Reference Code No : SVN/ID10/2012/013 Position Title : CONSULTANT EXTERNAL EVALUATION Project : Support to the Consolidation of Police Reform in Aceh Duty station : Indonesia Classification : Consultant Type of Contract : Consultancy contract
1. Background Since the separation of the Indonesian National Police (INP) from the Military, the INP have made genuine efforts to reform and adapt themselves to the norms and expectations of a rapidly democratizing and modernizing Indonesian society. While democratic policing is a relatively new concept for Indonesia, substantial results have been achieved and the senior police leadership has shown a continuous and resolute commitment towards reform. International actors have played an important role in supporting and facilitating the INP’s reform process and the momentum gained calls for further support so as to ensure sustainability of the progress made and smooth transfer to the INP. IOM has been the lead agency working with the INP to support national police reform, with support from the Royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE) and European Union (EU). Begin in 2003, IOM and the RNE launched the project “Strengthening the Indonesian National Police Force through Institution-Building” (2003-2009). Following the positive results of the first phase of the project, the Government of the Netherlands and IOM launched Phase II, for which IOM and POLRI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 24 February 2005. The MoU provided the institutional framework for IOM/INP cooperation in the field of technical assistance, capacity-building and training in community policing (CP) and human rights (HR) for law-enforcement officers and communities in Indonesia. Building on the success of earlier IOM’s national police reform program, in July 2006, IOM, the European Commission (EC) and the RNE jointly launched the project “Support for National Police Reform in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam”, extending the national program’s activities into a post-conflict and peace-building context. This support to the police reform in Aceh has been continued with the launching of current 18-month project “Support to the Consolidation of police reform in Aceh” (January 2011 – June 2012) which overal objective is to contribute to sustaining and consolidating peace and stability through support for democratic policing in Aceh. The project is specifically aimed in consolidating community policing implementation established in the year 2006 – 2009 to ensure its sustainability.
In year 2010 to 2012 at the national level, the IOM-INP cooperation has as well an on-going 36-months project: "Support to the Indonesian National Police (INP) to implement its national community policing strategy (Polmas) in the context of the National Action Plan on Human Rights (RANHAM)" funded by EU. The later adopts a two-pronged approach that entails supporting the INP in the implementation of community policing, enhancing its capacity to implement relevant RANHAM provisions, as well as supporting the DGHR and the national and local RANHAM Committees to monitor the implementation of and engage in information dissemination on the RANHAM. EC’s contribution to police reform in Indonesia, particulary in Aceh, has been significant and the impact of this reform is evident throughout the province in the nature of the police–community relationships both formally and informally. Several independent evaluations of the project have reported on the success of police reform in Aceh as one of the most effective and enduring forms of donor assistance in the province.
The peace process in Aceh was successfully supported in the post-conflict environment by Polda Aceh through ensuring that elections could be conducted in a safe and secure environment. The strong community focus of the project has fostered the inclusiveness and involvement of communities in security issues. The achievements illustrate how the Aceh police project was able to have a real impact on the situation in the province and to build a solid foundation for the direction of future policing in Aceh. After a year project implementation (since January 2011) IOM is commissioning an external evaluation to evaluate the performance to date of the project implementation and to make some recommendations for exit strategies needed for the general support to Aceh police reform project implementation in Aceh.
2. Project Description
The project’s overall objective is to to contribute to sustaining and consolidating peace and stability through support for democratic policing in Aceh. This 18-month project focuses on six main activities: - Support the INP in the delivery of customized training for police officers in Community Policing ,Human Rights and gender mainstreaming; - Develop a strategy with District Police Chiefs across Aceh province to roll-out Community Policing in their respective districts and support its implementation based on local customs and traditions; - Produce IEC materials on Community Policing; Human Rights and Gender Awareness - Mainstream Community Policing and Human Rights into the main 5 police functions; - Strengthen the role and participation of CP key-stakeholders for sustainable CP implementation - Respond to Polda Aceh’s needs in the context of broader police reform.
Expected results include: - Polda Aceh is capable to roll-out and maintain Community Policing implementation across Aceh province and promote the institutionalization of Human Rights based on the INP national strategy. - Community policing and Human Rights are institutionalized within the 5 main INP functions. - The role and participation of civil society and local government in sustainable community policing is strengthened - Responsiveness to Polda Aceh’s reform needs in the context of broader police reform
3. Objectives of the end project Evaluation
The general objective is to evaluate the performance to date of the project implementation for the general support to Aceh police reform project implementation in Aceh. The evaluation should be in lined with its objectives and project implementation purposes. In particular, the evaluation will consider the relevance, performance, and outputs of the project implementation and make some recommendations for its exit strategies. - Relevance: Evaluate the pertinence of project objectives and purposes, in relation to the expected impact of the project, target groups, indirect and direct beneficiaries; - Performance: Evaluate the project’s effectiveness (to what extent has the project produced its desired results); evaluation of project efficiency (to what degree have resources been optimized during the project implementation and has the project achieved a satisfactory level of cost-effectiveness); timeliness (appropriateness of activities’ planning); - Outputs and outcomes to date: evaluate the project impact to date and potential for sustainability. As requested by the donors, the evaluation will pay particular attention to the overall impact of the project to date on and its contribution to the consolidation of the peace process and strengthening of the rule of law in the conflict-affected province. - Recommendation for exit strategies: produce set of recommendation for “Support to the Consolidation of police reform in Aceh” project exit strategies.
The evaluation will assess: - the progress to date towards the project’s purposes and objectives: * Consider the extent to which the project’s outputs and activities are contributing to its stated purposes and objectives, and whether they are relevant (taking into account the project’s complementarity with other relevant programs implemented in Aceh under the EU’s Aceh Instrument for Stability flanking projects); * Consider the contribution of the purposes to the project’s overall objective; * Consider whether any new risks and assumptions have been identified or are emerging; * Assess progress to-date in comparison with the project’s action plan; * Assess the likelihood of the project achieving its purposes and objectives in the agreed timeframes and budget, and make recommendations accordingly. - the quality of the inputs provided to date: * Consider technical support and project management, including, but not limited to, administrative support, financial management, and consultants; * Consider the project’s relationship to the related projects in IOM, related projects outside IOM, the beneficiaries, the donor(s); * Consider operational arrangements, including, but not limited to, between IOM and INP; * Consider activities undertaken and internal outputs used as tools for the project, including but not limited to master trainers, facilitators, training modules, resource materials, monitoring and evaluation tools, and reports; * Assess the internal and external monitoring strengths and weaknesses;
the outputs and outcomes to date:
Consider the quality, range and effectiveness of the interventions and methodology pursued;
Consider the gender dimension of the project and make some recommendation for improved gender mainstreaming, if applicable;
Consider the risk and challenges.
Make recommendations for exit strategies that can be implemented by the project in the remaining months of the project life in Aceh.
4. Methodology
The external evaluator(s) or team will conduct qualitative and quantitative assessment of the project’s progress to date through extensive deskwork and fieldwork (limited). Specific activities to be undertaken by the Evaluation Team will be determined by the Team Leader, in close consultation with IOM, the European Commission and the Royal Netherlands Embassy.
Activities will include, but may not be limited to, the following: a) Review project documents and publications/outputs relating to the program; including the contract documents and attachments; working documents; progress updates and reports; minutes; training curricula; previous internal and external evaluations conducted at the national and Aceh level; and other relevant external documentation; b) Conduct interviews and/or focus group discussions with IOM staff, EC and key stakeholders directly and indirectly involved as implementing partners (e.g. Aceh police officers, community/cultural leaders), CSOs, NGOs and other organizations working in a similar field of work (e.g. MAA, MPU, local government, provincial and district parliaments members, Kontras, LBH, RPuK, UNDP, the World Bank, media etc); c) If necessary, conduct field visits to meet with stakeholders and beneficiaries in a wide variety of districts throughout Aceh.
5. Presentation of Results and Reporting
The output of the evaluation will be a comprehensive draft report in both English and in Bahasa Indonesia (including an Executive Summary), outlining the methodology pursued and main findings of the evaluation, including lessons learned and recommendations. A specific chapter will be dedicated to the overall impact to date of the project on and its contribution to date to the consolidation of the police reform in Aceh, including the exit strategies recommendations. The findings of the draft report will be submitted to IOM for review and input. Based on IOM’s feedback the team will integrate the inputs into the report and submit the final evaluation report before finalization and submission of the final report. The findings and recommendation will be presented to the donor forum and the Chief of the Aceh Police, in a forum consist of project steering committee members. Updated logical framework will be attached as an annex.
Evaluation Team: Selection, Formation and Qualification
The evaluation will be undertaken by Independent expert/s, consist of one (or more) experts selected by IOM in consultation with the donors. IOM will facilitate the selection process and provide administrative and logistics support to the evaluation team. The evaluation expert/s will have experience in monitoring and evaluation, with a sociology/ anthropology background and/or a good command of data collection and interviewing techniques. He/she/they will be familiar with project management or have experience in similar capacity building projects in post-conflict environments. He/she/they must have a good understanding of the Aceh context and fully understand the nature of the program, which are highly politically sensitive. An essential requirement is good knowledge and background on Indonesian police/justice sector reform, media, CSOs, NGOs. The Evaluation Expert/s is expected to have a good rapport with both the Indonesian civil society and the National Police (POLRI). A good knowledge of both English and Bahasa Indonesia is an advantage.
Resources and timing Time-frame: Mid March 2012 – mid April 2012 (8 weeks) (1 week to prepare for the evaluation; 2 weeks for activities in Aceh; 1 week for collecting and review of documents; 2 weeks to write the draft evaluation report; 1-2 weeks to prepare final report) Total of 35 days
How to apply:
Interested applicants (i.e. individuals or teams of consultants) must submit the following documents:
(a) Letter of interest - not exceeding three pages – containing a brief overview of the proposed methodology and work plan relating to the assignment, clearly stating suitability and availability for the assignment. Professional experience in Indonesia, working with law enforcement institutions and/or with IOM, if any, is desirable and must be detailed in the letter. The consultancy fees required to conduct the evaluation must be clearly stated in the letter.
(b) Detailed curriculum vitae.
Please submit the application by e-mail to recruitment-indonesia@iom.int indicating the reference code above as subject.
The deadline for applications is 13 March 2012.
Due to the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positive consideration will be notified.
Note : You may also view the detail of term of reference at our website www.iom.or.id .
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