Name of Project: Rehabilitation
Title of activity: Survey on PwDs’ access, knowledge, attitudes and practices with regard to rehabilitation services.
1. Introduction
Handicap International Federation is a non-governmental organization, specialized in the field of international solidarity. It was formed in 1982, with its headquarters in Lyon (France). Handicap International Federation is working in over than 55 countries worldwide and a co-winner of 1997 Nobel Prize for Campaign against Land Mines. Handicap International Federation is made up of a Federation and national associations which work together on mobilizing resources, co-managing projects and promoting the movements’ principles and activities. Handicap International Federation is neither exclusively a development NGO nor exclusively an emergency relief NGO. A Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making organization, Handicap International Federation works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant.
Handicap International Federation has been working in Indonesia since 2005 to support health and social initiatives related to disability issue. In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Handicap International Federation Indonesia implements activities that will allow people with disabilities in Indonesia to have greater opportunities to exercise their rights to enhance their dignity.
Handicap International Federation Indonesia formulated a strategy which stated that the specific objectives of the activities are to increase the capacity of institutions and services working in disability field, confirming to general public and decision makers are aware that disability is a human rights and development issue, and empowering people with disabilities and their organization to become active actors in their communities.
2. Project Presentation
HI Rehabilitation project has been operating in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah to strengthen the rehabilitation services provided in Aceh Province, Indonesia with the specific objective to consolidate the access of people with disabilities (PwDs) to appropriate rehabilitation services in the selected districts of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province and the provincial hospital. This physical rehabilitation project is a consolidation of the activities started in previous years (2007) (the first two years were mainly dedicated to increase the capacities of the physiotherapists and to lobby Health authorities at the district and provincial level), and jointly supported by Swiss Solidarity and MAE Luxemburg. Currently the project is following midwives, as well as physiotherapists in 20 Puskesmas, district and provincial hospitals, and reinforces the links between those and other health actors.
3. Rationale
In 2009-2010 in two sub-districts in Bener Meriah Rehabilitation project started a pilot activity on identification of the community mechanism to support PwDs to get access to medical rehabilitation services. Prior to this activity, workshops on the obstacles preventing PwDs’ access to those services had been conducted. As those workshops were held only in 2 sub-districts with a limited number of participants, a larger study to identify the difficulties, which PwDs face in accessing the services is needed. This study, which will also reveal current knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of PwDs towards rehabilitation services, will allow to compare the results with the findings from previous workshops, and to see if the problems encountered in the two pilot sub-districts are the same for other districts of intervention. Consequently, discovery of similar problems will let HI (and local partners) advocate more effectively for implementation of the same PwD’ community assistance mechanisms in other districts in Aceh province, thus disseminating successful practices.
Information on the difficulties of PwDs to access rehabilitation services at different medical institutions (Puskesmas, district and provincial hospitals) is also needed to raise awareness of the Provincial Health Office and other relevant stakeholders regarding current needs of PwDs. Moreover, this information is essential for development of appropriate future actions (together with local stakeholders and authorities) to overcome the identified barriers.
The information on KAP of PwDs towards rehabilitation services will also assist to design and introduce a sustainable way of working to improve the rehabilitation services for PwDs.
4. Objectives of this activity
I. To collect and analyze the data on PwDs’ access to rehabilitation services in 3 districts (Aceh Besar, Aceh Tengah, Bener Meriah) and Kota Banda Aceh by using an appropriate sample. The survey will identify the main factors that hinder people with disabilities to fully benefit from the rehabilitation services available in their area.
II. To collect and analyze the qualitative data on knowledge, attitude and practices among PwDs with regard to rehabilitation services. Knowledge of and trust in the existing system is essential for ensuring PWDs access to rehabilitation services. This study will be realized to better understand PWDs’: i) knowledge of rehabilitation services; ii) attitudes towards rehabilitation services; iii) practice in term of access to health facilities and treatment paths.
5. Expected Results
For objective I:
Ø Quantitative and qualitative data on the PwDs’ difficulties to access rehabilitation services
Ø Comparison of the results with the results from workshops held in 2 sub-districts, where pilot community support mechanism is being implemented
Ø Recommendations to HI (and local partners) for further activities to minimize these obstacles
Ø Final report with results and the analysis
For objective II:
Ø Qualitative data on knowledge, attitude and practices among PwDs with regard to rehabilitation services.
Ø Recommendations to HI (and local partners) for further activities to minimize these obstacles
Ø Final report with results and the analysis
6. Tools and Methods
Ø A quantitative and qualitative research approach will be used for the survey
Main phases in the study
Data collection phase
Interviews with selected PwDs
Analysis phase
Analysis of the data, drawing of conclusions and preparation of the final draft to be presented to HI PM
Final report with recommendations
Ø Information will be collected through individual interviews with randomly selected PwDs in the chosen districts
Ø The consultant will be in charge of developing the survey toolkit:
- Participant selection method
- Questionnaire
- Interview guidelines
- Data collection template
- Analysis plan
- Survey report
Ø The consultant will ensure relevance of the survey toolkit through a validation meeting with Project Manager/Provincial Coordinator and rehabilitation project team
Ø The consultant will be in charge of the process of identification and selection of participants in the chosen districts
Ø The consultant will conduct data collection (interviews)
Ø The consultant will perform data analysis and write the final report of the survey
Ø The Project Manager together with the consultant will work on the recommendations
Ø The Project Manager will ensure regular follow-up and exchanges through weekly monitoring meetings
Ø Target group is PwDs in the chosen districts
Ø A minimum of 75 participants (PwDs) is expected for the survey
7. Practical Information
Venue: Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Bener Meriah and Aceh Tengah (Takengon)
Period: from 20th October to 03rd December 2010 (including writing and submission of final report). (The work should start on 20th October and finished on 03rd December 2010).
Duration: 33 working days during the above mentioned period
Participants or target group: PwDs in the selected areas
Ø Teams of two consultants are considered (though the fees will be less)
Ø HI will provide transportation and accommodation for the consultant(s) (not reimbursement)
Ø HI will be in charge of the survey process organization (logistics)
Schedule for the mission
Week 1 (18-22 Oct)
Sign contract; definition of HI monitoring
Week 2 (25-29 Oct)
Preparation of tools (questionnaires, interview guidelines, PwDs selection process/criteria); submission to HI; arrival in Banda Aceh
Week 3-6 (01-26 Nov)
Field interviews; primary data analysis; consultations with PM; draft report submission
Week 7 (29-03 Dec)
Review and submission of final report
Consultant Fee Installment offered:
Ø First payment : 30% after contract signing
Ø Second payment : 50% after draft report sent
Ø Third payment : 20% after the completion of work
8. Profile, technical competencies & tasks of the service provider:
Consultant Tasks:
Research and report writing
1. Select a representative group of PwDs in the area
2. Develop a survey toolkit
3. Conduct research through interviews with PwDs
4. Analyze research results and make them accessible for readers
5. Collaborate with PM for recommendations
6. Write the final report (in English and Bahasa) in coordination with the PM
7. Together with PM, the consultant will develop on the basis of the collected information.
Ø Survey toolkit (questionnaires)
Ø Completed questionnaires for each PwD in the study
Ø Survey final report with recommendations
Consultant qualifications:
Ø Education: Degree in social sciences, medical science (epidemiology, biostatistics, public health), political science, development studies, disability studies or equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area.
Ø Experience: Minimum 2 years of experience in the field of disability and/or development or social research. Experience in conducting surveys and analyzing results is a must.
Post graduate students with experience in conducting survey or in disability field are encouraged to apply.
Ø Language: Fluency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia is desired
Ø Skills: Research and survey methodology, excellent analytical, research and communication skills, professional writing competencies, excellent written and oral communication skills
Handicap International Federation is an equal opportunity employer and Persons with Disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
9. Application
- It is compulsory for applicants to mention the fee requested for providing the service (a price quotation) alongside the CV, with condition:
Ø Teams of two consultants are considered
Ø Handicap International Federation will provide transportation and accommodation for the consultant(s) (not reimbursement)
Ø Handicap International Federation will be in charge of the survey process
organization (logistics)
- Deadline:
The applications must be sent by mail or e-mail (preferably) to HI Indonesia until 17th October 2010, 23:00pm. No applications will be considered after this deadline.
- Address
To this e-mail address (preferable): hiindo_tender [ at ] yahoo [ dot ] fr with “Survey Rehab Aceh” as subject
or by mail to
Handicap International Federation
Jl Jenderal Sudirman No. 26
Ds/Kel. Lamteumeun Timur Kec. Jaya Baru
Kota Banda Aceh, NAD
with “Survey Rehab Aceh” put as a tag on the envelope.
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