In line with its vission, become a world class national oil and gas company, currently PT Pertamina (Persero) invites the potential candidates to join as following position whuch be placed in Pertamina’s subsidiary companies :
BPS (S1) Teknik (F-BPS-TEK1)
BPS (S1) Sosial Politik/ Komunikasi (F-BPS-SOS1)
BPS (S1) MIPA/ Sains (F-BPS-MPA1)
BPS (S1) Ilmu Komputer/Sistem Informasi (F-BPS-KOM1)
BPS (S1) Hukum (F-BPS-HKM1)
BPS (S1) Psikologi (F-BPS-PSI1)
BPS (S1) Ekonomi/ Management/ Business (F-BPS-EKO1)
Job Description
Join comprehensive education program in Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) its will be a combination of education in the classroom and OJT (On Job Training Program)
Learn the company's overall business processes activities, make observations and analysis of field conditions
Job Requirement
- Minimum GPA 2.75
- Possess Bachelor (S1) degree from university with accreditation score minimum B
- Maximum 27 years old by 2012
- Sound mind and body
- Minimum English score from reputable institution: TOEFL: PBT (450)/ IBT (45) /IELTS 5.5 /TOEIC 500
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed in all PT. Pertamina (Persero) operational areas
- BPA (D3) Ekonomi & Management (F-BPA-EKO1)
BPA (D3) MIPA/ Sains (F-BPA-MPA1)
Job Description
- Join comprehensive education program in Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA) its will be a combination of education in the classroom and OJT (On Job Training Program)
- Learn the company's overall business processes activities, make observations and analysis of field conditions
- Minimum GPA 2.75
- Possess Diploma 3 (D3) degree from university with accreditation score minimum B
- Maximum 25 years old by 2012
- Sound mind and body
- Minimum English score: TOEFL: PBT (400)/ IBT (30) /IELTS 4.5/TOEIC 410
- Active in organizational activities and willing to be placed in all PT. Pertamina (Persero) operational areas
- Northern Sumatera: Medan
- Southern Sumatera: Palembang
- Western Java: Jakarta
- Central Java: Yogyakarta
- Eastern Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara: Surabaya
- Kalimantan: Balikpapan
- Sulawesi: Makassar
- Maluku, Papua: Jayapura
Please register your self ONLINE at our E-Recruitment website on :
PT Pertamina (Persero) www.pertamina.com/recruit
Online application will be closed on 15th March 2012
source : www.jobaceh.com
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