Perusahaan Distributor Lokal yang berkantor pusat di Medan, dengan Cabang di Lhokseumawe dan Banda Aceh, dengan produk-produk terkenal membutuhkan segera:Administration Staff(Aceh - Lhoksumawe)Requirements:- Pria min SMK-Akuntansi/Perkantoran, nilai rata-rata 7,0- Usia maksimal 30 tahun- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan (bila sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan)- Berdomisili...
May 31, 2011
May 30, 2011

The Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Office (CCR) has been implementing rural livelihood development activities in Aceh Jaya since 2005, following the emergency response to the Tsunami. For more than five years CCR has been providing long term support for the victims of the Tsunami and the conflict in...
May 29, 2011

Coffey International Development is the managing contractor for the AusAID funded Support for Education Sector Development in Aceh (SEDIA). The goal of this program is to support the province of Aceh in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of basic education. Its purpose is to assist the operationalisation...

BP operates globally, with business activities and customers in more than 100 countries and nearly 100,000 employees. We have exploration and production interests in 29 countries and are one of the major refiners of gasoline and hydrocarbon products in the US, Europe and Australia.In Indonesia, BP is...

Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural...

Penerimaan AKPOL Taruna Akademi KepolisianTahun Angkatan 2011Mulai Tanggal 10 Mei 2011 - 3 Juni 2011 I. Persyaratan UmumWarga Negara IndonesiaBertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha EsaSetia kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pandasila dan UUD 45Tidak pernah dipidana karena melakukan kejahatanBerwibawa,...
May 28, 2011

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is a Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), which acts as a facilitator in the development of capital markets in Indonesia, with a vision To be a Competitive Stock Exchange with World-Class Credibility. In order to support business operations and development of the capital...

Muslim Aid is an international charity and development agency based in London with 25 years of experience in helping create a safer and more dignified life for disaster and conflict affected people across the globe. We are currently operating in more than 70 countries with 13 field offices. Our vision...

The Tsunami Recovery Waste Management Project (TRWMP) was conceived to provide a coordinated, pragmatic response to the public health and environmental concerns associated with both tsunami/earthquake debris and municipal solid waste (MSW) management during the rehabilitation and recovery of Aceh and...
May 27, 2011

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is a Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), which acts as a facilitator in the development of capital markets in Indonesia, with a vision To be a Competitive Stock Exchange with World-Class Credibility. In order to support business operations and development of the capital...

VIVAnews (, a news and community portal which creatively combines texts, images, audio, and videos, in covering national and international issues with a high journalistic standard, is seeking for young, idealist, creative, professional and high-integrated individuals who highly respect...
May 26, 2011

Program pendidikan Diploma 3 (D3) Politeknik kerjasama antara PNJ dan PT Badak NGL bertujuan untuk membuka kelas khusus Program Studi Teknik Mesin dengan konsentrasi Teknik Pengolahan Gas dan Teknik Perawatan Kilang yang terdiri atas Listrik & Instrumentasi dan Mekanikal & Rotating SELEKSI PENERIMAAN...

JOB TITLE : ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTREPORTED TO: REGIONAL MANAGER and ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (JAKARTA)DUTY STATION: Aceh (Kutacane or Tapaktuan), Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang), Kalimantan Tengah (Pulang Pisau or Katingan), Papua (Jayapura or Timika)Tt/ARD was awarded the Indonesia Forestry and Climate...
May 25, 2011

Yayasan Rehabilitasi Difable dan Pengembangan Inklusif (YRDPI) adalah sebuah lembaga sosial yang bersifat independen dan non-partisan di Banda Aceh. YRDPI memiliki misi utama untuk melakukan upaya intervensi bagi peningkatan taraf hidup kelompok masyarakat penyandang disabilitas, dengan sasaran utama...

Job Type: full-time temporary positionOpportunity location: Ulu Masen ecosystem, AcehClosing date (if specified): 3 Jun 2011Opportunity Description:General Responsibilities:The Community Specialist will support community components of the Ulu Masen REDD project in Aceh.Specific Duties:The Community...

Didirikan pada tahun 2001 oleh Sukanto dan Tinah Bingei Tanoto, Tanoto Foundation memfokuskan pada solusi kemiskinan antar generasi melalui perbekalan kesempatan pendidikan bagi generasi mendatang, memperkuat keluarga dan nilai-nilai sosial melalui perbaikan mata pencaharian dan program pemberdayaan...