Islamic Relief seeks to hire committed and experienced persons for the following positions:
Base at : Banda Aceh
Range of Salary : IDR 10.000.000 to 15.000.000
Contract Duration : 3 months
Frequent Official Travel
Under the supervision of HoP, the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be responsible for the monitoring of A-EDFF Project activities especially for the critical indicator of monitoring on sustainable sea fisheries response. As a part of monitoring, identify gaps in the information and make recommendations for collection of this data.
Essential Functions
1. Responsible for establishing the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in order to evaluate the significant and important response,
2. Prepare reports required for submission to donors, and for the internal management decision making,
3. Assist the Monitoring and Evaluation Senior Officer and Project Coordinator in establishing the monitoring and evaluation framework and system to ensure effective implementation of project strategic plan and key program initiatives,
4. Redefine the goal, outputs, objectives, indicators, etc in logical frame work
5. Produce monthly, quarterly and annual monitoring and evaluation reports based on agreed project indicators that will guide decision making and program implementation,
6. Work with partners to ensure the collection of relevant and appropriate data which is needed for an effective M&E System which will be utilized in the monitoring of strengths, weaknesses and gaps in the existing programs and services as well as required for reporting on the important commitments,
7. Facilitate capacity building for partners implementation to enable them to monitor and evaluate their own efforts, gather relevant data and produce required progress reports,
8. Provide current and relevant information to project team, management and donors,
9. Coordinate with related stakeholders to ensure that current information and indicators to monitor the project’s performance of A-EDFF responses are available,
10. Assist the Communications and Program Officer in the design and maintenance of a comprehensive information and communication system for all progress interventions in support of the project response to maximize cooperation among partners.
11. Assist the program and partner staffs in the strategic use of data and information so as to improve the implementation of A-EDFF project,
12. Participate in monitoring and evaluation meetings conduct by the consultants donor,
13. Perform other duties assigned by the HoP and CD regarding monitoring and evaluation as necessary.
Expected Results·
An established system of current data, relevant indicators and analysis on A-EDFF project response that is derived from M&E framework that is widely endorsed and established based on data collection methods which are rigorous and will stand to scrutiny,
· Information is widely respected and anticipated by the stakeholders and used to guide decision making and program implementation in every facet of the response.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
· Excellent oral and written English communication skills; (master degree is an asset),
· Ability to work closely in a team environment,
· Patient, adaptable, able to improvise and work in atmosphere that is extremely stressful,
· Excellent interpersonal skills,
· Self motivated but with the ability to make good use of the experience and effort of others,
· Fairness and maturity. Objectivity in problem-solving,
· An understanding of the fisheries knowledge, socio-economic, statistic and environment issues as well as those impacts on economic development,
· Strong analytical skills,
· Fully computer literate with working knowledge of database and spreadsheet application,
· Familiarity with research and scientific data collection
Minimum Education and Professional Requirements
- A first degree in a Statistic/Mathematic, Socio-economic, Fisheries Technology or related disciplineAt least five (5) years of experience in handling data collecting and/or Monitoring/Evaluation programs; or
- A master degree in above related disciplinesAt least three (3) years of experience in handling data collecting and/or Monitoring/Evaluation programs
Decision making authorityEmployee has the authority to:
· Make creative and intuitive decisions regarding the production of established monitoring and evaluation reports,
· Recommend appropriate structures and systems to management regarding the functioning of the monitoring and evaluation unit,
· Recommend an appropriate framework and attendant systems appropriate to the development of an effective monitoring and evaluation effort,
· Determine research design and implementation for studies and surveys,
· Recommend consultants and budgets for studies and surveys to management,
· Determine the scheduling of studies and surveys,
· Determine the type and modalities to be applied to capacity building initiatives for implementation partners,
· Provide available information on A-EDFF project and the important response effort as agreed to partners and stakeholders,
· Recommend to management the need for advocacy or intervention among agencies, who do not subscribe to the monitoring and evaluation framework or indicators,
· Type of assistance to partners on the strategic use of information,
· Type and calibre of advice to monitoring and evaluation staffs,
· Make recommendations to management and project team regarding the efficient use of the data resources generally.
Working conditions
The job will require travel (locally, nationally); evening and weekend hours may be required from time to time. He or She may perform duties of a sensitive and confidential nature.
If you meet the above requirements kindly send your detailed CV with recommendations from 2 referees, (one of them your immediate former employer)
to: hrislamic@islamic-relief.or.id. Please put the job title and your name in subject of your email.
Closing date: 10th June 2011
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