Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

March 9, 2011

call for auditing proposal - Financial audit for LSM LINA

Dear all,

We will provide you the detail information based on request. For interested candidates, kindly send your proposal to these following emails:
to : AND

Sultan Fariz Syah

Woman Capacity Building for Strengthening Sustainable Peace and Development in Aceh

Project Period: March 2010 – February 2011

I. Objective
The objective is to conduct audit in accordance with auditing standard established by the Indonesian Institute of Public accountants in obtaining reasonable assurance whether the financial statement are free of material misstatement. The main objective is the review of the financial statements of a company or any other legal entity (including governments), resulting in the publication of an independent opinion on whether or not those financial statements are relevant, accurate, complete, and fairly presented.

II. Audit Plan
The audit should take place in March 2011.
By referring to the project agreement,Yayasan Pendidikan(Liga Inong Aceh) takes
the responsibility of project audit to ensure:
1. Financial report accountability,
2. Examine and review methods and system of control in financial and
management included risk of analysis and management,
3. Ensure LSM LINA (Liga Inong Aceh)’s practices complying with all aspects
of law and relevant regulations.
4. Verification of expenditure, whether they are accordance with the
contractual budget.
5. Inspection of original support documentation and physical inspection of

III. Audit Tasks
Audit tasks cover the following items:
1. Ensure that LINA (LIGA INONG ACEH) is able to provide all of required documents of financial transactions as the requirements states on agreed MoU.
2. In cooperation with auditor, ensure that LINA (LIGA INONG ACEH) is able
to provide good cooperation and assistance to the auditor in auditing
3. Audit will cover management audit as well in providing comments and suggestions if necessary for assets, equipment, inventory arrangement, finance system and procedures, human resources, prior year audit recommendation action plan, etc.;
1. Audit report prepared by mentioning following items:
a. opinion rendered by the auditor,
b. audit finding
c. risk management,
d. analysis of disbursement, cash management, bank reconciliation, bank interest, payable, receivable, asset, equipment and inventory management,
e. cash count report,
f. verification of all transaction and supporting documents for procurement
g. lack of quality rendered by particular condition (human error, lack of
skilled labour, etc.).

IV. Expected Outputs
* Audit report provided in line with the Audit ToR; report should be provided in English and Indonesian language.
* Comments on insufficiencies project output in Financial term as expected on MoU;
* Notifying potential strategies of LINA (Liga Inong Aceh) for the related
* Recommendation for systems, procedures in administration, finance, procurement, human resources and management;
* Analysis on LINA (Liga Inong Aceh)’s practices in administration, finance, procurement, human resources and management;
* Analysis and recommendation of the applied practices from Indonesian law and regulation aspect;
* Recommendation on potential sustainability of LINA (Liga Inong Aceh);
* Recommendation and support in providing required capacity building for LINA (Liga Inong Aceh) in administration, finance, procurement, human resources and management.

V. Auditor Profile
* Public accounting firm,
* Good knowledge and understanding of general accounting procedure,
* Minimum 5 years of experience in particularly auditing non profit organization is preferable,
* Good understanding of English in oral and written is preferable.

VI. Time Frame
Date Process
8 – 13 Mar ‘11 Proposal Submission
14 - 15 Mar ‘11 Bidding
16 Mar ‘11 Announcement Discussion on agreed-upon procedures to selected
17 Mar ‘11 Auditor Contract Signing
17 Mar – 31 Mar ‘11 Auditing Phase
1 – 6 Apr ‘11 Reporting
7 Apr ‘11 Final Report submission
KETUA Yayasan Pendidikan -Liga Inong Acheh
Jalan Tengku Di Pulo, Lrg. Meunasah,
Pulo Kiton, Bireuen
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Mobile +62 813 6267 2739


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