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September 2, 2011

Vacancy at Handicap International Federation

Trainer for Local NGO Organizational Development
Location: Takengon, NAD, Indonesia
Duration: 2 Days (21 - 22 September 2011)

1. Introduction

Handicap International Federation (HI) is a non-governmental organization, specialized in the field of international solidarity. It was formed in 1982, with its headquarters in Lyon (France). HI is working in over than 55 countries worldwide and a co-winner of 1997 Nobel Prize for Campaign against Land Mines. HI is made up of a Federation and eight sections (national associations) which work together on mobilizing resources, co-managing projects and promoting the movements’ principles and activities. HI is neither exclusively a development NGO nor exclusively an emergency relief NGO. Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making, HI works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant.

HI has been working in Indonesia since 2005 to support health and social initiatives related to disability issue. In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, HI Indonesia implements activities that will allow people with disabilities in Indonesia to have greater opportunities to exercise their rights to enhance their dignity.

HI Indonesia formulated a strategy which stated that the specific objectives of the activities are to increase the capacity of institutions and services working in disability field, confirming to general public and decision makers are aware that disability is a human rights and development issue, and empowering people with disabilities and their organization to become active actors in their communities.

2. Project Presentation

Local Inclusive Development (LID) project has been operating since January 2009, which, in its turn, is a continuation of inclusion project that started in 2006. The LID project has following overall objective: to contribute to build an inclusive society that is based on the rights of people with disabilities in the province of Aceh, and the specific objective to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, through their DPOs in long term development plans and services for Aceh province. One of the strategies to achieve these objectives is to reinforce DPOs’ skills and capacities in order to implement advocacy actions towards authorities and services providers.

3. Rationale

It is important to highlight the fact that only DPOs have the mandate, as they fully represent PWDs, to advocate local authorities, decision-makers and service providers for the inclusion of PWDs into the society. Only DPOs can, in the long term, keep disability issues on the agenda and ensure that PWDs are not forgotten and marginalized. In term of consolidation and sustainability of disability related actions, the role of DPOs is crucial and unavoidable to any attempt to reach and maintain an inclusive society in the long term.

Process of strengthening of Aceh’s DPOs started in the frame of the ongoing project. DPOs acknowledged their role as main actors with the legitimacy to advocate for and to monitor policies and services for PWDs. DPOs organized and were systematically associated to advocacy actions for the benefit of PWDs. Nevertheless previous experience showed that grass-root DPOs still needed support in order to better manage and run their organization. Managing their organization is one of the common and significant challenge faced by DPOs. Its include: good practice in term of association management, democratic decision making, communication, and and methodology inn order to implement advocacy events.

Following a request from DPOs from Takengon/Bener Meriah, HI-LID project will organize training on organizational development of DPOs – Organizational Management. This activity aims to consolidate/improve skills and capacities of DPOs to better run and manage their organization.

4. Objective of this activity

The objective of this activity is to consolidate/improve the skills and capacities of grass-root DPOs in Takengon/Bener Meriah to better run and manage their organization.

5. Expected Results

· 20 participants of 12 DPOs have better understanding and are trained in organizational management (coordination, delegation of authorities, democratic decision-making, and transparency), team building, and partnerships.
· Participants have better understanding and are trained to formulate their organizational plans (activities and budget plans).
· All Participants have better understanding and are trained to do administrative, documentation and reporting (both activity and financial report.)
· Participants have better understanding and are trained to do coordination and communication in transparent ways amongst their member.
· All Participants have better understanding and are trained to do partnership and collaboration with other DPOs/partners in order to achieve common goals.

- Activity report
- Training presentations and handout materials
- Photos

6. Tools, methods, sessions or topics
This activity is a 2 days training. A combination of presentations, discussions, group discussions and exercises/simulations will be used.

Training Content
Participants will actively discuss and exercise topics such as:
Organization: Definition, component, etc
Management Functions (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Coordinating, Implementing, Controlling)
Activity and annual planning (activity and budget)
Coordination (delegation of authorities, overlapping position, flow of communication, etc).
Administrative, documentation and reporting (activity and financial)
How to build and maintain partnership.

The evaluation will be given by the trainer before and after training session to see the level of understanding of participants.

Planned Agenda
The training is planned to be held on 21-22 September 2011 in Takengon (to be discussed with the trainer). The detailed agenda of the training will be provided by the trainer and to be discussed further.

7. Practical Information

Venue: RM Pondok Laguna-TKG for Takengon
Date: 21-22 September 2011 (to be confirmed)
Duration: 2 days.

Participants or target group: 20 participants from DPOs in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah are expected to be trained.

8. Profile, technical competencies & tasks of the service provider:

The trainer should have experience in delivering trainings for Persons with Disabilities; have experience in delivering organizational development training, know really well about the Organizational Management.

The trainer will develop the agenda for the training, prepare all the materials, conduct the training, and also prepare the final report of the training.

Persons with Disabilities candidatures are encouraged to apply.

How To Apply
By email to: CC to
To be submitted:
- Full Proposal including: Training Curriculum and Methodology, and Price / Expected Fee duly signed.
- CV of the Trainer(s)

How To Apply
By email to:
CC to
To be submitted:
- Full Proposal including: Training Curriculum and Methodology, and
Price / Expected Fee, duly signed.
- CV of the Trainer(s)

Application Deadline: 9 September 2011


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