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March 31, 2011

Lowongan Kerja Sales dan Promotion

Lowongan Kerja - Sales & Promotion - Nazava Saringan Air Banda AcehBatas waktu: 5 april 2011 Keterangan Nazava Saringan Air mempunyai misi menyediakan air minum yang murni untuk semua dimanapun. Nazava mencoba mencapai misi tersebut dengan pemasaran dan desain pemurni air yang paling terjangkau...

Beasiswa Unggulan S1, S2 & S3 Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional

Beasiswa Unggulan – Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional merupakan pemberian bantuan biaya pendidikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia atau pihak lain berdasarkan atas kesepakatan kersjasama kepada putera – puteri terbaik bangsa Indonesa dan mahasiswa asing terpilih. (Permendiknas RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2009)SASARAN...

March 29, 2011

Vacancy at Kaskus

Kaskus, as the most distinguished of many leading websites in Indonesia, is adopting Web 2.0 (user generated content) and widely used by 53 million people monthly and viewed by 900 million times monthly. We are currently seeking the following inspired individuals: Mobile Developer (JP) Requirements...

Undergraduate Scholarships, Swiss German University, Indonesia

ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP & FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPThe scholarships are offered for 4 study programs: Information Technology, Accounting, Pharmaceutical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Send scholarship proposal via email to or to SGU Campus at the latest of 29 April 2011.Requirements:Fulfillment...

Lowongan Kerja PT Fonterra Brands Indonesia

FONTERRA BRANDS INDONESIA owns and markets high quality dairy products that provide health and natural dairy nutrition for life. Our strong brand portfolio (Anlene, Anmum, Anchor Boneeto, Anchor Cream, Mainland) and our constant drive for innovative and original products have given us added strength...

March 28, 2011

Vacancy at Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD)

Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD), a not-for-profit foundation registered in Indonesia, works in conjunction with Building Bridges to the Future Foundation (BFF), itself founded in 2005 and a private not-for-profit operational foundation registered in the US as a 501(c)3 corporation. JMD and...

Job Vacancy - Rise Up Centre

Job Vacancy - Rise Up CentrePromotion Officer - Event Organizer - Training Centre Manager - Cafe ManagerJob Description:Organize and promote cultural and educational activities and music eventsManage a Cultural and Training Centre and CafeAct as Public Relations Officer and Company RepresentativeQualifications:- Experience in Promotion and Event Organizing- Experience in Management and Team Leadership-...

March 27, 2011

Jobs Vacancy at PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)

Established on March 11, 1960, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), or commonly named WIKA, one of the state owned enterprises. The continuous growth, which PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Indonesia has established for more than forty years, is a succsess story that reflects the towering commitment and hard work of its...

Lowongan Kerja The Globe Journal

The Globe Journal, sebuah koran online yang berpusat di Banda Aceh. Mengundang profesional berpengalaman dan memiliki motivasi besar untuk berkarier guna melamar pada posisi berikut: LOWONGAN KERJA: 1. MANAJER IKLAN (MI)� Pria/wanita� Usia mak 35 tahun� ...

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