Berbagi Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Aceh secara khusus dan informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di Indonesia secara umum

April 28, 2016

Lowongan Konsultan di Save the Children


Term of Reference (ToR)

Consultant for End Project Review & Learning

Andaman Sea Crisis Response Project


In May 2015 there were a significant number of people departing irregularly by sea from the Bangladesh-Myanmar border area in the bay of Bengal. It was estimated that there were up to 8,000 people adrift in the Andaman Sea fleeing from difficult situations in both Myanmar and Bangladesh. At the end of May 2015 a team of Save the Children staff trained in emergency response conducted a rapid assessment in three main camps in Aceh (Kuala Cangkoi, Langsa and Bayeun). The findings showed that there were still major child protection concerns, partly because of the easy access to the camps from the local community, volunteers and other groups. The children also lacked safe spaces to play in the camps and there was a clear need for support to the government on coordination of agencies and volunteers working with children. To date, Save the Children has established Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in Aceh Utara, Kota Langsa and Aceh Timur. The
objective of the project was To provide children of migrants to access safety, protection and basic services. During the periods, there are four main intervention conducted:

1. Maintain Child Friendly Space operations (CFS) and increase scope of activities
2. Strengthen Child Resilience Activities (Life skills training, good parenting, child protection reporting system and CSP & Protective Behaviour Training)
3. Improved care of separated and unaccompanied children
4. Advocacy on Safe Migration

The Andaman Sea Crisis Response project conducted since May 2015 until May 2016 in three location of camps namely Blang Adoe (Aceh Utara), Bayeun (Aceh Timur) and Kuala Langsa (Langsa). The highest number of children as beneficieries were 510 (310 boys, 200 girls), as time lapses the number
were decrease until now are 138 children (98 boys, 40 girls). This decrease number happen because of escape, born and become adults.

Objectives of the consultancy

Considering that the Andaman Sea Response in Aceh province is a very unique and highly sensitive program, Save the Children will conduct lesson learnt activities involving various stakeholders in the project. The lessons learnt activities will highlight Save the Children’s experience in addressing the Andaman Sea Refugee Response project and where appropriate, guidance/publications will be developed to capture these lessons learnt and the respective positive/negative impact of the projects to related stakeholders. Through the consultative work with hired consultant to achieve following objective:

1. To lead end project review of Andaman sea crisis through various activities such as project document review, study design, methodology & instrument development, data collection, analysis and reporting
2. To facilitate workshop to share end project review result including identification of best practices among stakeholders

Period of the consultancy

Project review & learning will be conducted in May 2016 at Andaman project working areas in Aceh province (Langsa and Lhokseumawe). It is expected the consultative work will carried out in 18 working days to produce all deliverables mentioned below.

For more information please visit :


Interest candidate must submit their proposal and the Service Fee (with payment term) in English no later than 1 May 2016 time 17.00 Western Indonesia Time to: with a Subject: Andaman Sea Crisis Response Project -Your Institution.
Location: Aceh, Indonesia


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