Jakarta Office
1. Partner Coordinator - The Partner Coordinator (PC) is responsible for managing USG partner coordination, facilitating GOI-USAID collaboration, under USAID's FOREST program objectives, while also implementing the knowledge management functions of the USAID IFACS project.
2. Community Development Specailist - Lead efforts under USAID IFACS Project to engage communities in a participatory process to improve their livelihoods and their capacity/commitment to sustainable forest management. Build the capacity of communities in target sites to engage proactively and confidently in multi-stakeholder forest management fora.
3. Senior M&E Specialist–Manages/oversees all aspects of project monitoring and evaluation including performance monitoring plans for all project activities; manages data from subcontractors; oversees evaluations; works with GOI, NGOs, and international donors on technical M&E and data analysis; ensures gender issues adequately addressed in reform initiatives.
4. Training Specialist - Leads Training of Trainers workshops and field efforts; facilitates other training and workshops; develops curricula with staff, partners, and resource organizations.
5. Forest Concessionaire Coordinator - Provide technical assistance by forging commercial alliances, providing promotion of the advantages of forest and chain of custoday certification and marketing support, following-up on wood products industry sales and exports.
6. Forest Concessions - Best Mgt Practices (BMPs) Specialist- Coordinates technical assistance activities on BMPs for management in forest concessions including protected areas and other land use zones within the concession as well as community forests and community forest concessions managed by communities and indigenous groups.
7. Environmental planner – Identifies environmental impacts on land use; responsible for site inspections of privately owned environmentally sensitive sites under development; formulates, prepares and conducts environmental planning studies, utilizing natural resources and environmental data relating to land use factors.
Regional Offices (Four)
1) Tapaktuan, Aceh Selatan, Aceh 3) Sarmi, Sarmi, Papua;
2) Kasongan, Katingin, Central Kalimantan 4) Timika, Mimika, Papua
1. Regional Managers(4) - Responsible for the overall implementation of USAID IFACS activities in his/her designated region. Supervises and supports mobilization of core technical team for two landscapes. Leads program implementation in primary landscape: engage stakeholders, identify and develop local partnerships, develop grants and subcontracts consistent with workplan, and mobilize technical team to ensure effective workplan implementation.
2. Private Sector Development Officers(4)- Leads low carbon economic development activities in target sites through sustainable natural resource-based enterprises, sustainable agriculture, and appropriate business development. Engage natural resource extraction firms to improve practices to lower carbon emissions and impacts on biodiversity. Guide implementation of conservation management plans in selected natural resource concessions.
3. Community Development & Outreach/Communications Officers (4)-Lead efforts to engage communities in a participatory process to improve their livelihoods and their capacity/commitment to conduct sustainable forest management. Build the capacity of communities to engage proactively and confidently in multi-stakeholder forest management fora. Design, develop, and implement outreach and communication initiatives within the region.
4. Forest & Conservation Officers(4)- Provide technical assistance to local communities, government and private sector entities to increase their understanding of and capacity to develop and implement landscape conservation activities. Engage forest concessionaires to adopt best management practices.
5. Governance Specialists(5) - (1 per regional office plus 1 based in Pontianak): Engage, broker and promote Provincial, District and Local government engagement and support for activities that advance low carbon development planning, budgeting, and implementation. Frequent travel to provincial capital may be required.
6. Spatial Planner/GIS Specialists (4) – Engage district governments to improve capacity on spatial planning as a means to reduce Green House Gas emissions and negative impacts on biodiversity; facilitate project conservation spatial planning initiatives in selected natural resource concessions and villages.
7. Administrative Assistants(4) - Responsible for the day to day administrative management of the Regional Office to ensure personnel, procurement, finance and administrative policies are followed.
8. Drivers(4) - Provide safe transportation for project staff and assist as a courier when required.
Satellite Offices
9. Landscape Manager/Deputy Regional Managers(4) – (Based in the a) Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara; b) Ketapang; c) Agats, Asmat; and d) Kasonaweja, Mamberamo Raya): Responsible for the overall implementation of USAID IFACS activities in their designated landscape; engage stakeholders, identify and develop local partnerships, develop grants and subcontracts consistent with workplan, and mobilize regional technical team as needed to ensure effective workplan implementation.
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor or Masters Degree in a related field or at least ten years of technically relevant experience. Strong English verbal and written skills, and experience working with USAID preferred.
To Apply: Please email full, current CV in reverse chronological format, salary history, 3 references, and a brief cover letter explaining why you are qualified for the position. IMPORTANT: Indicate the PositionandLocation in the email Subject Line (for example, "Application for Governance Specialist in Papua"). You may apply for multiple positions, but we recommend you submit a separate email application for each position you are interested in. Apply to: recruitment@ifacs.or.id. Deadline: June 11, 2011.
Candidates who best meet position requirements will be contacted. No phone calls, please. Tetra Tech ARD is committed to diversity and gender equality in all of its operations. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural groups. Tetra Tech ARD is proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
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