Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

January 19, 2011

Vacancy at UNDP - National Project Manager AGTP


Location : Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
Application Deadline :28-Jan-11
Type of Contract :Service Contract
Post Level :SC-9
Languages Required :
Expected Duration of Assignment :1 (one) year (renewable)


UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We, the UNDP Country Office (CO), aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as maintaining our status as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development

I. Organizational Context

1. Background

The Aceh Government Transformation Programme (AGTP) addresses the urgent need to strengthen the capacity of

Aceh’s provincial government and ensure that it has the wherewithal to efficiently assume the responsibilities,

functions, resources and assets it has inherited from the Aceh and Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Body


The project will help ensure a systematic and smooth transition from BRR to provincial and local governments that

will safeguard the still fragile legacy of the billions of dollars invested by donors and the Government into rebuilding

the province after the devastating tsunami and 30 years of conflict. Currently, there is neither the technical capacity

nor the budget allocation at the provincial level to carry out these important tasks.

AGTP is designed to address critical gaps in the Aceh government’s policy-making and technical capacity. The first

gap lies in the Executive’s capacity to coordinate the transition. The second gap lies in the technical capacity of the

provincial and district government agencies to process assets and projects transferred from BRR, and to implement

ongoing recovery work. The third gap is the administration’s broader institutional capacity to coordinate and

implement reconstruction and rehabilitation work beyond the transition.

The project has three output:

(1) Enhanced capacity of the Provincial Executive to create the institutional and policy framework for successful transition and recovery. This will provide the Provincial Executive with the ability to coordinate and facilitate the transition through a demand-driven approach to key transition policy areas. This output is based in the Governor’s office.

(2) Enhanced operational capacity of key provincial government agencies (SKPA) to effectively fulfill their transition and recovery responsibilities. This will provide immediate transitional support to the provincial agencies with the responsibilities for coordinating, planning, implementing and monitoring the main transition activities. This output is based in BKPP.

(3) Enhanced capacity of the Provincial Training & Human Resource Body (BKPP) to retain, manage and transfer to provincial and district government agencies the knowledge and skills required for successful transition and sustainable recovery. This will strengthen the province’s ability to sustain the recovery, and thereby safeguard the legacy of the resources and effort invested in Aceh’s social and physical reconstruction. This output is based in BKPP.

2. Coordination Structure

The AGTP Project is implemented by the Provincial Government of Aceh under the authorization of the Ministry of

Home Affairs (MOHA). The AGTP Project is guided by its Project Board under the auspice of the National Project

Steering Committee. The National Project Steering Committee includes senior representatives of national agencies

(i.e. MOHA, Bappenas, and Ministry of Finance) and UNDP. In the Project Board Structure, the Aceh provincial

government will be represented as Executive, whilst Senior Users and beneficiaries will be

represented by the senior line agencies within the Aceh provincial government or SKPA(s), namely, Bappeda

Aceh and BKPP (Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan). UNDP will sit as Senior Supplier on the

Project Board, which is represented by UNDP Field Programme Office in Aceh.

3. Staffing Structure and Reporting Line

The chair of the Project Board will be the national project director (NPD). Day to day management of the project will

be the responsibility of the Project Manager (NPM). The NPD and NPM will be assisted by a senior technical

adviser (STA) with experience in management and implementation of local level governance projects with an

emphasis on supporting capacity building activities. Under supervision and guidance of the Head of Governance

Unit (DGU), the Project Manager will provide strategic and management leadership in setting up and managing

the AGTP. This includes both management and substantive functions. On the management level he/she is

tasked to develop and manage the Project Management Unit (PMU) in Banda Aceh and ensure positive

rapports with the local governments in Aceh and the national level governments and the donor community. The

NPM is tasked with providing detailed input into the project content and design and overseeing. The oversight

function of the Head of Governance Unit will be supported by UNDP Programme Adviser for Aceh and Nias for

day-to-day oversight on the work of the NPM, to ensure coherence and synergy across UNDP projects in Aceh.

Under the supervision of UNDP Team Leader of Democratic Governance Unit through Programme Manager for

Decentralization and Local Governance, the Project Manager assumes managerial responsibility for the project

implementation. S/he will be responsible for regular reporting to the NPD and Programme staffs of UNDP while

maintaining close communication over operational issues as well as strategic opportunities arising from the project


Key oversight functions are described in the following section.

Duties and Responsibilities

III. Functions / Key Results Expected

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Implementation of AGTP strategies
  • Management of AGTP and supervision of the project team
  • Creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy
  • Provision of top quality policy advice services to the Government and facilitation of knowledge building and management

1. As the principal of the PMU AGTP, ensures the implementation of AGTP strategies focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Assist the National Project Director (NPD) to perform duties of the day-to-day decision making on project planning, management, implementation, quality monitoring and closure.
  • Manage the realization of project outputs through activities.
  • Provide direction and guidance to project team(s)/ responsible party (ies).
  • Liaise with the National Technical Committee (Project Board) or its appointed Project Assurance roles to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project.

2. Ensures effective management of AGTP and supervision of the project team focusing on quality control of the full cycle of project from formulation to implementation achieving the following results:

  • In coordination with Decentralization and Local Governance Cluster and Senior Technical Advisor (STA), ensure establishing a solid PMU with effective delegation of authority and reporting lines for optimal management and implementation.
  • Management of UNDP’s commitments within the UNDAF Results Matrix, ensures effective application of RBM tools, monitors work plans, programme and project effectiveness and achievement of results.
  • Organization of the National Technical Committee (Project Board) meeting involving Implementing Partners, UNDP and other relevant parties to develop annual work plan and a corresponding budget plan with clearly stated milestones contributing to the achievement of outputs defined in the Project Document.
  • Development of quarterly work plans and expenditure plans based on the agreed annual work plan.
  • Management of requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, using direct cash transfer, direct payments, or reimbursement using the FACE (Fund Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures).
  • Monitoring of financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports.
  • Development of a monitoring and evaluation framework and plan that are in line with the requirements of UNDP, Implementing Partner and donors and that can ensure a bottom-up process of capturing lessons learned and best practices.
  • Management and monitoring of the project risks as initially identified in the Project Document, submission of new risks to the National Technical Committee (Project Board) for consideration and decision on possible actions if required. Update the status of these risks by maintaining the Project Risks Log.
  • Responsible for managing issues and requests for change by maintaining an Issues Log.
  • Preparation of the Project Quarterly Progress Report (progress against planned activities, update on Risks and Issues, expenditures) and submit the report to the National Technical Committee (Project Board) and Project Assurance.
  • Preparation of the Annual Review Report and submission the report to the National Technical Committee (Project Board).
  • Strategic oversight of planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring of the project, tracking use of financial resources in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations.
  • Follow up on audit recommendations. All exceptions are timely reported.
  • Managing project closure by end of the project.

3. Establishes and maintains strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Development of partnerships with the UN Agencies, other International Funding Institutions (IFI)s, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society etc.
  • Update and develop reports to the donors on progress and result of implementation of activities and funding status.
  • Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation, identification of opportunities for cost-sharing.

4. Ensures provision of top quality advisory services and facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Identification of sources of information related to policy-driven issues. Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to AGTP policy goals.
  • Coordination of the adoption or incorporation of AGTP’s policy recommendations into Government decentralization policies.
  • Working together with the Senior Technical Advisor (STA) to prepare a strategy to ensure consultations with relevant partners and access to best available expertise on potential policy activities to be undertaken by the policy and research team;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  • Organization of trainings for the projects staff.

IV. Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the quality of AGTP management, thus contributing to effective and efficient project implementation and delivery, creation of strategic partnerships as well as reaching resource mobilization targets. Project implementation has to be in line with the objectives of the project and UNDP rules, regulations and procedures. It is critical to ensure achievement of UNDP Country Programme outcomes through a client-oriented approach.


V. Competencies and Critical Success Factors

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP sharing and learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example.
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues.
  • Ability to advocate and provide policy advice
  • Shares knowledge and experience and ability to develop lesson learned and best practices.

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting.
  • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, mobilize resources.
  • Ability to oversee timely project implementation and to provide the necessary trouble shooting to keep project implementation on schedule.
  • Ability to formulate and manage budgets, manages contributions and investments, manage transactions, conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost recovery.
  • Has good knowledge and experience in finance, administration, procurement and human resource management.
  • Good knowledge of the results Management Guide and Toolkit
  • Good ICT Skills, knowledge of Atlas
  • Ability to lead implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/attitudinal change
  • Ability to formulate and manage budgets, manage contributions and investments, manage transactions, conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost-recovery: excellent project oversight functions, including audit, accurate and thorough risk assessment and management.
  • Ability to plan own work, manage conflicting priorities and work under pressure of tight and conflicting deadlines.
  • Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required. Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary. Uses time efficiently.
  • Ability to implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/attitudinal change

Management and Leadership

  • Build strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
  • Has managerial competency with experience in results-based management and results-oriented approach to project implementation.
  • Has proven leadership skills in leading multi-cultural/multi-national teams for achieving results.
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure

Prince2 Training and Certification, RMG

Required Skills and Experience

V. Recruitment Qualifications


  • Bachelor Degree or equivalent in Business Administration, Public Administration, Economics, Political Sciences, Social Sciences or related field.


  • A minimum of 7 years of relevant experience in development in Aceh, a governmental, multilateral or civil society organization in a multi-cultural setting, in the areas of social, political development and democracy.
  • At least 5 years of large scale programme and project management experience
  • Strong understanding of and experience in programming and capability to translate needs into project strategies and work plan.
  • Demonstrated experience in working and collaborating with government, civil society organizations, and public international organizations especially ones that operates in Aceh.
  • Ability to provide team leadership with strong interpersonal and communications skills, and with the ability to motivate a team.
  • Ability to interact at high political levels in a diplomatic manner.
  • Excellent contacts and network within Aceh and Jakarta at level of provincial and district government, central government, civil society and donor community.
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualize strategic intervention.
  • Awareness and ability to conceptualize gender sensitive issues.
  • Familiarity of UNDP system, rules and procedures is an advantage.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in the UN and National language of the duty station


Female candidates are encouraged to apply

UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP Banda Aceh
Gedung Biro Keuangan,
Lt.3 Kantor Gubernur NAD,
Jl. T. Nyak Arief
Banda Aceh, NAD
Phone: +62-651-7555282 / 7555283
Fax: +62-651-7555285

Human resources:


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