The Assignment is aimed at building the capacity of local and district government sanitation departments to provide effective efficient solid waste management services through the provision of new infrastructure including sanitary landfills. TRWMP plans to build up to 12 new sanitary landfill facilities over the next two years across the thirteen programme districts in Aceh and Nias, including the Regional Landfill for KBA / Aceh Besar, at Blang Bintang. TRWMP will appoint teams of consultants and contractors to carry out the design, construction, and construction supervision. These teams will be managed and monitored by the TRWMP infrastructure team consisting of the Nation Infrastructure Programme Officer, PAs and field monitors, and the International Infrastructure Specialist.
The International Infrastructure Specialist together with the TRWMP Infrastructure team will supervise the various construction projects throughout the thirteen Programme districts of Aceh and Nias. He/she will ensure that the projects remain on schedule and within budget and will closely monitor, manage, and report on the construction and construction supervision teams quality and progress. The International Infrastructure Specialist and TRWMP Infrastructure team will work closely with the local counterparts (Joint Secretariat of Regional Blang Bintang or District Dinas Kebersihans) to ensure they remain fully informed and involved with all construction activities.
Interested applicant for this post is encourage to apply by following the instructions in UNDP website http://www.undp.or.id/procurement/and refering to the advertisement titling IC/UNDP/CPRU/010/2011 – Infrastructure Specialist.
Closing Date: Wednesday, 08 June 2011
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