Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

January 27, 2011

Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic

CCR will be implementing a project that aims to reduce poverty by aiding four key challenges faced by nilam growers: strengthening agricultural methodology, improving technical distillation, developing effective cooperatives and improving links to buyers. The project will be active in four districts of Aceh: Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan and Gayo Lues from 1 November 2010 until 31 March 2012, funded by the AEDFF.

Caritas Czech Republic

The Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Office (CCR) has been implementing rural livelihood development activities in Aceh Jaya since 2005, following the emergency response to the Tsunami. For more than five years CCR has been providing long term support for the victims of the Tsunami and the conflict in Aceh in the fields of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquaculture.CCR has strong experience working with cooperatives of growers and fishermen and will bring this Aceh-specific knowledge to the AEDFF project.

Following positions are now open in the framework of this project:

Deadline till 2 February 2011 COB - POSITIONS OPEN

1. Marketing Coordinator
2. Construction Engineer (lamaran dalam bahasa Indonesia)

Marketing Coordinator

I. Position Information

  • Code: MC - BA
  • Supervisor: Head of Mission
  • Duty station: Banda Aceh
  • Expected duration of assignment: 7 February 2011 to 31 March 2012

II. Organizational Context

The Marketing Coordinator is the primary point of contact between the cooperatives producing oil and the international buyers who want to stabilize the price of Aceh patchouli by buying directly from the farmers. The Marketing Coordinator will report directly to the HOM and the Project Manager.

III. Description of Responsibilities

  • Overseeing the development and publication of two marketing studies: one focused on the domestic market and one focused on the international market. Outside consultants will be hired to write the studies, and the Marketing Coordinator will work with these outside consultants to make sure the results are on target with the needs of the project. The Marketing Coordinator will also oversee the graphic designed and publication of the studies in both hard and soft copes. The studies will be widely publicized and make available through several outlets under the direction of the Marketing Coordinator. The Marketing Coordinator will work with the CCR Communication Officer and the Marketing Assistant throughout this process. The Marketing Coordinator will be responsible for presenting the results of these studies in several formal venues and presentations.
  • The Marketing Coordinator must have skills in gathering first hand data through surveys, and must be able to apply this skill to researching the challenges and interests of international buyers in entering the nilam market in Aceh. The Marketing Coordinator will work with outside consultants and potential buyers to research needed and design training for 1) the participating cooperatives and 2) local government on the actual needs of buyers and how to meet them. The Marketing Coordinator must be dynamic and have the ability to deliver participant-focused, interactive small group training for a diverse audience.
  • Working with embassies and outside consultants, the Marketing Coordinator will create a list of the top 50 potential companies interested in buying nilam from Aceh. The Marketing Coordinator will conduct research on these organizational and over see mass mailing. Based on the results of the mass mailing, the organizations will be shortlisted and provided with constant updates and encouragement to investigate the opportunities in Aceh. The Marketing Coordinator must be comfortable in English on the phone and be very comfortable working with foreigners. The Marketing Coordinator must also be able to liaise with embassy and local government representatives easily.
  • The Marketing Coordinator will set up meetings for project management to travel to meet with potential buyers.
  • The Marketing Coordinator will host leading business representatives in Aceh, as they tour the project cooperatives. The Marketing Coordinator will make arrangements for these business leaders to network and meet with involved stakeholders.
  • The Marketing Coordinator will research and target leading journalists in the fragrance industry with the support and assistance of outside consultants. These journalists will be encouraged to travel to Aceh for study trips with the goal of publishing information on nilam in Aceh in the leading trade journals. Locating the journalists and organizing the trips are the responsibilities of the Marketing Coordinator.
  • The success of the Marketing Coordinator will be judged on the number of contracts signed between the cooperative representatives and international buyers at the end of the project.

IV. Recruitment Qualifications
  • Education: University degree in Economics, Trade or Business. Candidates with MBAs or equally applicable advanced degrees will be given priority.
  • Experience:
    Experience with the sale of nilam or other essential oils in Aceh or in Indonesia.
    5 years minimum experience working in exporting/ important business or equally applicable experience for a minimum of five years.
    Candidate must have business experience, and additional experience with an international organization will be considered and advantage.
    Candidates should understand business practice in Indonesia’s and challenges for import/ export.
    Candidates should have experience with and knowledge of the unique conditions in Aceh.
    Experience in designing and running development projects aimed to increase domestic and foreign investment in a particular sector is an advantage.
  • Additional Requirements:
    Professional written and spoken Bahasa and English (test needed).
    Must be able to travel to the field up to ten days per month in basic conditions with very short notice.
    Must be able to travel internationally up to ten days a month. Must have all needed international travel documents.
    Must be able to conduct business on the phone daily in English with people in different countries (test will be given)
    Knowledge of local government in Aceh
    Must be able to design and deliver professional presentations in formal settings at short notice.
    Must be comfortable speaking in front of a group in both Bahasa and English.
    Must have experience overseeing the development and design of PR materials.
    Must be able to fulfill all tasks set out in the Description of Responsibilities with professionalism and commitment.

    I. Informasi Posisi

    • Kode : CE – AB
    • Supervisor: Project Manager
    • Tempat Tugas: Aceh Barat
    • Periode Tugas: 7 February 2011 s/d 31 Maret 2012

    II. Konteks Organisasi
    Caritas Republik Ceko - Misi Aceh (CCR) telah melaksanakan kegiatan mata pencaharian tingkat desa di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya sejak tahun 2005 setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan masa darurat paska Tsunami. Bidang mata pencaharian ini kemudian menjadi program utama CCR di Aceh. Selama lebih dari 4 tahun, CCR telah memberikan dukungan jangka panjang kepada korban Tsunami dibidang-bidang seperti pertanian, agro-forestry dan aquaculture (diseluruh kecamatan di kabupaten Aceh Jaya).

    Di tahun 2010-2012 CCR akan melaksanakan program Multi-Donor Fund (MDF) bekerjasama dengan Economic Development Financing Facility (EDFF) serta Bank Dunia. Project ini akan berfokus untuk meningkatkan peluang ekonomi bagi para petani Nilam diseluruh Aceh. Hal ini membuka kesempatan bagi para pelamar untuk bergabung pada project ini.

    Construction Engineer akan berada di bawah pengawasan dan memberikan laporan kepada Project Manager.

    III. Gambaran Tugas

    • Mendesain dan mengawasi pembangunan Nilam Business Centers di empat kabupaten (Meulaboh, Gayo Lues, Aceh Jaya, dan Aceh Selatan) dibawah proyek EDFF Project. Nilam Business Center adalah struktur terpadu yang akan memiliki kantor, asrama, fasilitas produksi, demo plots, pembibitan dan stasiun sanitasi.
    • Melakukan estimasi dan memastikan Bill of Quantity dari Nilam Business Center adalah sesuai dengan anggaran serta rencana pembelian.
    • Mengawasi pekerjaan kontraktor Nilam Business Center di empat kabupaten
    • Memastikan kontraktor bekerja sesuai dengan Bill of Quantity dan desain Caritas.
    • Mempersiapkan laporan perkembangan mingguan, bulanan dan laporan akhir dari pembangunan Nilam Business Center.
    • Memastikan kontraktor bekerja sesuai waktu dan mematuhi tanggal yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak.
    • Mendorong kontraktor untuk bekerja cepat jika ada pekerjaan yang terlambat disebabkan oleh kontraktor.
    • Mendukung Project Officers dan Field Officers dalam aspek lain pelaksanaan proyek, mengembangkan inisiatif terhadap proyek berjalan. Tentunya hal ini akan melibatkan struktur masyarakat local, petugas pemerintahan local dan organisasi local maupun internasional.
    • Melakukan koordinasi yang erat dan berbagi informasi dengan District Coordinator.
    • Bertanggung jawab dalam mengawasi 20-45 orang.
    • Melakukan tugas lainnya sebagaimana dibutuhkan.

    IV. Kualifikasi Yang Dibutuhkan
    • Pendidikan: Sarjana tehnik sipil ataupun arsitek.
    • Pengalaman:
      Mampu mengoperasikan software “Auto Cad” (mampu mengoperasikan “3D Max” menjadi sebuah keunggulan)
      Mampu memperkirakan Bill of Quantity (BoQ) suatu bangunan.
      Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di posisi sejenis.
      Memiliki kemampuan memimpin yang baik dalam pengawasan dan pemantauan
      Mampu mendesain bangunan.
      Memiliki keahlian yang baik dalam control kualitas suatu bangunan.
    • Kemampuan Bahasa:
      Lancar berbahasa Indonesia (lisan dan tulisan)
      Kemampuan dasar berbahasa inggris (lisan)

    Cara Melamar:
  • Pelamar harus mengirim surat lamaran dan CV dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada surat lamaran.
  • CV berisikan 2-3 lembar resume professional dengan informasi pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja dan 3 orang pemberi referensi professional (yang tidak memiliki hubungan/keluarga dengan pemberi referensi) lengkap dengan nama, jabatan dan nomor telepon.
  • Resume harus dilengkapi dengan informasi kontak pelamar dan pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut dapat mengirimkan lamarannya ke sampai pukul 17.00 WIB, 02 February 2011.
Catatan bagi para Pelamar: “CCR tidak menanggung biaya relokasi staff”

How to apply:

Application should be sent via email and must include a cover letter in English and current Curriculum Vitae with the position code as the subject of the email.
The CV should include a 2-3 page professional resume with education, and work experience (English only) and 3 professional references (not related to/ or family member with the candidate) complete with names, job position and working phone number for the reference.
Resumes must have full contact detail of the candidate and qualified candidates should send the application to

Note to applicants:

No transportation costs related to relocation will be provided.

NB: Bagi yang copy paste ke blog/websitenya harap mencantumkan link sumber dari blog ini.


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