely information on how the CCR’s EDFF sub project progresses relative to its plans, schedules and on how its activities affect its intended beneficiaries (the target group).
III. Description of Responsibilities
- Develop and coordinate Caritas Czech Republic’s implementation of Cooperatives and Marketing program, with a particular focus on strengthening existing cooperatives, savings mobilization, and business planning to support the growth of Nilam Industry in 4 districts of Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues
- S/He is the technical lead for cooperative strengthening and is responsible for accountability and quality in this area as well as for building partners and staff capacity
- Under the guidance of the Project Manager, formulates and develops M&E plan for EDFF Sub –project in line with the CCR’s strategy and thematic plans
- Ensure that the M&E tools are developed using sustainable programming principles
- Work closely with the Program Manager and District Coordinators to ensure that program quality processes are applied in the field
- Develop monitoring, evaluation and review frameworks to capture cooperative and marketing impact across projects
- Ensure that staff and partners are able to gather, compile and analyse data to demonstrate the impact of their work
- Ensure that partners and program teams are well prepared and confident to implement high quality project activities
- Identify training needs and provide on-the-job training and mentoring support in M&E to partners and staff
- Ensure that valuable learning and experience from the field is documented
- Supervises and supports project staff in achieving the program objectives, including development and coordination of staff training and one-to-one supervision session with the staff
- Supervises work with staffs and partners to strengthen their capacity to organize and mobilize community members in support of income generation initiatives
- Helps to prepare monthly, quarterly and annual statistical analysis and other reports as required by Project Manager
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Bachelor degree in relevant & related discipline
- Experience:
At least 3 years professional/ practical experience working on similar project
Sound knowledge about monitoring and evaluation tools.
Practical experience in developing and applying program and project monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
Ability to develop (tailor) specific mentoring plan based on the staff needs & community participation tools and instruments
Experience in data basing
Demonstrated experience in program design, planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Demonstrated experience in capacity building, mentoring & training.
Demonstrated strategic planning skills.
Demonstrated leadership skills across a range of diverse stakeholders.
Proven people development, motivational and management skills.
Coaching skills
Cultural sensitivity and an ability to live and work with teams - Language Requirements:
Excellent communication skill in English & Indonesia, Bahasa Aceh essential but not required
Cooperative and Microfinance Advisor
I. Position Information
- Code: CMA - Field
- Supervisor: Project Manager
- Duty station: Aceh Barat
- Expected duration of assignment: 1 November 2010 to 31 March 2012
II. Organizational Context
Under the supervision of Project Manager, the Cooperative & Microfinance Advisor will have the responsible to develop and coordinate Caritas Czech Republic’s implementation of Cooperatives and Marketing program, with a particular focus on strengthening existing cooperatives, savings mobilization, and business planning to support the growth of Nilam Industry in 4 districts of Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues.
III. Description of Responsibilities
- S/He is the technical lead for cooperative strengthening and is responsible for accountability and quality in this area as well as for building partners and staff capacity
- Under the guidance of the Project Manager, formulates and develops implementation plan for cooperative development, SOP’s, business plans, in line with the CCR’s strategy and thematic plans
- Ensure that the SOP’s, business plans are developed using sustainable programming principles
- Work closely with the Program Manager and District Coordinators to ensure that program quality processes are applied in the field
- Develop monitoring, evaluation and review frameworks to capture cooperative and marketing impact across projects
- Ensure that staff and partners are able to gather, compile and analyse data to demonstrate the impact of their work
- Ensure that partners and Cooperative and Microfinance teams are well prepared and confident to implement high quality project activities
- Identify training needs and provide on-the-job training and mentoring support in Cooperatives and business planning to partners and staff
- Ensure that valuable learning and experience from the field is documented
- Supervises and supports project staff in achieving the program objectives, including development and coordination of staff training and one-to-one supervision session with the staff
- Supervises work with staffs and partners to strengthen their capacity to organize and mobilize community members in support of income generation initiatives
- Helps to prepare monthly, quarterly and annual statistical, narrative and other reports as required by Project Manager
- Travels throughout the project areas as required
- Takes part in the internal CCR Aceh Mission coordination meetings as assigned by Project Manager
- Ensures storing and saving data related to the project in both electronic and printed version
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
- Education: Post-graduate qualification/s in relevant & related discipline
- Experience:
At least ten (ten) years experience
Ability to develop (tailor) specific mentoring plan based on the staff needs & community participation tools and instruments
Experience in Micro finance institution or Cooperatives
Thorough understanding of cooperatives, credit unions or microfinance institutions
Demonstrated experience in program design, planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Practical experience of developing and applying program and project monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
Demonstrated experience in capacity building, mentoring & training.
Demonstrated strategic planning skills.
Demonstrated leadership skills across a range of diverse stakeholders.
Proven people development, motivational and management skills.
Coaching skills
Cultural sensitivity and an ability to live and work with teams - Language Requirements:
Excellent communication skill English ,Indonesia, Bahasa Aceh essential but not required
I try many sites to search this types of jobs even monster did not help me at right time. but infokerjaaceh blog is nice and its full of updated genuine jobs.
ReplyDeleteLogistics Resumes
Thanks, Syeds