1. Swisscontact Technical Officer of Cocoa Production
Main duties:
Support the Component Manager in the implementation, coordination, and evaluation of all activities related to Swisscontact’s work in farmer field schools, farm evaluation and rehabilitation of poorly producing cocoa gardens.
- University degree preferably relating to agriculture;
- Minimum three years experiences in facilitating cocoa sub-sector development;
- Experience in the capacity building and community development program, preferably in agriculture sector;
- Experience in know-how and technology transfer system to small holder farmers especially on Good Agriculture Practice, and cocoa farm rehabilitation;
- Proven communication skills, including report writing and verbal advising;
- Willingness to travel regularly in the Aceh Province.
2. Project District Coordinator - Bireuen
Main duties:
- Responsible for the coordination of project implementing among Swisscontact, district government, and other stakeholders;
- Manage project office on district level, and support the implementation of the different project components.
- University degree preferably relating to agriculture, economics or social services;
- Proven knowledge in the cocoa sub-sector and economic development;
- Minimum four years working experience, preferably for international non-Government Organizations;
- Good knowledge of and/or experience in project management, and in the implementation of capacity building and community development, preferably in agriculture sector;
- Ability to coordinate among all cocoa sub-sector stakeholders, including local Government;
- Proven communication skills, including report writing and verbal advising in Bahasa Indonesia and English;
- Experience in working in counterpart government led aid modalities.
3. Field Facilitators located in the Districts
(Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, Aceh Barat Daya, and Aceh Tenggara)
Main duties:
- Organize and conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) workshops together with technical resource persons;
- Conduct regular monitoring of Farmer Field School (FFS) to ensure the quality of training and supervision of key farmers;
- Setting up of demonstration plots and nurseries in the sub-Districts;
- Support the District Coordinators and the Component Managers in farm rehabilitation and community development.
- University degree preferably relating to agriculture or agriculture extension;
- At least three years experience in training farmers, preferably using participatory approach;
- Good technical knowledge and field experience in cocoa;
- Willingness to travel extensively in remote rural areas;
- Proven communication skills, including report writing and verbal advising.
Applicants must be available for full time job. Please send application subjected THE POSITION with cover letter, photo, and detailed CV (template) via post or e-mail latest by Monday, January 17, 2011. Only candidates with relevant background and experience will be short listed.
Get the CV template here
Swisscontact Banda Aceh Jl. Teuku Umar, Lr. Glee Geurah No. 1, Seutui BANDA ACEH 23243
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