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July 21, 2011

Advisor to Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center

Title: Advisor to Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC)
Department/Unit: DRR-A
Reports to: Rozanna Dewi
Duty Station: Home based
Expected Places of Travel (if applicable): Banda Aceh, Indonesia if required
Duration of Assignment: From 1 August 2011 – 31 October 2011 (3 months)

To ensure that sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR) is integrated into all future development in Aceh, the Provincial Government of Aceh is initiating a project called “Making Aceh Safer Through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development” (DRR-A). The DRR-A is designed to promote efforts for making DRR a normal part of the development process established in core functions of government and its public and private partners at all levels especially local communities where the most effective actions can be taken to reduce the physical, economic and social vulnerability to disasters. The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure that, over the long-term, development takes place in a way that disaster risks are considered and accounted for so that over time, a culture of safety becomes the norm in Aceh leading to sustainable development. DRR-A has a target budget of USD $10 million for the three and a half year implementation period.
The NAD Provincial Government will implement the DRR-A project with support from UNDP and oversight of the National Government. Strategic partnerships will be established with other relevant GOI ministries and agencies and with public and private partners at different levels. DRR-A will be implemented in alignment with the national programme of “Safer Communities through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development” (SC-DRR).
The project is aimed at producing four key outputs:
1. Institutional arrangement and enabling environment established to facilitate participatory and concerted implementation of DRR measures;
2. Demonstration of gender sensitive projects implemented in selected locations to test and improve measures for reducing risk from natural disasters;
3. Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC), Syiah Kuala University (UNSYIAH) strengthened to provide science-based information, service and knowledge assistance to the local government and other DRR proponents in implementing their DRR activities;
4. DRR public awareness programmes implemented to promote a gender sensitive “Culture of Safety” among the people and institutions of Aceh.

The third output of this project is to build TDMRC/UNSYIAH’s capacity to deliver the evidence-based DRR information, knowledge services, and technical assistance needed by Aceh local government agencies, the people of Aceh and other DRR proponents as appropriate. Within this output, one of the key initial activities is to develop and assist TDMRC implement its 3-year strategic institutional development plan. The DRR-A project assisted the TDMRC to develop the three (3) years strategic development and support its implementation.

To serve Aceh Government with science based products and services, TDMRC capacity both institutional and technical should be developed. TDMRC should have its organizational structure, human and financial resources needed in place to support the activities implementation to achieve the intended goals. It is seen TDMRC needs an advisor to provide advices for TDMRC management and ensure that activities implementation is in line with TDMRC strategic development plan and TDMRC annual work plan.

The incumbent, reporting directly to the National Project Coordinator (NPC) for output 3, will be responsible to provide advice on TDMRC planning, substance, coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting. The incumbent will develop TDMRC midterm research strategic planning (RPJM) 2012-2017. In addition, the incumbent will develop TDMRC exit strategy to ensure TDMRC sustainability.

The TDMRC National Advisor will provide advice to TDMRC senior management in relation to project management and substances and will ensure that project resources and input will be processed and utilized to achieve project intended output and align with TDMRC strategic development and annual work plan. He/she will develop TDMRC midterm research strategic planning (RPJM) 2012-2017. He/she will develop TDMRC exit strategy to ensure TDMRC sustainability.

The Consultant will deliver the above output by working in consultation with the Director/Vice Director of TDMRC- Unsyiah under the guidance and day-to-day supervision of the DRR-A National Project Coordinator for TDMRC Institutional Capacity Building with close consultation with head of Professional Services Division of TDMRC.
The following are the specific activities to produce the expected deliverable by the international consultant:
1. Develop TDMRC medium term research strategic planning (RPJM) 2012-2017
· Establish link with Bappeda and other related Government departments/institutions in order to get potential inputs for the development of the research RPJM
· Obtain the inputs provided by related Government departments/institutions to be put as a draft of TDMRC research RPJM
· Discuss and finalise the research RPJM with TDMRC and related Government departments/institutions
· Facilitate the approval process and legalisation of the research RPJM.
· Discuss the follow up of the legalised document to be incorporated into provincial government annual work plan.
· Assist TDMRC management to link (DRR concepts) with the government and private institution (infrastructure, environment and disaster) especially to Bappeda for the post Global Champion for DRR 2011 and Bappenas at RPJMN 2011-2014.
· Perform other relevant duties as required by the supervisor.

2. Provide support to TDMRC senior management on project planning and implementation
· Provide advice on preparing detail project work plan derived from annual work plan, including support to prioritize critical activities, utilization of project resources, inputs and its arrangement as well as time frame.
· Provide general overview and input to TDMRC management to plan their activities in order to keep it in line with TDMRC annual work plan and strategic development plan
· Provide advice and solution to TDMRC senior management to overcome technical and organizational problems. .
· Over look and monitor TDMRC LoA implementation to ensure it works and follows the planning to avoid the activities delayed.
· Ensure the project implementation is in line with TDMRC annual work plan and strategic development plan to achieve the project targets.

3. Develop TDMRC Exit strategy

Obtain inputs from TDMRC stakeholders on TDMRC exit strategy
Develop and finalize TDMRC exit strategy.
Support TDMRC to start implementing the exit strategy developed.
Perform other relevant duties as required by the supervisor.

The consultant is expected to complete all work identified above within three (3) months from the date of commencement.


Experience on building capacity of a resource/research centre in the area of functional and/or technical capacity.
Experience on implementing project funded by international agency with a specific outputs and time frame.
Good understanding on National and Provincial Laws, regulations and policies particularly on government structures and disaster management
Comprehensive understanding on Government planning and budgeting system at National and Provincial Level
Having extensive networks/linkages with stakeholders in the area of disaster management at national and international level.
Demonstrated experience on liaising with Non-Governmental Organizations
Excellent communication, interpersonal and liaison skills
Able to work under-pressure with tight time schedule and deliver products.


Education: At least Bachelor Degree in engineering, social science or other relevant fields Experience: Significant experience working in capacity building of research/resource centre for minimum 7 years and experience working in the area of disaster management for minimum 5 years
Language Requirements: Excellent written and spoken English is mandatory and Indonesian will be preferable

Please apply online through the following link:


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